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  1. Rory

    Berenstain VHS says Berenstein

    Here's an idea: 1. Buy all the "Learn About Strangers" videos. 2. Post one on eBay with a photo showing the misspelled side (whether it has it or not). 3. Sell for exorbitant price as super-rare 'proof' of Mandela Effect. 4. When buyer receives it and says it has the "Berenstain" spelling on...
  2. Rory

    Berenstain VHS says Berenstein

    I guess part of it is that she noticed it because she was into the Mandela Effect, and now it's known which product has a misspelled label people know which one to look out for. At the minute there are eleven "Learn About Strangers" VHS cassettes on eBay, and I'd wager at least one or two of...
  3. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

  4. Rory

    Berenstain VHS says Berenstein

    So I'm gonna conclude that the company that produced the cover and the two labels spelled 'Berenstain' correctly 19 times, and spelled it incorrectly once. They put it out there and someone noticed. Then they corrected it, as demonstrated on other, probably subsequent issues. In a way, this is...
  5. Rory

    Berenstain VHS says Berenstein

    It doesn't much look like a pixel for pixel copy to me. Though it could have been copied and retouched a little. Also, the original sharer of the image has posted a video of the copy in question: I'm going with the typo in production theory, backed up by another copy which was sold on eBay...
  6. Rory

    Berenstain VHS says Berenstein

  7. Rory

    Debunked: The Flat Earth Theory. 14 Ways the Flat Earth Theory is False

    Yes, I think that's a good one, and somebody actually just posted about it on here: Though I have seen flat earthers answer it, and it doesn't seem to trouble them that much. :-(
  8. Rory

    Explained: The View of Toronto from Hamilton [600+ feet up]

    When people talk about 'curvature' they're generally talking about the curve between you (the observer) and the horizon, or something beyond the horizon. The curve, of course, cannot be detected with the naked eye, but its effects can, such as the obscuration of the lower parts of distant...
  9. Rory

    Flat Earth theory simple debunking by the moon's appearance

    It's sure come to something when we're quoting ancient sources to show that people before 1850 also "had the moon". I'm surprised no one's mentioned the Bible: over 40 mentions in there, apparently. Benji, I'm not actually a hundred percent against your diagram here, and I think much of the...
  10. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Personally, I look forward to your experiment very much, and feel that you're being much more thorough and 'scientific' than pretty much any flat earth believer I've come across. Particularly, I'm sure, if you take on board some of the tips from the guys here, which I think it's great that...
  11. Rory

    Debunked: Rivers flow uphill

    Also, that the Mississippi flows towards the equator is arbitrary, really, purely because its source (highest point above mean sea level) is in the north and its mouth (lowest point amsl) is in the south. A river could just as easily flow from south to north, away from the equator, like the...
  12. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Second that. A few days ago I kayaked to a platform 1km out to sea. From the shore, there was a buoy that appeared to be about half-way there. But I pretty soon realised it wasn't. And checking maps later I saw the buoy was only 15% of the way. Conclusion: the naked eye is not reliable! :)
  13. Rory

    Debunked: Rivers flow uphill

    In @ericdubay's "200 proofs" list he claims that rivers such as the Nile, the Paraná, the Congo, the Paraguay, and the Mississippi "flow uphill". The rationale behind it seems to be that rivers which flow from north to south (in the northern hemisphere), or south to north (in the southern), and...
  14. Rory

    Do you believe in any paranormal or supernatural abilities?

    Lol. I ticked them all apart from pyrokinesis. What about adding "spiritual healing" and "channelling" to the list? Although the latter could fall under "clairvoyance". I'd tick them both. ;)
  15. Rory

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Thanks for the pointer to the Stephen Hawking experiment, Sandor, I hadn't seen that before. Very cool! Content: A man on the shore of a lake uses a telescope to watch a helicopter hovering over the opposite shore 6 miles away. The helicopter descends towards the ground and disappears from his...
  16. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    Good point. And then there's the other aspect that the windows don't generally allow a wide enough angle of view.
  17. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    Yep. And we can also look at both DSCVR and Himawari-8 images from approximately the same time and see the same cloud patterns - and see things like hurricane formations that were predicted and experienced on the ground. That's pretty neat. Flat earthers also counter this by saying the windows...
  18. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Thanks for that, interesting read. What always strikes me about these things - about most things, really - is the mind behind the belief. For many conspiracy theorists, beyond whatever the theory, it seems there's generally a person who lacks trust in others, is maybe paranoid (upbringing? too...
  19. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    In some New Age circles I've been in, I've encountered people claiming that the Buddha once said, "Enlightenment is found in the Yoni" (or "Buddhahood/Liberation/Nirvana is found in/resides in the vagina/womb/female sexual parts"). I thought: that doesn't sound like Buddha, I thought he was...
  20. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    GoPros are little durable "action cameras" that you may have noticed cyclists wearing on their helmets. I'm no expert but it seems most amateur/civilian high altitude footage uses them because they give a nice wide field of view due to the fisheye lenses. The downside of this - as far as the...