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  1. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    no, I meant that because Germany blocked Nordstream 2, I don't see how Gazprom would have to pay a penalty fee.
  2. Mendel

    Opinion vs fact

    At what point does night become day? How light exactly does the sky need to be? There's a gray area that delimits "night", yet there are many times when you can unequivocally say "it's night" and state a fact.
  3. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    Gazprom has a huge budget, I'd be surprised if this was a consideration. And this reasoning does not apply to Nordstream 2, which was/is being blocked by Germany.
  4. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    If this was an externally executed sabotage, who'd have the capability of carrying it out? USA and Russia, obviously. Some smaller states? Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania? Sweden has its own submarines, I expect they could? Does it have to be a "state actor"? Could a villain billionaire...
  5. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    The PIGs are driven by the gas pressure as it is moving through the pipeline; unless you opened the valve at the German end, a Russian PIG couldn't get underway and vice versa. This would be more likely if the pipelines hadn't been shut down.. I don't know if a PIG could move the amount of...
  6. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    I didn't intend to suggest that. That would require a fair bit of 1984-style reality control! Most experts agreed that there were no WMD in Iraq. They don't agree that their assessment was bad. (See my quote above.)
  7. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    They're not just "now biased", they'll be biased in the future as well. But when reality aligns with their world-view, they're likely to be correct about it. The question right now is whether it does align.
  8. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    [...] an unexpected outcome from an inescapably probabilistic estimate does not signify that the prior estimate was flawed or slanted. Intelligence estimates in general are inherently uncertain, which is to say that they are probabilistic. Estimates made about something to be found or...
  9. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    I have not argued that. I have argued that your experts are biased because they are former US intelligence or US think tank members, listing their names and associations. I don't have a problem with biased experts. I have a problem when that bias is not acknowledged, or when they're used with...
  10. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    Yes. Sen. Mike Lee is using "democracy" to mean unmitigated majority rule. Insofar as “democracy” means “a political system in which government derives its powers from the consent of the governed,” then of course that accurately describes our system. But the word conjures far more than that. It...
  11. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    if I cut your quote here, I agree with it you seem to want to argue that people who've sworn an oath to protect the USA, or who advise the US on how to best beat Russia (e.g. RAND) shouldn't be assumed to be biased in favour of the USA and also reverse the burden of evidence how do you...
  12. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    Astra Taylor: Ah, yes. This phrase, “We are a republic, not a democracy.” I heard this phrase frequently, but always from a certain class of person. Always from a white man. I did quite a few interviews—what in the documentary film world we call “streeters”—where I would set up on a corner and...
  13. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    Yes. I used to word "hated" in the sense of "strongly opposed". Countries tend to not have emotions. I consider sanctions a step beyond that.
  14. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    Why 3 holes instead of one? wouldn't that be even less expensive? why not sabotage the Baltic pipeline to Poland on the day before it is due to be opened? none of your experts look unbiased to me: Sergey Vakulenko in Carnegie Politka [The Carnegie Endowment is s Washington Think Tank]...
  15. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    Some more background: 1 March 2022 The pipeline construction, however, was delayed with Swiss-Dutch deep-sea pipe-laying company Allseas suspending work on the project in December 2019 following sanctions announced by the US in the same month on the companies engaged in the Nord Stream 2...
  16. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    This is the Russian "propaganda", as presented at the UN: Fact #1. A few weeks prior to the beginning of the special military operation US President J.Biden said, “ If Russia invades, that means tanks and troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then there will be… there will be no longer...
  17. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    There are a lot of pipelines in the North Sea, it doesn't look like depth is a problem. Source:
  18. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    but it's not that deep where it ruptured near Bornholm Russia’s Gazprom said on Monday (3 October) that gas had stopped leaking from three ruptured Nord Stream gas lines under the Baltic, and that it might be possible to resume pumping through the remaining single line.
  19. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    well, "40% of the pre-war volume" is a step back, while opening Nordstream 2 would've been a step forward for Russia. Which leads me to speculate that Russia blew up NS1 to force Germany to open NS2, and the CIA got wind of it and blew up NS2. Even if it probably didn't happen that way, it'd...
  20. Mendel

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    my presumption was wrong gas delivery contracts were payable in euro or USD Putin changed this, so now Gazprombank in Luxemburg accepts Euro and converts it to Rubel (that was the plan in March) to send to Russia to comply with new Russian law