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  1. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    I saw on the 2016 flat earth Bedford Level video that they said the canal was 1.2m deep. I was surprised by that: going by what the boaters were saying, I was expecting it to be shallower.
  2. Rory

    Recreating the Bedford Level Experiment

    The theodolite could be used to show that the targets are located increasingly below the horizontal (i.e., below eye level). But the main point is showing whether the middle target is raised or not: anything in addition to that is really 'bonus material'.
  3. Rory

    Recreating the Bedford Level Experiment

    In another thread - as well as here - we've been talking again about recreating the Bedford Levels Experiment. A lot of new and useful information has come out: both about the previous experiments, and where they took place, as well as with regard to carrying out a definitive version. This is...
  4. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    Something I've just noticed: the idea of having an observer and three targets at the same elevation doesn't quite work in showing a modified version of what Wallace showed. What I was hoping for was this (using Walter Bislin's awesome curvature app): But the only way I could get that view...
  5. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    Regarding the height of Wallace's targets: The iron parapet of Welney bridge was thirteen feet three inches above the water of the canal. The Old Bedford bridge, about six miles off, was of brick and somewhat higher. On this bridge I fixed a large sheet of white calico, six feet long and three...
  6. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    Good point. He was a classic fudger, by all accounts.
  7. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    We talk a lot of Rowbotham's measurement when he had the telescope about 8 inches above the water as his definitive experiment - easily dismissed because of refraction - yet there were others he did at the Old Bedford Levels, such as: This seems a much better experiment, and if we can assume...
  8. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    As you say, the vast majority of the line between those two bridges is over land. Also, it bypasses the two bridges in between: Here's a link at mapometer with the line drawn in. The advantages of using the Old Bedford river northeast of Welney are: Original site 5.85 miles of...
  9. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    Not sure why there would be a problem with the Old Bedford. As for the issue with the Welney Sluice, it looks okay - with a tall enough tripod, that is. Though the easiest solution might be to have the camera at the Salters Lode end.
  10. Rory

    A Side View of the Curvature of the Earth at Lake Pontchartrain

    If anyone ever wants a thread killing, just ask me to whip up a spreadsheet. I'm 2 for 2 now. :)
  11. Rory

    Review: Flat Earth - The History of an Infamous Idea - Christine Garwood

    I also imagine there's a voice in your head, and some physical sensations. And maybe you can smell and taste something too. ;) But I get what you mean: to a certain strain of flat earther, when their backs are against the wall, that's where the argument inevitably leads: what is reality anyway?
  12. Rory

    Eruption of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii – Conspiracies and Science

    Anybody know if the ISS live feed picked up the smoke plume? That would be cool. I see that some astronauts up there have taken their own pics:
  13. Rory

    Review: Flat Earth - The History of an Infamous Idea - Christine Garwood

    The challenge for me is to understand that the world is full of mad beliefs and there's basically nothing I can do about it other than accept and let go, recognising that seeking to change that situation is probably not the best use of my time. And if I ever meet an actual flat earther and...
  14. Rory

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    Do you know what the current flat earth view on southern hemisphere flights is? In the beginning they claimed they were all indirect, going via the northern hemisphere, and that flights were unbookable. My sense is they moved on from that - maybe to claims about speed - and that now they don't...
  15. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    So I just had a go at a rough scale model of a Bedford Levels experiment using an 18-foot long board and three plastic beakers (and even a couple of breeze blocks for good measure). It's not as pretty as Mick's "pawns on the car roof" demonstration - but it does include what happens when the...
  16. Rory

    Review: Flat Earth - The History of an Infamous Idea - Christine Garwood

    Tho, having said that, it occurs to me that flat earth reasoning may have less to do with using intuitive thought, and more to do with appealing to intuitive thought. Belief in the flat earth often appears to be a decision, rather than an outcome arrived at through thinking. Frequently this...
  17. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    When I check on the mapometer link I posted above - same data as google - it's showing that 12-mile stretch of the Old Bedford as being 2-3 metres above sea level.
  18. Rory

    Paper: How paranoid are conspiracy believers?

    Personally, I've long been suffering from pronoia - that is, the strange, unaccountable feeling that everyone and everything is conspiring for my benefit. :)
  19. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    I wonder if Sch40 is different in the UK? Or an import item? This page mentions it as being a North American product: What is different about Schedule 40 pipe and fittings? Schedule 40 (sometimes abbreviated to Sch40) is a North American pipe standard similar to the European classification...
  20. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    Yes, I did originally add something about the English gloom and haze - but didn't want to cast aspersions on our fair isle, nor tempt fate, nor reflect unfairly, when there are also a good number of sunny clear days (some years). If you think the P900 is good enough for the 6-mile test - seeing...