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  1. Rory

    White Dot UFO [Balloon]

    I posted a comment on the youtube video saying I was confused as to why they were looking at balloons and getting so excited. Here was the response: Keep a close eye on the gold one that was split open and continues across the sky. Is that not interesting to you? Is that normal? Prove that this...
  2. Rory

    White Dot UFO [Balloon]

    Ok. Humanity has stooped to a new level.
  3. Rory

    Can you detect the curvature of the Earth with a taut line 3 miles long? [No]

    No matter what the experiment, it seems, this remains true.
  4. Rory

    Explained: Why flying isn't impossible on a globe

    Well there we have it! Straight from the pilot's mouth: "We did not go to the moon!"
  5. Rory

    Debunking Flat Earth with the Southern Hemisphere

    Oh! In my list of southern hemisphere flights I totally forgot the best of the lot: McMurdo to Admundsen Scott. Less than 3 hours in real life; 800 miles on the globe; and from one edge of the disk to the other - crossing the entirety of Russia, and also parts of Africa - on the flat earth.
  6. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    It was in the screenshots that Ian posted. Jon McIntyre hasn't read this thread. It was my first hypothesis and Ian passed that on several days ago, before we'd completed the full analysis. In that sense, I think his response was justified. But, like I've said, posting it here is kind of...
  7. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    To clarify: the video maker hasn't read the thread. He was responding to someone telling him that we had decided he was looking at the wrong mountains. This was my first guess, which was quickly shown to be wrong and retracted. In that sense, he's perfectly justified in defending his position...
  8. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    It's a shame he doesn't want to join the debate - assuming he would have looked at our analysis objectively - as he seemed like a pretty thorough and knowledgable believer. In any case, I've kept him informed from pretty much the start, so he knows this thread is here. But he seems to have...
  9. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    Yes, he deleted my comments too, even though they were super polite and mostly just questions. So not quite as open as the description makes it sound. Damn you Mick! Before checking this thread I thought I'd track down his altimeter and see how it rated. So I did that, and then came here only...
  10. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    What? Are you suggesting that he was lying? Something else going on, I think... "The user of standard consumer GPS receivers should consider +/-75ft with a DOP of 1 for 95% confidence. [In the test] each device’s worst individual reading was within my...
  11. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    Great work, @Bass In Your Face - really well done. Yesterday I'd kind of reverse-engineered my triangles to try and work out the viewer height and came up with a prediction of about 5480 feet: Angle x I calculated to be 0.314 degrees (and x=y) therefore the side marked "?" - the drop below...
  12. Rory

    Explained: The View of Toronto from Hamilton [600+ feet up]

    Ditto to Mick's answer. Your math is spot on but what you also need to do is add in the height of the viewer above the lake, and also to look at "obscured amount" rather than "drop". In this case, predicted hidden amount is something like 600 feet.
  13. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    Stellar work. Do you know how to do the photo overlay thing that Mick does? Or how to get a zoomed in view of the 4 mountains, so that it matches the original photo?
  14. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    Well, he says the camera was here: Which I deduced the GPS from by matching this position using the topo lines in Google Maps: Have we got a Google Earth zoom in of the view from that point? I wish I knew how to do that. But seriously don't have the time to learn at the moment. 1.2...
  15. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    UPDATE: I was playing with peakfinder and came to realise that when GPS coordinates are entered it moves to the nearest available viewpoint. In a nutshell: no good, and Hypothesis #1 can be discounted.
  16. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    Oh yeah. I wonder why I forgot that? I did it in my preliminary sketch... ;) I guess I can use the curve calculator to work out the tilt angles. At 5.5 miles it's 0.08 degrees, and at 39.1 miles it's 0.556. The difference it makes to the distance to the horizontal is negligible - mere inches...
  17. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    Skimming the last fifteen minutes is enough to get the idea. :) I thought maybe looking at things from a sideways view might be useful. So I did some basic sketches. The first one shows the various points that we're looking at: camera; the red line above Fryingpan; and the peak of Greybeard...
  18. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    Exactly. That's his point.
  19. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    I think his point is that, in being at the same approximate elevation as a mountain 5.5 miles away, he's setting himself up similar to how Wallace did at Bedford Levels, or how Mick suggested during the build-up to Lake Balaton. In those cases, though, the points were actually in the middle...