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  1. Rory

    An Easy Experiment to Debunk the Flat Earth by Observing the Size of the Sun

    I know this is off-topic but...huh? You don't mean the whole weird massively debunked Zeitgeist theory, do you? ;)
  2. Rory

    Explained: Angel Colon's Hand Wounds from Orlando Shooting

    Is it stated somewhere that the bullet went through his hand, or had a more direct hit than it appears in the picture? It seems the pictures show the bullet 'grazed' his hand. Is there a reason to think this isn't the case?
  3. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Does the recent influx of flat earthers here have precedence? Did it also happen with chemtrailers?
  4. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    PS Sandor - do you agree with the conclusion on refraction put forward by DarkStar and Andrew Young? Do you also agree that the "camera direct hit" on the laser doesn't really show anything useful, or that can be measured? I would say he has all the time in the world. If the video isn't ready...
  5. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    My opinion, for what it's worth (much of which I stated several days ago): 1. People should wait for the finished video presentation before evaluating the results of Sandor's experiment. Though investigating what certain photos may or may not show is valid, and obviously useful in informing the...
  6. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    That's so cool you did this, and triply cool that he responded so thoroughly. I'd been thinking the same thing: that what we need is someone who really knows about refraction - the professional opinion. So much good information in there. And I guess the key, concluding line is, "one shot...
  7. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    I think the bigger issue, for me at least, is that there doesn't seem to be any data or results or measurements to speak of - at least, nowhere near enough for anyone to start to make any sort of conclusion or deduction. 1&2 I think others can answer better than I. While 3 - as shown elsewhere...
  8. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Although following a link to the initial photo claim doesn't take me to a group, just to his/your personal facebook page. Is there a group I'm suppose to join to be able to comment?
  9. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    I'm with Ian on this one. Comments he posts on facebook are mostly irrelevant to this discussion. Just as comments myself or anyone else makes anywhere else are mostly irrelevant to this or any discussion. Are we to start digging up quotes members have made on other forums? Things they say down...
  10. Rory

    Greenwich Meridian Laser - Can it Demonstrate Curvature?

    Interestingly, clicking around in Google Maps for elevation data around Newlyn itself reports places that are in the sea as being up to 6 feet above sea level! We always knew the OS were the world's greatest mapmakers. ;)
  11. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Ok, so to me that looks like: 1. A laser shining at a white board, labeled as being at the same place 2. A more diverged laser shining at a white board, labeled as being 717 metres away, and adjusted so it shines at the same place on the white board as the first laser 3. An empty white board...
  12. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    So have we got any actual data from this yet? All I'm seeing is some pictures of boats and lasers. I imagine at some point there'll be a video or report or something, and Sandor can start a new thread called, "Claim: Lake Balaton experiment proves earth is flat". But until then...
  13. Rory

    Chem/Con orbs.. no debunking these things

    Gee, the New Agers'll be disappointed: they always claimed the camera fluff things - I mean orbs - were evidence of spirits or angels or something.
  14. Rory

    Greenwich Meridian Laser - Can it Demonstrate Curvature?

    Yes, rather than question the Greenwich figures it made me doubt the accuracy of using GPS coordinates on google maps to determine elevations. Though I guess the plaques and such at Greenwich have been there a pretty long time - perhaps before more accurate ways of measuring these things were...
  15. Rory

    Greenwich Meridian Laser - Can it Demonstrate Curvature?

    PS When searching for the elevation of the observatory using the GPS coordinates I actually most commonly found about 40m, rather than 46m, even though that seems to be the 'official' figure. I don't know if this explains it: Elevation continues to be problematic, however, since countries and...
  16. Rory

    Greenwich Meridian Laser - Can it Demonstrate Curvature?

    Info on the beam: The Meridian laser marks the route of the Greenwich Meridian by night in a northerly direction from the Royal Observatory. Under good viewing conditions, it is visible at a distance of over 36 miles with the naked eye and over 60 miles with binoculars. In order to see the beam...
  17. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Can someone explain please what "direct hit into the camera" means, and why that is relevant? Is it being claimed that because the camera can see the laser, then the camera must be at the same height as the laser?
  18. Rory

    Greenwich Meridian Laser - Can it Demonstrate Curvature?

    What angle would be required on a spherical earth?
  19. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Ok. Well I guess I find calling such an intelligent and inspiring guy such names a bit offensive, and also perhaps childish. Plus, I'm not aware of Stephen Hawking perpetrating any hoaxes. Perhaps you could start a thread in one of the forums? Something along the lines of, "Claim: Stephen...
  20. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    What is the "Hoaxking experiment"? Or do you mean Hawking?