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  1. Rory

    Blowing out Candles with a Single Punch

    To explain a little more what I meant by that: an actual TV commercial would have to comply with certain standards; but I imagine they're free to upload whatever they want to YouTube. It's definitely marketing and promotion. But I wouldn't call it an "advertisement", in the traditional sense of...
  2. Rory

    Blowing out Candles with a Single Punch

    Saying it's his party trick implies he's done it before - is that so? I'm also not clear that it's an actual advertisement. Has it been shown on TV? Or just uploaded to YouTube? It's hard to imagine law or reputation or accusations of fakery would come into it: it's just a bit of fun, like the...
  3. Rory

    Debunked: "You must love yourself before you love another" - fake Buddha quote

    Good work! :) I subsequently found the matching quote in a 1974 'Seth' book, and updated the OP accordingly. The "Buddhist guy" you mention is famed cult leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh - now more commonly known as 'Osho' - whose followers were the subject of a recent Netflix series, 'Wild, Wild...
  4. Rory

    Debunked: "You must love yourself before you love another" - fake Buddha quote

    I'm sure we've all heard the line "you must love yourself first, before you can truly love another" - and maybe even tried to apply it - but, notwithstanding the dubiousness of the advice, where does it come from? Lately I've seen it ascribed to Buddha, with additional text, such as at AZ...
  5. Rory

    YouTube adds Encyclopedia Britannica article on Contrails to "Chemtrail" Videos

    Can we change the title of the thread to: :D
  6. Rory

    YouTube adds Encyclopedia Britannica article on Contrails to "Chemtrail" Videos

    Neither through Chrome on Android phone. Is it perhaps in specific countries?
  7. Rory

    YouTube adds Encyclopedia Britannica article on Contrails to "Chemtrail" Videos

    YouTube app on Android phone. Typed "chemtrails". Top hit has 1.2m views. No added EB info.
  8. Rory

    2018 Hurricane Season and Weather Control Conspiracies

    The fact that some buildings appear untouched, while others literally yards away are completely flattened also clearly indicates the use of Directed Energy (conspiracy theorists probably won't say).
  9. Rory

    Two Large Planes Flying Parallel, Chiloquin, OR. Is it Legal? Yes.

    Did Patrick soften towards you, Mick, between posting this video (where he calls you a "disinfo agent" and this website "metajunk") and doing the discussion with you earlier this year? Does he still delete reasonable but oppositional comments from his facebook/youtube?
  10. Rory

    Truman: "“I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by ..."

    That looks like the right sentence to me. Good work Deirdre on digging out the Henry Taylor stuff. Case closed? :)
  11. Rory

    Truman: "“I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by ..."

    Isn't "the timing of Truman's alleged comments" some time around 2004?
  12. Rory

    Truman: "“I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by ..."

    It is like saying that, if you ignore all the other meanings of "given", and take only that meaning of "assuming". Shall we agree to disagree? ;)
  13. Rory

    Truman: "“I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by ..."

    While it seems there's currently zero evidence to suggest that Truman said this, or anything resembling this, I have to disagree with the above interpretation of the word "given". To me, "given that they exist" = "they exist". I believe it's being used here as a preposition: given...
  14. Rory

    Hurricane Lane Heading Towards Hawaii

    Here's another: His main point seems to be that the wind speeds are exaggerated. And maybe something to do with chemtrails (I didn't watch the whole thing). (Poster is a Nibiruist who believes "The End is Nigh.")
  15. Rory

    Inexperienced Pilot Recreating 9/11 Flight 77's Descending Turn into the Pentagon

    Hadn't heard about that. Story here: After making "incredible manoeuvres", he crashed the [76-seat Bombardier Q400] and was killed. The flight lasted 90 minutes and the crash site is on Ketron Island, a sparsely populated area in Puget...
  16. Rory

    QAnon goes mainstream

    Maybe people aren't searching for 9/11 as much anymore 'cos they've already made up their minds about it some time ago and don't need any new info. And maybe Mick meant that it's more likely the average Joe in the street will believe in something like a 9/11 inside job because that doesn't take...
  17. Rory

    View across Utah Lake

    The 'expert commenter' Jon McIntyre has had a few little visits to Metabunk: most notably in a long thread where he demonstrated he didn't understand what refraction was: in the thread...
  18. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    Hi, that would be great. I've actually relocated to Sweden for the timebeing so am not sure when I'm next in the area. Edby is planning March 2020. I think a drive to generate more interest and participants would be good also - especially from the UK Flat Earth community. Here's the detailed...
  19. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Because the girlfriend went away for a while and I didn't want to get on with doing the things I actually love, I foolishly got back into nitpicking with flat earthers and testing the waters with the above. Remarkably, even this simplest of thought experiments makes not a dent on them (as far...
  20. Rory

    What does the Flat Earth Look Like From Space, with Perspective?

    Indeed. That's pretty much where it's at, as far as I can see.