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  1. Rory

    Debunked: The Flat Earth Theory. 14 Ways the Flat Earth Theory is False

    David's list of proofs and his amazing videos are awesome. But I notice flat earthers still come up with answers for most of them. Which has got me wondering...what are the questions to ask a flat earther that completely stump them? I mean, I know anything in the above should do the trick, but...
  2. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    Unfortunately the flat earthers don't believe those videos because mostly they use GoPros, which as we see causes curvature anyway.
  3. Rory

    The Majority Illusion

    That one was much closer and difficult to call; I remember a week or so before the vote the polls had 'Leave' in the lead, while 'Remain' was favourite with the bookies. I guess the difficulty in prediction was reflected in the result (51.9% to 48.1%). Still, it was a good reminder not to read...
  4. Rory

    The Majority Illusion

    That's interesting that you thought Bernie might be in with a chance: I've mainly been following the election by way of bookmakers' odds and according to them he was never really in it. Following bookmakers' odds has also led me to believe that Trump's never been in with a serious chance of...
  5. Rory

    The Majority Illusion

    Done. Reminds me of the lead up to the EU referendum, when I spent time in both London and some small towns in the north of England. In London, I didn't meet anyone who was pro-Leave, nor had they met anyone who was pro-Leave, and couldn't understand why anyone would be; while in the north I...
  6. Rory

    The Majority Illusion

    Is this related to how when I've spent a few hours on flat earth videos and youtube comments the entire world seems insane, and then when I go back into real life I realise I'm actually never likely to meet a flat earther and they're more like 1 in 5,000,000? Or when I read about Americans it...
  7. Rory

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    Johannesburg - Perth - Johannesburg South African Airways SA280/281 (SAA280/281) Departs Johannesburg every day at 21.10 Departs Perth every day at 23.50 Sydney - Johannesburg - Sydney Qantas QF63/64 (QFA63/64) Departs Sydney every day at 10.50 Departs Johannesburg every day at 19.10 (usually)...
  8. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    Is it weird that it's come to this? However: here's a new video of a cruise ship sailing away from the viewer and over the horizon: It's very long and obviously not much action, but skip through it and it's a nice example of seeing the effects of curvature. Still, there are already plenty of...
  9. Rory

    Attempt at Recreating Rowbotham's Bedford Level Experiment by Flat Earth Believers

    The math in that Jeranism video is probably the worst I've ever seen. More disturbing than that, though, is that some have instantly bought it.
  10. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Thanks for that. Interestingly, I'd just seen a video where Kent Hovind said a belief in flat earth was "dumb" and "stupid" and that flat earthers were "gonna make people think [they're] nuts". Go Kent! ;-) Do you and I have a different definition of 'trolls'? To me, a troll is someone who...
  11. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Double alas: the woman in this video is Canadian! o_O I know, I a Brit I'm much more comfortable with the idea that all flat earthers are American. It's so dispiriting when I come across one who speaks with the same accent I do. ;) I've had some brief dialogue with Orphan Red, and...
  12. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Could you say something more about the link between flat earthers and young earth creationists? I've been debating some flat earthers for a little while - sometimes against my better judgement - and would quite like to stop soon, get it out of my head. But I think one reason I carry on is that...
  13. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    The only thing that really gets to me - apart from the incomprehension (mine) - is the way they denigrate and dismiss so many amazing human achievements in the realms of space, science, exploration, thought, etc. People devoted and risked their lives in some pretty amazing ways - sometimes even...
  14. Rory

    An Easy Experiment to Debunk the Flat Earth by Observing the Size of the Sun

    It seems most flat earthers say the sun is around 3000 miles high - I've seen other answers - but when I ask them how high exactly and how this figure was arrived at they don't seem to know. In this video, however, a non-flat earther checks the flat earth method and comes up with a figure of...
  15. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    What to do about flat earthers, eh? Now that I've been through a few stages with it, that's where I'm at. Stages in no particular order: - Disbelief that anyone could believe such a thing - Incredulity that some of them actually seem quite smart (and are eloquent, likeable, etc) - Interest at...
  16. Rory

    Strange pattern in cloud ... Surrey UK

    How long do/can distrails last?
  17. Rory

    Debunk: The horizon never falling as proof of flat Earth theory

    So I just watched the video in the OP and it's actually pretty cool. It's a simulation of what the horizon would look like were we to gain altitude on a flat earth. The only problem is, it doesn't contain any figures or measurements. And since there's nothing else to look at other than a horizon...
  18. Rory

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    Hey all, fairly new to this wonderful world of metabunk, where I've found - shock horror - people are actually interested in finding stuff out and being civil while they're at it. What a rare treat. :-) Anyway, as for introduction, I'm just a normal bloke from England. I've long enjoyed...
  19. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    Yes, that makes sense: so knowing several points of radius between the observer/object points would also be necessary, to know what level of arc was between them (ie, how elliptical or circular, or even highly irregular). PS I wouldn't assume that a "bigger radius would give longer sight", more...
  20. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    Agreed on all of that - though I don't think I was assuming using the geoid figures would work perfectly, more asking the question and proposing it as an idea. Actually, given that when we use a curvature calculator we already are using the distances of two endpoints measured from the Earth's...