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  1. Rory

    What does the Flat Earth Look Like From Space, with Perspective?

    I saw a video recently from Dr Zack that shows how the sun is outside the dome. Can't find it now though, so maybe it got taken down. Jeranism also has a video which says we see the sun through our own individual 'virtual dome'. I'd post it here but that would mean I'd have to summarise it and...
  2. Rory

    What does the Flat Earth Look Like From Space, with Perspective?

    The sun is actually on the outside the dome. The dome works like a lens, which bends the light, which explains why the elevation angles don't add up - we're not looking at the actual sun. As for what it would look like for a viewer outside the dome...gosh; who knows what the laws of physics are...
  3. Rory

    Debunked: Eric Dubay "Flat Earth Proof" #13

    This has now been digitised. Doesn't really add anything, but I include it here for completion:
  4. Rory

    Nathan Oakley's Flat Earth "Debates".

    Any regrets about doing the 'debate' with Nathan?
  5. Rory

    Debunked: Eric Dubay "Flat Earth Proof" #13

    Here's your "figure below" included: Figure 1: three points with the same latitude and longitude in three different coordinate systems. The map extract is 200 metres square.
  6. Rory

    Nathan Oakley's Flat Earth "Debates".

    Then there is this video, which may be the most relevant of all: In a private conversation with Riley that took place during a live video debate, Nathan tells him: "Don't talk about the light from the lighthouse! It's a trap! It PROVES the bulge. Perfect globe proof." Which appears to...
  7. Rory

    Nathan Oakley's Flat Earth "Debates".

    Two related videos have popped up on youtube recently: in the first, Sly Sparkane attempted a simple explanation of angular size and line of sight: This was then followed up by Nathan Oakley's 'debunking' - which seemed to demonstrate a lack of understanding I find almost impossible to...
  8. Rory

    Claim: Nasa' in Hebrew means "to deceive"

    Many flat earthers and space deniers believe that NASA not only stands for the "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" but, in Hebrew, means "to deceive" or "lie", for example: "It would not at all surprise me if NASA knowingly pulled a fast one on us. It is a well known fact that the...
  9. Rory

    Debunked: Wernher von Braun confirmed that rockets can't leave earth

    Have you ever read Tintin? Snowy's awesome. I love when he gets drunk on whiskey.
  10. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    That's pretty much the way it is. One does it for fun, not to try and convince anyone they're mistaken. There's already overwhelming evidence against the flat earth, for those who want to find it. Really, all providing new evidence does is force flat earthers to become ever more creative in...
  11. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    The world speed record for a steam engine was famously set on a downhill stretch of line at Stoke Bank, which has a gradient of between 1 in 178 and 1 in 200 for around three miles. Lickey Incline in Worcestershire is the steepest sustained main-line railway incline in Great Britain, at 1 in...
  12. Rory

    Explained: Space Shuttle Footage Reflection of Face [Shot Through Window]

    I know that makes most sense, but it seems extremely good quality for being filmed off a monitor - especially in 1983. Just had a quick flick through and couldn't find any other places of 'reflection' either.
  13. Rory

    Explained: Space Shuttle Footage Reflection of Face [Shot Through Window]

    Official video footage of Space Shuttle mission STS-8 (Challenger) from 1983 has a very curious glitch in it, at 3 minutes 32 in the video: A man's head, and other shapes, are very clearly seen: Most likely it's a reflection, given the way it overlays on the shuttle itself. But sure is an...
  14. Rory

    Debunked: Wernher von Braun confirmed that rockets can't leave earth

    Hergé's Tintin adventures 'Destination Moon' (1950) and 'Explorers on the Moon' (1952) spring to mind: The rocket in that was single-stage; spacious; and flew direct - yet was believed at the time to be quite realistic: Hergé hoped for the story to be as realistic as possible, and sought to...
  15. Rory

    Nathan Oakley's Flat Earth "Debates".

    I've been thinking the first port of call in this 'debate', if that is put forward, would be to ask the question: "What is the correct equation for working out the hidden amount of a distant object on a 3959-mile radius sphere?" If he thinks the calculator is wrong, and that it should be...
  16. Rory

    Why are people called conspiracy theorists?

    I think so - though I suppose it's all about gradations and spectrums, and how much they have invested in believing in conspiraces; what the conspiracies are; and how much their beliefs involve denialism. Maybe it's akin to the guy who knocks a ball around in the park every now and then with...
  17. Rory

    Why are people called conspiracy theorists?

    Does she define "conspiracy theorist" also? I think there's a difference: anybody can have a theory that a conspiracy has taken place; but a "conspiracy theorist" goes there out of habit, and not necessarily with good reason.
  18. Rory

    Debunked: View of Blue Ridge Mountains impossible on spherical earth

    A note on using Peakfinder is a very useful tool when it comes to identifying mountain summits. But one thing I've noticed is that the posted elevations are often quite different to USGS and NAVD88 figures, which I believe are the most reliable. The reason for this is that...
  19. Rory

    Observations of Pike's Peak

    A note on using Peakfinder is a very useful tool when it comes to identifying mountain summits. But one thing I've noticed is that the posted elevations are often quite different to USGS and NAVD88 figures, which I believe are the most reliable. The reason for this is that...
  20. Rory

    Soundly Proving the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    Could you provide one or two examples please?