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  1. Rory

    Do Ibiza and Mallorca prove a Flat Earth? [No, they demonstrate the curve of the globe]

    That's true. Which kind of renders the 'pixel counting' idea rather inaccurate. :(
  2. Rory

    Do Ibiza and Mallorca prove a Flat Earth? [No, they demonstrate the curve of the globe]

    Here's a suggestion for you: 1. Identify the heights of some of the peaks in your photo 2. In a program that shows cursor location - eg, photoshop, gimp, ms paint - note the pixel position 3. Using the y-axis location, and the differences between the peaks, work out "how many metres per pixel"...
  3. Rory

    Debunked: Iconic Charlottesville photo photoshopped; false flag

    While looking up Marissa Blair's video on facebook - she's the fiancée of Marcus Martin - I came across an odd CT theory that her footage was shot at some hypothetical 'rehearsal' - sick, I know - and not at the same time as the actual crash. It's a little difficult to work out where she is in...
  4. Rory

    Debunked: Iconic Charlottesville photo photoshopped; false flag

    Comparing where various people are in this photo and where they are in the videos - particularly the woman in orange by the No Entry sign; the guy lying down at the rear of the Dodge; and the woman in green on the hood of the silver car - as well as the lack of people immediately behind the...
  5. Rory

    Debunked: Iconic Charlottesville photo photoshopped; false flag

    Good spot. :) I also noticed that when Martin slides off the Tundra he appears to aim to land specifically on his right foot - though that's the one without a shoe - and to hop a little. In the photo, it looks like his left leg is the one twisted out of shape. And, sure enough, that's the one...
  6. Rory

    Debunked: Iconic Charlottesville photo photoshopped; false flag

    He was hurt. He suffered a broken leg, and was in a cast when giving interviews in the following days: His fiancée says that he pushed her out of the way before the car hit; she was streaming on Facebook Live...
  7. Rory

    Observations of Mallorca Island and the Earth's Curvature

    It's exactly like his (Jeranism's) Canigou thread: all he can focus on is his mistaken belief that nothing should be viewable on a globe, whereas the glaringly obvious question should be "what's hiding 90% of the mountain?"
  8. Rory

    Debunked: Iconic Charlottesville photo photoshopped; false flag

    Here's a compilation of several of the Charlottesville videos: Click here for video: sign in required due to graphic nature (It does claim to be all of them, though it was posted pretty soon after the incident, so I'm not sure if new footage has emerged since then.) Anyway... 1. At...
  9. Rory

    Observations of Mallorca Island and the Earth's Curvature

    To be fair to him, at least 'PeteShasta' was being honest about one thing. :)
  10. Rory

    Observations of Mallorca Island and the Earth's Curvature

    That's pretty awesome, and embarrassing. Jeranism fakes an account so he can post, "Jeranism might actually be doing a service to the world"? Comedy gold. :)
  11. Rory

    Observations of Mallorca Island and the Earth's Curvature

    Though it's been clearly explained above that there's nothing unusual with the photo presented in the OP, I'm intrigued as to why, even if there had been something odd about it, this would have made you think the earth is flat. Let's say you've looked at 200 pieces of evidence and all of them...
  12. Rory

    How Fake News Goes Viral

    Paul Horner is apparently dead: A writer who became notorious for peddling "fake news" during the 2016 US election campaign has died at 38. Paul Horner was found dead in his bed in Laveen, Arizona, on 18 September, after a suspected drug overdose, officials said. Horner, who published...
  13. Rory

    Do Ibiza and Mallorca prove a Flat Earth? [No, they demonstrate the curve of the globe]

    I think it's pretty safe to say, if more of a distant island is in view than the calculator predicts, the effects of refraction when the image was taken must have been larger than "standard". Maybe one way for you to work out what's going on here is to pinpoint where Ibiza is no longer visible...
  14. Rory

    Do Ibiza and Mallorca prove a Flat Earth? [No, they demonstrate the curve of the globe]

    Agreed: here's what peakfinder shows, which is a pretty good match to his photo:
  15. Rory

    Do Ibiza and Mallorca prove a Flat Earth? [No, they demonstrate the curve of the globe]

    The far right seems quite a good match, but the rest of it looks quite different.
  16. Rory

    Do Ibiza and Mallorca prove a Flat Earth? [No, they demonstrate the curve of the globe]

    Could you post the GPS coordinates showing where the camera was please? And also try to show in the photos what it is we're looking at, as I'm finding it hard to make out the landscape. Perhaps play a bit with the contrast and show a Google Earth image or photograph taken nearer that aligns with...
  17. Rory

    Explained: Mexico City Earthquake Lights [Power Line Arcing and Transformer Explosions]

    I contacted the guy who posted the New Zealand 2016 supposed EQL video and he told me that he was on McLintock Street in Johnsonville north of Wellington. He did send me a general idea of the direction too, and said he would get back to me with an exact bearing. Going by the information I have...
  18. Rory

    Explained: Mexico City Earthquake Lights [Power Line Arcing and Transformer Explosions]

    I guess what I mean is, why quote him on this? I'm pretty sure no one's quoting me as an authority on flat earth. ;) Especially when there are scientists such as Freund stating that EQLs are a "real and widespread phenomenon" - therefore not asking so much the question "are they real?" as "what...
  19. Rory

    Explained: Mexico City Earthquake Lights [Power Line Arcing and Transformer Explosions]

    Dunning's podcast was interesting - though contained a bias I found impossible to ignore. Interesting that he posited the theory that EQLs may be "more of a cultural phenomenon than a physical one", citing an old study that found no mention of them in China - presumably he was unaware of the...