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  1. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

    Did you see their 'Story of the Twos'? I just caught it recently: amazing. And 'An Evening With' was brilliant too.
  2. Rory

    All The Ships At Sea: A Pragmatic Test Of Earth's Shape

    No I'm not. ;) And just to say: I think bringing the shipping routes into this is great. I know you haven't had much feedback - from either side - but I think that's just testament to how straightforward and inarguable this is. It's just like, oh yeah, there's nothing to either add to or debate...
  3. Rory

    Tehran Plasco Highrise Fire And Collapse - 9/11 WTC7, WTC1&2 Comparisons

    PS I would say that they're using the word "consider" in the 4th meaning here: As in, "we consider this matter closed" rather than, "we have considered your proposal but..."
  4. Rory

    Tehran Plasco Highrise Fire And Collapse - 9/11 WTC7, WTC1&2 Comparisons

    Mick said, "AE911 seems convinced". Their report says, "The most plausible explanation...appears to be" and "investigators should consider the most likely hypothesis." Maybe "convinced" is slightly stronger than the wording used in the sentences quoted above. But it does appear to be...
  5. Rory

    Explained: Observations of Canigou, Curvature of the Earth & Atmospheric Refraction

    Perhaps a more pertinent, cut-to-the-chase approach to this photo would be to simply ask: "Why does the 103 foot high Matinicus Isle appear to be significantly lower than the 31 foot high Marblehead Island?" UPDATE: Apologies. I rushed that thought and got myself a little backwards...
  6. Rory

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    Also, can you show some evidence for your claim - presumably with magnetic declination taken into account?
  7. Rory

    Explained: Observations of Canigou, Curvature of the Earth & Atmospheric Refraction

    Can I suggest trying to stay on the topic of the photos you posted please? This thread is bouncing all over the place. Is the above picture the one you want looking at? If so, can you post: the camera location; the elevation above the water; and what it is we're looking at (ie, the near island...
  8. Rory

    Explained: Observations of Canigou, Curvature of the Earth & Atmospheric Refraction

    Gotcha. I think probably like most people I took "clear visibility" to mean there wasn't any fog or haze or low cloud or mist, etc. Refraction, meanwhile, isn't a "contortion", but a well understood and explained phenomenom of light. For a real world test I would say you could film Mantinicus...
  9. Rory

    Explained: Observations of Canigou, Curvature of the Earth & Atmospheric Refraction

    I make Mantinicus pretty much bang on 16 miles from your stated viewing point. The elevation of the island seems to mostly range from 20-60 feet above sea level, with places up to 100 feet. At 16 miles, you're correct, very little of Mantinicus Isle should be seen, given standard refraction -...
  10. Rory

    Are Lynch's Horizon Calculations correct?

    You mean it's appearing as 14th of the non-pinned posts?
  11. Rory

    Are Lynch's Horizon Calculations correct?

    Should X not be curved line also?
  12. Rory

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    They tend to see what they want to see. I guess that's true for most of us, to varying degrees. But moreso for some. ;)
  13. Rory

    Debunked: What the Health: Meat and Cancer

    I like how that graph shows less risk for 180g/d than it does for 155. :)
  14. Rory

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    Gosh. There's a tough question. I think there are people who are "serious" that it wasn't the moon - and adamant, too (that Hare Krishna fella I linked to earlier, for example, still thinks it was Rahu, and that the moon was way beyond the sun). But by your definition of the word "serious"...I...
  15. Rory

    Debunked: What the Health: Meat and Cancer

    Agree with that. So it looks like some discrepancy with the figures. The table you posted shows, for total meat, just over 103lbs per person per annum, while the figure from the FAO was 2.6 times that (271lbs). The FAO figure is also the one used on wikipedia (265lbs pppa for 2009). There, I...
  16. Rory

    Debunked: What the Health: Meat and Cancer

    One place I looked was here: At 270.7 pounds per person a year, [the US] eats more meat per person than in almost any other country on the planet. Only the Luxumbourgers eat more meat than we do.That's 336...
  17. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    Question: Is there any way to know for sure what the elevation of this mountain (and, by logical extension, any mountain) actually is? says 5342 feet, and have it down as 5320-5360 feet (based on NAVD88), presumably because there's a contour line at 5320 feet...
  18. Rory

    Debunked: What the Health: Meat and Cancer

    Actually, this may be one of the rare occasions where dishonest scare tactics could (were they actually heeded) do a lot more good than harm - and I'm not talking just in terms of human lives. But that's another topic. ;) Why quote the figure of 50 grams per day? Average consumption of red...
  19. Rory

    Using Mountain Ranges to Predict the Shape of the Earth

    Y'all are probably wondering - on the edge of your seats wondering, yet simultaneously too shy to ask - how I estimate the apparent viewing angles in the photos. Well, now that I've got my system down, and since you ask so nicely, I'll tell you: 1. Note the y-coordinates (ie, pixel heights) of...
  20. Rory

    SpaceX Falcon 9 Captures Video of its own Contrail from Space

    Interesting that in the description the uploader casts some doubt on whether an earthling-made trail should look like that: I assume it's the Space X rocket, but could also be some other craft leaving the planet. The trail should be straight, but the pig tail curl of it is very confusing. I'm...