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  1. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    So are the figures returned by the summitpost calculator wrong and unusable?
  2. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    The wrong ones, by the looks of things - had my viewer/object radii mixed up. ;) If I try again, with a slightly different method: Coordinates for Lake Michigan: 41.905527/-87 Coordinates for Warren Dunes State Park: 41.905527/-86.604366 Coordinates for Willis Tower: 41.8789/-87.6358 Centre of...
  3. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    So I got to thinking some more about the variances in radius and whether this might play a role in curvature equations, and I came across this calculator which claims to measure the distance to the centre of the earth given a specific set of coordinates. Pretty groovy...
  4. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    Ok, I think I got it. But, just as you said in the very beginning, it's not easy to put into words, lol. I can probably say what helped, though: 1. Scaling up. Looking at flight paths between two cities at the same latitude - Chicago and Valladolid, for example - and seeing that the shortest...
  5. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    1. I'm at -89.9976967 degrees latitude. Though there are other options. 2. For me, one mile between A and B, 1 one mile between A and C, and 0 miles between B and C. 3. I can. I don't even have to move. ;-)
  6. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    Thanks for the input. I kind of get it and kind of don't. Are we saying that when we're looking from Birchwood, MI to the Willis Tower we're not actually looking due west, because that's not actually the shortest distance? Are we also saying that, if, for example, I had a coin and wanted to...
  7. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    Well, I'm glad to hear that it's an interesting question, if one wrong in its assumptions. Intuitively, it does feel that the latitude of two points on a sphere wouldn't make a difference, and when it's explained like this: that makes sense too - and yet my head still has questions, which I...
  8. Rory

    Attempt at Recreating Rowbotham's Bedford Level Experiment by Flat Earth Believers

    Well, the flat earthers went to the Bedford Levels and...didn't do very much, really. Video shows them talking, being happy, someone paddling down the canal in a canoe...and then sort of giving up because of the weather or something (conclusion: the earth is flat). Also, Rob Skiba just went...
  9. Rory

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    Just wondering if we should be factoring in latitude with the earth curvature calculator? For example, if Chicago is at 41.9 degrees, then doesn't that make the earth's E/W circumference 18,581 miles and its radius 2957 miles? I'm probably wrong but, if not, then using the Nowicki photograph...
  10. Rory

    Debunked: Experiments Showing Orgonite Blocking Electromagnetic Radiation

    Alas, she's French, and lives in Paris. ;-)
  11. Rory

    Debunked: Experiments Showing Orgonite Blocking Electromagnetic Radiation

    Thanks for this: I shall have to make sure my ex doesn't waste her money on some orgonite. She does actually genuinely feel wifi signals, and they give her headaches. I didn't believe it at first, and just got rather unsympathetically annoyed that she would make me switch it off when she came to...
  12. Rory

    Debunking Flat Earth with the Southern Hemisphere

    All very true. Seems to me like the flat earthers, however, are already deciding that the map they have isn't accurate, so perhaps all this will be explained when they get 'the right map'. I've never heard of one taking on board the evidence of direct flights across the southern hemisphere (of...
  13. Rory

    Attempt at Recreating Rowbotham's Bedford Level Experiment by Flat Earth Believers

    Can't imagine the after-party'll be great if they clearly show the earth's curvature. ;)
  14. Rory

    Debunk: The horizon never falling as proof of flat Earth theory

    Seems like "the horizon always rises to eye level" is one the most oft-repeated flat earthisms. Thing is, it doesn't make any sense, not even on a flat earth, since even then the level of the horizon is surely always at 'sole of foot' level. What I've taken it to mean is 'your eyes are always...
  15. Rory

    Attempt at Recreating Rowbotham's Bedford Level Experiment by Flat Earth Believers

    So this is happening this weekend... In a nutshell: flat earthers of the UK - including Dave Murphy - are off to the Bedford Levels to recreate Rowbotham's famous experiment. Will be interesting to see what they come up with.
  16. Rory

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    When I first read the "no direct flights in the southern hemisphere" I thought I'd have a look and found 72 per week, flying between: Johannesburg and Perth Johannesburg and Sydney Johannesburg and Sao Paolo Santiago and Auckland Santiago and Sydney Perth and Mauritius Auckland and Buenos Aires
  17. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    I haven't used the app but I imagine that the scale doesn't scroll, it's the orange line that moves. Pointing the camera towards the ground would bring the orange line further up into the minus range, and pointing it into the sky would bring the line further into the positive range.
  18. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    Are you sure? It reads -1.8. Thanks for the better maths, Henk. I think you missed factoring in the horizon not being at sea level. But probably doesn't make that much difference.
  19. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    Could someone check my math(s) on this one? Picture taken with a theodolite app from a skyscraper in London: We have altitude of 239m (769 feet) and I'm going to assume the horizon is at the same ground level (about 115 feet above sea level), which I think makes it 31 miles away. Given...
  20. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Update (if not already updated): the guy who made this video has done a St Paul and is now anti-flat earth and back with his feet on terra orbis.