Search results

  1. Rory

    The Voyages of Captain Cook

    Oh dear - I surely thought this embarrassing old chestnut had long since been thrown by the wayside. If you research his voyage properly you'll find that the 60,000-mile figure also includes his sailing to and from England, and a huge amount of diversion and exploration in both the Pacific and...
  2. Rory

    How Antarctica debunks the flat earth

    I just added some route diagrams for a couple of transpolar flights to my earlier post: they sure make you wonder what magic goes on down there. ;)
  3. Rory

    How Antarctica debunks the flat earth

    1. There is no flat earth map. 2. That's not how the sun behaves, even on the hypothetical flat earth. See my post above for links to the actual shape of the sunlight cast by the 'flat earth sun'. 3. Agree with the first point - though I'd like to hear your definition of "a bit" - but as for...
  4. Rory

    How Antarctica debunks the flat earth

    Or getting a job there would be a good idea too: this page has come good advice on how to go about that: Also, some of the blogs people write while they're working there are an interesting read. This guy's details his journey...
  5. Rory

    Explaining the Ghost Boy in the Back Seat Photo with Occam's Razor

    Are we voting? I'm voting #1: the lie. Though it would be pretty weird for a beauty pageant mom to do something to try and generate publicity/attention. Normally such shy, retiring types... ;)
  6. Rory

    How Antarctica debunks the flat earth

    Not to debate, but just to point out: anyone is free to fly/go across Antarctica. The list of people who have done it is quite long. All it would take is a bit of motivation, and a chunk of money. Here's a sad/interesting article about Henry Worsley, who died thirty miles short of making the...
  7. Rory

    Debunk: The horizon never falling as proof of flat Earth theory

    Has anyone got access to a drone? I've been thinking lately about how to get good proof that the horizon isn't always at eye level using the theodolite app. Idea #1: Go up a high hill near me (about 1200 feet) and then turn the video function on and drive down to the beach, keeping the...
  8. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    I won't be able to do that, but here's a video by a fellow who goes by the name of John le Bon, who I've come across before. I think he's a conspiracy theorist and globe-sceptic, who also doesn't believe in the flat earth, interestingly enough. In any case, he carries out an experiment with...
  9. Rory

    Claim: water in moonlight cools faster than water not in moonlight [False]

    I'm aware there are lots of these "moonlight is cold" videos and experiments around, generally showing the results as above. The usual explanation is that either something is wrong in the performing of the measurement, or that the experimenter has only shared the results that match their...
  10. Rory

    Explaining the Ghost Boy in the Back Seat Photo with Occam's Razor

    Here's a link to the details - dates, location - of the pageant they were on their way to. And where she says on her facebook that it was the 9th, in agreement with the camera data: All traffic accidents in...
  11. Rory

    Explaining the Ghost Boy in the Back Seat Photo with Occam's Razor

    Looks more like she/he is sticking twos up - meaning the ghost is probably of British origin. Child on backseat notices frontseat child taking selfies. Decides to photobomb. Front seat child and mom forget the other kid was there? Unlikely. Pictures from before and after, as well as the...
  12. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    A video addressing the video in the OP has also been posted on youtube, apparently independently researched, and reaching the exact same conclusions: Kind of sums the whole thing up pretty nicely, for those who are more into their visual presentations.
  13. Rory

    Calculating the height of something in a P900 photo when distance is known

    Mick's "size of the antenna" calculations clearly show that nowhere near the whole of the mountain is visible above the horizon. Forgetting about the round/flat earth questions, it's clear to see that only the top 20% or so of the mountain is visible. Can agree on that? Surely the only reason...
  14. Rory

    Debunked: Foley's Sister Katie Foley vs Lanza's Friend Alex Israel [Not the Same Person]

    Nope. Just saying that it's not a piece of software I would rely on for anything conclusive.
  15. Rory

    Debunked: Foley's Sister Katie Foley vs Lanza's Friend Alex Israel [Not the Same Person]

    I just tried two pictures of myself - one from age 22 and one from age 32 - and pictriev stated they were "from different persons."
  16. Rory

    Undersea Cables on a Flat Earth

    So all the flat earthers would need is a submarine and a ruler, and they could measure the cable for themselves? If they can't believe that space agencies send satellites into orbit - among a thousand other things - how will they believe a cable laying company that says its cable was 4000-miles...
  17. Rory

    Explained: NBC Local News Accidentally Posts US Election"Results A Week Early [Test Data for Layout]

    God, I hope the actual election results are exactly the same as the ones shown in the tests. CTland would go into meltdown. :)
  18. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    I just thought I'd have one final look at this, since it appears this photo is a pretty decent answer to the question "where could one conduct a Wallace experiment?" Mountain tops. Three of them. And not necessarily with the one in the middle "in the middle". We've looked at the geometry of...
  19. Rory

    Can you detect the curvature of the Earth with a taut line 3 miles long? [No]

    Can you post a link to the kind of line you have in mind?