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  1. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    Oh, I definitely think you should - I think it would be good to have more than one person look at it, particularly as so many have reported the opposite. I thought I'd look up others using FLIR cameras to do this measurement and the first one I came to appears to show a pretty drastic...
  2. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    What a shame I don't have the gizmo where I live, in Cabo San Lucas. The nights are always clear, and on a full moon it's as bright as daytime. Hope to see the piccies soon. :)
  3. Rory

    Claim: Japanese man puts animals to sleep with chi

    Don't know if it's possible to work out how much time has passed by looking at the angles of the shadows from the fence posts. Here are a couple of stills from the beginning and end of the 'session': I still find it an odd idea that the alpaca owner could be so easily duped, and would stand...
  4. Rory

    Claim: Japanese man puts animals to sleep with chi

    Why take him for an example? Don't you think it's interesting that out of all the dozens of people featured in that show you would choose someone like him "as an example"? Why not the blind guy who uses echolocation to navigate the world - including by bicycle? Not sure I'd label those such as...
  5. Rory

    Did Solzhenitsyn really say or write this?

    You could try writing to Clark Coleman, the guy who posted it in 2002. Who knows? Maybe he remembers where he found it? Or perhaps will 'fess to making it up. ;) (There are two email addresses for him at that page, and he's easily findable on facebook.)
  6. Rory

    Claim: Japanese man puts animals to sleep with chi

    You mean like it's a lie and a fake? They're all in on it together? I suppose that's possible. Gee, makes a man sad for the fate of humanity, contemplating such a thing... ;) A quick browse through the episode list seems to show it's more a program that looks at extraordinary, but not...
  7. Rory

    Claim: Japanese man puts animals to sleep with chi

    Lol. True dat. Though I don't think people who practice tai-chi, et cetera consider "chi" to be "magic". ;)
  8. Rory

    Claim: Japanese man puts animals to sleep with chi

    Here he is again in a video from Japanese TV: Looks like he does some kind of deer-like creature, an ostrich, some otters, a rabbit, and maybe some other ones besides. I suppose it could just be coincidence and they would all eventually sit down for anyone, but that sounds a bit far-fetched...
  9. Rory

    Claim: Japanese man puts animals to sleep with chi

    Well, yes, of course. But so is thinking that this experienced vet totally believes that bison don't sit down. ;)
  10. Rory

    Claim: Japanese man puts animals to sleep with chi

    And yet, the people who have lived and worked with these animals for years say that what happens with this guy is very much out of the ordinary. Also, I'd imagine that what the vet probably meant was, "it's not typical of bison to sit down [when someone's walking towards them]."
  11. Rory

    Claim: Japanese man puts animals to sleep with chi

    A friend showed me this video. In the video the Japanese guy, from a distance, waves his hands around and puts to sleep, respectively, a herd of alpaca and a herd of bison. The owners of the animals both say it's unprecedented behaviour. The chaps name is Kanzawa Sensei. At 1:18 he explains...
  12. Rory

    Did Solzhenitsyn really say or write this?

    Oldest place I could find for the OP's quote (the one in his attached image) is also a University of Virginia page from July 2002, on a list of a PhD student's "favorite quotes". Next instances of it appearing online seems to have been in 2007, where it appears on several blogs. From there, I...
  13. Rory

    Did Solzhenitsyn really say or write this?

    Try Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Vol. II (1840): " will be perfectly free because they are all entirely equal; and they will all be perfectly equal because they are entirely free." " cannot become absolutely equal unless they are entirely...
  14. Rory

    How Fake News Goes Viral

    Pizzagate and fake news made the BBC front page today:
  15. Rory

    Explaining the Ghost Boy in the Back Seat Photo with Occam's Razor

    1. I don't buy that they didn't know when the photo was taken, given how many photos people take these days, and how the pictures from the car would be framed by photos before and after - including, presumably, many from the pageant/martial arts display. 2. Thanks to Mick, we know where the...
  16. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    Understood. The point is, will it be clear enough to show what we need to see. I mean, if moonlight was colder then that would be easier - the image of light and the thermal image will correspond - but trying to show the absence of a temperature change, given that these variances will occur...
  17. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    Cool. Thanks for those. What is it in the first photo that's causing the non-green areas (ie, the blue spot and the orange/red spot)?
  18. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    Given that it's a few weeks till the moon comes back, would it possible to upload some test pictures so that you and the rest of us could satisfy ourselves that it will give accurate results? I was wondering how it would show something like a small outdoor fire on a chilly evening? Or rather...
  19. Rory

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    Does anybody know what it's called when you're unable to separate a person's avatar from their words, and whenever you read something they've written completely imagination them as whoever they've got in their picture? ;)
  20. Rory

    The Voyages of Captain Cook

    The claim flat earthers usually present - the 60,000-mile figure - is based on his three year-long second voyage, in which he did "go all the way around Antarctica". But, yes, they neglect to include the first and final legs of the journey from and to the UK, as well as all the detouring. When...