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  1. Rory

    Black square around Earth proves NASA fake footage

    Update: I checked the points of light to see if they were stars at - and they weren't.
  2. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

  3. Rory

    Black square around Earth proves NASA fake footage

    Nice one; that seems to sort it. And in the comments the very excellent Dave Ridlen has written a bunch that explains it further: basically, yes, Rob Skiba was using a low res image, and that there is an even higher res one available, clocking in at 4145x4145. I downloaded that and the 'square'...
  4. Rory

    Black square around Earth proves NASA fake footage

    I was hoping to find an explanation of the "black square around the Earth" so-called 'proof' the Flat Earthers put out. (from 3:00 - if want to tell me how to embed to a specific time go right ahead :) ) Basically, he takes a photo of the Earth taken from a moon mission, zooms in, plays with...
  5. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    Has this link been posted yet? I didn't see it. It's an interview with the photographer of the Willis Tower mirage pic. He says it was taken from "the park to the south" - Warren Dunes State Park - and that the...
  6. Rory

    Space Station Photos Disprove the "Flat Earth" Theory

    You'd think so, wouldn't you? But I doubt it somehow. I'd bet money they could come up with dozens of reasons why seeing a light in the sky which corresponds where the ISS is supposed to be doesn't prove anything.
  7. Rory

    Space Station Photos Disprove the "Flat Earth" Theory

    I wish it were irrefutable proof - but since other vids and pictures have been labelled fake or even holograms, I doubt it. My latest tack is to challenge them to make an ossery/tellurion. If it's so easy to make one for the "fake" round Earth, should be even easier for the "real" flat Earth...