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  1. Rory

    Las Vegas Massacre - Surveillance Footage?

    I would imagine they were inside bags and/or cases. So what you're really saying is, "do you really think they missed a guy carrying some bags to his room?"
  2. Rory

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    Max Igan didn't account for magnetic declination. That would be one thing, for starters.
  3. Rory

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    If someone took a GPS on the plane, what would they do with it? Maybe you can illustrate step-by-step what you think they should do, and why.
  4. Rory

    Flat Earth debunked by measuring angles to the sun

    I'd imagine it depends on what result the flat earther would like to see: in his understanding, pretty much anything's possible.
  5. Rory

    Las Vegas Massacre - Surveillance Footage?

    Agreed. If others are like me, they're thinking 2001 was, like, yesterday, and nothing much has changed. Then I remember I was still using dial-up in 2006; saw my first text message in 2002; and freaked when I first saw a phone take a really poor picture in 2003.
  6. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    Agreed. ;) I think the only way to use this pic is if you have that photoshop tool that removes fences. :)
  7. Rory

    Las Vegas Massacre - Surveillance Footage?

    He's a journalist in Arkansas. I've had some PMs; seems a very nice polite chap and above board, just not familiar with how things work here. I know we've had a few "my friend showed me this nonsense - oh wait, there was no friend, it's true, you're all nutters" lately, but I'm pretty sure that...
  8. Rory

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    Welcome! I'm rather ambivalent towards hate mail, but phone calls are nice. ;)
  9. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    Cool. I'd definitely be up for drawing some lines if I can see 'em, and the picture has a high enough resolution. I noticed later that where you were is over 370 feet, so should be high enough to show a gap between eye level and horizon.
  10. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    Seems like a lot of work, when you can just scroll up and dig those lovely WTC pics. :) Or check out Sly Sparkane's Empire State vid, which uses the same technique: Source:
  11. Rory

    Las Vegas Massacre - Surveillance Footage?

    The "85 videos" has long been debunked - it actually refers to the number of tapes/cameras the FBI investigated, but almost all of them were irrelevant to the Pentagon attack. A full list and further explanation is available here...
  12. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    I think you'd need a better image for that.
  13. Rory

    New Ratings System

    Neither can I, but I can check: There you go: you've never ever ever used it - ya monster! ;)
  14. Rory

    Flat Earth debunked by measuring angles to the sun

    That's pretty convincing - it's quite something when the debunkers are designing better flat earth models than the flat earthers themselves. Also, not only does the light bend in that direction, but also as it travels from the sun to the various parts of the earth, like so: Images taken from...
  15. Rory

    New Ratings System

    What about merging spanner with informative? Spanner's probably the least used positive rating, and pretty much everything informative is useful, and probably vice versa too (I naturally expect disputes of that, of course). I was also thinking that if the disagree icon was a little more gentle...
  16. Rory

    New Ratings System

    Here you go - and in the right colour too: Not quite the same, though. Adjustable spanners have grips, but as we can clearly by zooming in, rotating, and carefully observing in freeze frame, the one in the icon isn't...
  17. Rory

    Flat Earth debunked by measuring angles to the sun

    I wondered if it might not be as easy for 3000 miles - is it the case that there's the one straight line at 47.6°N, and then the lines either side of that bend in different directions? Also, I guess we've no real idea where the bend 'begins', given the ad hoc nature of the model.
  18. Rory

    Las Vegas Concert Mass Shooting

    Looks like different handwriting on each of the notes, and not the same kind of card either. Though I didn't see anything in the video saying it was two sides of the same card. Also, the facebook group where I believe these were first posted - a self-described "hate group" - has now taken them...
  19. Rory

    Flat Earth debunked by measuring angles to the sun

    Wouldn't they be converging at 3,000 miles in the flat earth model? That's definitely something I've long wanted to see (if possible, with just the bendy lines please).