Search results

  1. Rory

    Internet research. How to do it effectively?

    Are they real downloads?
  2. Rory

    Internet research. How to do it effectively?

    Searching for 'john stevens lust for enlightenment', the first google page has links to where the book's for sale, and at the bottom says: Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe. Learn more When I go to, the eighth result is a link to a pdf at...
  3. Rory

    Blowing out Candles with a Single Punch

    I like that spot! Though my first instinct is to suspect a glitch in the video: not sure what reason there would be to split the frame there.
  4. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    Some more: 1. Robinson I've been in touch with Marnia Robinson and she tells me she may have taken her quote from Yolin and Phelan's 'Sex and Yoga' (1967). It was only 50p on Amazon so I've got that on the way. My prediction is that, if it's in there, they took it from either van Gulik or...
  5. Rory

    Internet research. How to do it effectively?

    Recently been searching for pdfs of documents and books, and noticed that when google says "some results have been ommitted due to copyright issues" it probably means it's available, just not showing up. Sure enough, using brought me what I needed.
  6. Rory

    Explaining the white smoke from the base of the South Tower 9/11

    The wheel and panel are mentioned in the NIST report, on page 21: A wheel from the left wing landing gear flew through multiple partitions, through the core of the building, and became embedded in one of the exterior column panels on the south side of the tower. The impact severed the bolts...
  7. Rory

    Explaining the white smoke from the base of the South Tower 9/11
  8. Rory

    Thousand Oaks bar shooting

    Reports of at least 12 fatalities at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, about 40 miles from Los Angeles. Suspect confirmed as dead. Witnesses say the suspect was dressed in all black, and forced his way into the bar after...
  9. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    Further (final?) digging... There are two other Tantric texts which pre-date the Candamaharosanatantra (CMT), and which shine a light on how de La Vallée-Poussin may have arrived at his understanding. The first passages of both the Hevajratantra (HV) and the Guhyasamājatantra (GS) are...
  10. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    Not sure why it was so hard for me to find de La Vallee-Poussin's piece in ERE; it's right there at The relevant parts are: Turns out it's not the same piece as was featured in 'Une Pratique des Tantras' - though it...
  11. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    Me too! It seems that it ought to be easier to find: but I've got no idea which text de La Vallée-Poussin is referring to with the two Sanskrit quotes he included in his 1897 piece. I did just convert a pdf of Bendall's Subhasita-Samgraha to OCR (attached), but it wasn't in there - though there...
  12. Rory

    Debunked: "You must love yourself before you love another" - fake Buddha quote

    As pointed out by Bodhipaksa on his own website, the Salzberg quote first appeared about six years earlier, in a magazine called 'Woman of Power' (either issue 12, 13, or 14). In an article titled 'Paths of the Heart: Loving Ourselves', she wrote: The Buddha said, "Hatred will never cease by...
  13. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    Okay, I believe I've found the source for the "Tantrism - Buddhist" entry in the 'Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics': possibly it's this short chapter written by de La Vallée-Poussin and included in 'Actes du Onzième Congrès International des Orientalistes, Section 1' (1897): The relevant...
  14. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

    David Attenborough on the plight of the skeptic:
  15. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    Nice find. :) The 'Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics' is actually a volume of twelve books (plus index volume) written and published between 1908 and 1926 (or 1927). "Suffering - Zwingli" is the title of Volume XII, and looks to contain the quote. Wikipedia says has all twelve...
  16. Rory

    YouTube adds Encyclopedia Britannica article on Contrails to "Chemtrail" Videos

    Not happening here in Spain. I switched on a VPN to make it seem I was in the US and the banner's not appearing on individual videos either, including the one mentioned in the OP. There is a banner, however, if I search for "chemtrails" from the youtube home page (with the VPN turned on)...
  17. Rory

    Blowing out Candles with a Single Punch

    It could be possible, I suppose: humans can do amazing things. Reasons I don't believe it: the schtick of the set-up, with him 'training' in front of the camera, finishing to be conveniently handed an almost empty (branded) bottle, and the cameraman goes, could you do that bottle trick "one...
  18. Rory

    Blowing out Candles with a Single Punch

    This vid's slightly more convincing - the bottle doesn't appear to float up off the screen, for example.
  19. Rory

    Blowing out Candles with a Single Punch

    Your final hit went further than his! :D
  20. Rory

    Blowing out Candles with a Single Punch

    Yeah, that looks very fake to me - almost like it's on a string or something. A new one for Mick to emulate? ;) Good point, too, that there are possibilities other than a vortex cannon.