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  1. Mendel

    I want to BELONG

    in a masterful stroke, @Henkka uses a thread about the standards applied to thread starter posts to re-litigate years-old moderation decisions A-1 trolling, we can't even tell if you're doing it intentionally or not, but you're heading straight for the best irrelevant controversy you could find
  2. Mendel

    Opinion vs fact

    they both look like they're describing something that happened (except the second statement is false), hence they're factual think about it this way: when you're reading fiction (e.g. Game of Thrones), nothing in the book is true, it's all made up. Yet, it'll describe some of these made-up...
  3. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  4. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    still not flat
  5. Mendel

    Michigan QAnon follower shoots wife, daughter

    If I wanted to draw a line, I'd say everyone who knows what WWG1WGA means and includes themselves in it is part of the QAnon movement. Trump shared a picture of himself wearing a Q lapel pin, overlaid with the QAnon phrases “The Storm is Coming” and “WWG1WGA,” on his Truth Social account on...
  6. Mendel

    Michigan QAnon follower shoots wife, daughter

    ah, i was looking at the other quote note that this one has the qualifier "relatives with guns who are like this", not, as you wrote, "anyone who has shared a Qanon conspiracy theory".
  7. Mendel

    I want to BELONG

    yes, it is
  8. Mendel

    Michigan QAnon follower shoots wife, daughter

    His daughter stated that his preoccupation with QAnon made him lose contact with reality, and made him more ready to use violence.
  9. Mendel

    Michigan QAnon follower shoots wife, daughter

    You're overreaching. She said "get help", that doesn't equate institutionalisation. ("The writer seems to imply a link" is another take of yours not borne out by evidence.)
  10. Mendel

    Michigan QAnon follower shoots wife, daughter

    pretty good evidence, if you ask me
  11. Mendel

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    I'd expect it'd be hard to get horizontal if it was being cast, but the shape is fairly similar.
  12. Mendel

    Michigan QAnon follower shoots wife, daughter

    “He became a different person after 2020 when Trump lost,” she said. She says her father started getting more agitated at normal things and often found a way to bring up conspiracy theories about vaccines, 5G and electromagnetic fields. He turned to extremism – like QAnon, a political...
  13. Mendel

    Michigan QAnon follower shoots wife, daughter

    The daughter was not present at the shooting, but she witnessed her father's mental health decline. “He had a sense of reality,” Rebecca Lanis said. “But then after 2020, when Trump lost, he started going down these crazy rabbit holes.” The pandemic may have been a contributary cause, it has...
  14. Mendel

    Michigan QAnon follower shoots wife, daughter

    this anecdote has all the trappings of an urban legend. I don't suppose you can source it?
  15. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Reuters cites 3 anonymous sources for this (heavily excerpted): PARIS, Sept 14 (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin's chief envoy on Ukraine told the Russian leader as the war began that he had struck a provisional deal with Kyiv that would satisfy Russia's demand that Ukraine stay out of NATO, but Putin...
  16. Mendel

    I want to BELONG

    Yes, and the evidence supporting your point of view has been examined before. Which is why nobody but you is really interested in re-examining it.
  17. Mendel

    Opinion vs fact

    Great evidence! It proves to me that Pew's intended meaning conflicts with many respondents' everyday meaning of the words. Which is what I took to be @CaptainCourgette 's point.
  18. Mendel

    I want to BELONG

    Truthers are welcome, trolls are not Metabunk is a debunking forum, not a discussion forum and most of that 9/11 stuff has already been examined for bunk (which is why staying ontopic is important, so debunks can be more easily found)
  19. Mendel

    I want to BELONG

    hard to find, but here's Mick's explanation (from last year's, less confrontational, "my post got deleted" thread): Another good reason to make your first post a reply to the Welcome thread, @Ravi!