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  1. Rory

    Debunkers, Skeptics and Conspiracists: Where are you on the political compass?

    That it says I'm not as libertarian or left-wing as I would like I put down to the vagueness of some of the questions... ;)
  2. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    In some ways I agree with you, in others not. But, really, the point here is that Buddha isn't recorded as saying the original quote, and is actually recorded as saying things diametrically opposed to it. All else is probably discussion for another day. ;)
  3. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    I think when we talk about Buddha's 'Middle Way' these days it's to conveniently justify certain things that we want. ;) In my reading of 'The Sermon at Benares' Buddha is saying the middle way [to enlightenment, not just general day-to-day life] is somewhere between "mortification of the...
  4. Rory

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    Thanks for that. The two images I posted were as samples/examples, but I took plenty of others that may be better used. Unless it's thought fruitless/they weren't good enough? Cheers.
  5. Rory

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    So I was walking in the hills and came across a bunch of junk that included some long things with straight edges: in a nutshell, I have a load of photographs of the horizon from just over 1000-feet up, like so: Unfortunately, I don't have the software or the ability to do the compressing...
  6. Rory

    Curvature of earth - the definition

    Agreed. You see a lot of the Nowicki photos around. This is one of the ones I was referencing above. In general, they get the distance wrong - I've usually seen it quoted as 60 miles, up to as high as 80 - and totally fail to take into account the viewer's elevation. There are other claims...
  7. Rory

    2017 Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting

    Maybe there might be some justification for taking a gun on a plane - even in the hold - but surely they could at least ban the bullets. What possible justification could there be for flying with those too?
  8. Rory

    2017 Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting

    It's legal to fly with a loaded gun in the US?! Ok, only in checked baggage, but...jayzus...
  9. Rory

    Curvature of earth - the definition

    I've probably seen a lot of those memes. In general they: a) get the distance wrong; b) don't factor in for the viewer's elevation; and c) show a "missing curvature" figure that is actually the "drop height" for a viewer at sea/lake/horizon level, rather than the "hidden amount" as outlined above.
  10. Rory

    Convincing Methodologies - Step by Step Lists

    In my most recent interactions with flat earthers a lot of it was about distant views of city skylines, and the math involved in that. Almost all of them were using the wrong equation. What I realised was that, internally, I wasn't so much interested in persuading them the earth wasn't flat as I...
  11. Rory

    Why does JFK's Head go back after he's shot from the back? [warning: contains gore]

    If melons sitting on little tables and dummies and dead pigs are no good, I believe if you go on youtube and search for "man getting shot" you will be able to see videos of living humans being hit with bullets. Not my cup of tea, though. I'm not watching that stuff. :(
  12. Rory

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    But in this photo the level is very clearly 'bowed' in the center. Though I imagine that, 'if straightened out', there would still be a visible curvature of the horizon. I've revisited this because I was thinking of having a go myself. I live near the ocean, a 1200-foot hill, and the visibility...
  13. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    So my best guess for the results of the youtube experiments is that the shade being used to create an area without moonlight is affecting the amount of radiative cooling at that area, resulting in it being less cold. If that's what's happening, I guess the key then is to ensure that the shade...
  14. Rory

    Explained: The View of Toronto from Hamilton [600+ feet up]

    Did you get the shot?
  15. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    Right. But the point of mentioning the readings is that the variance in them could lead to some saying the images had been presented "out of sequence", as without timestamps there's no indication of when they were taken, or how long the plank had been in place.
  16. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    Just looking at your pictures again, Henk. First of all, how awesome that you were able to get your hands on such a lovely piece of kit, and put it to good use. Second, though, I can see a couple of issues, with which a believer could pick holes: There are no time stamps, so someone might say...
  17. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    At the very beginning of the video he states the date (which is also shown later on his watch): In addition to the laser thermometer he also uses a Seek thermal camera attached to his smartphone, which shows similar temperatures (taken an hour later): Now, he doesn't give starting...
  18. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    Apologies. The shaded bars are shown from around 0:43 in the video - record at 10.30pm - and the moonlit bars from around 0:59, recorded at 10.50pm:
  19. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    In the first video, at 1:53, he gives the ambient temperature as being around 60 degrees. I believe his location is somewhere near Phoenix, which had a low of 64 degrees on the date he says he did the test, so that seems about right. And I guess conflicts with the theory that the shade bars are...