Search results

  1. Mendel

    Refraction of light on a flat earth

    I don't think it works that way. I had a look at Monte Carlo method for polarized radiative transfer in gradient-index media, and while I can't say I understand it, they don't talk about that.
  2. Mendel

    Refraction of light on a flat earth

    Basically, surveyors have tools to measure elevation very precisely (theodolites, total stations, and special GPS receivers). If I had to do an optical measurement, I'd take two readings, from A to B and back from B to A, and since they err in opposite directions, I'd average them to cancel the...
  3. Mendel

    Refraction of light on a flat earth

    if the air density did not diminish with height, then yes. But it demonstrably does, as pilots and mountaineers can attest.
  4. Mendel

    Calvine: Disclosure Team Q&A

    The Canon AE-1 Program is a 35 mm single-lens reflex camera that uses Canon's FD mount lenses. It was introduced in April 1981 as the successor to the Canon AE-1 [..]. The major difference was the addition of the Program AE mode [..]. This mode sets both the shutter speed and aperture...
  5. Mendel

    Claim: Denser development increases congestion

    Your title focuses on congestion, but your OP relates this to "the paper says, compact development and transit improvements could both substantially increase emissions" and "significant energy savings". These are not really much related to congestion. The implied argument, 'dense environment...
  6. Mendel

    Calvine: Disclosure Team Q&A

    is it common for birdwatchers to use b&w film? this makes me think the photographer is dead or moved to parts unknown, otherwise anything could be verified through him the UFO was said to not be moving, so it shouldn't look different in the various frames? unless it was rotating? that just...
  7. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    This is a detraction: nobody claims the US Navy is authoritative with respect to stars or drones. Confidence only matters when it is rooted in actual expertise. Please do not repeat this detraction a third time.
  8. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    We have the photographer's statement that there's an airplane in the picture. Not knowing the photographer, this carries as much authority as you wish to assign to an anonymous source. Assuming it is a plane, the MoD had it identified as a Harrier, based on 6 pictures, 5 of which are...
  9. Mendel

    Claim: Denser development increases congestion

    On average, yes. And via heating, on average, yes. You can always pick individuals for which this is not true, e.g. someone who lived in mom's basement in Denver and took a job in NY as a delivery driver will increase carbon emissions, but the carbon footprint of the 4000 people together...
  10. Mendel

    Comparing flat Earth and spherical Earth from a geometric point of view

    You can often find a shortcut to a disproof by considering a special case. Let α=180⁰. That makes one leg of δ be h. Since h and the radius are orthogonal, δ is now part of a right triangle. Since the right triangles involving A and O are not similar, the δ angles have to be different. Your...
  11. Mendel

    Ufo in the sky in „Tagesthemen“

    another clue is that nobody reacts to it
  12. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    It's a draw, with Russia having secured some gains. Ukraine is trying to besiege Kherson, and when there are no more Russians west of the Dnipro river, Ukraine will have done very well. But that's not a done deal yet.
  13. Mendel

    Claim: Denser development increases congestion

    That many more people driving 15-percent less each still means a 100-percent increase in total vehicle miles of travel. That's a fallacy, though. These people who moved to that city now don't drive someplace else, resulting in a greater reduction there. Which is why, if you consider the...
  14. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    yes, but in that case, "it's not a Harrier" would still be true! that identification presumably rests on 6 pictures, of which the one we know is the best, and may be shaky if the small object is not a fighter at all. It's not as good as stating that something is or isn't on record.
  15. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    they are not experts on bokeh, on stars, or on drones, so they hold no authority there, and an appeal to authority would've been misplaced but the British MoD are experts on where their Harriers are, I doubt anyone on Earth knows this better, so weighing their authority highly in this matter...
  16. Mendel

    Comparing flat Earth and spherical Earth from a geometric point of view

    2018 – Colin O'Brady (USA) completed an unsupported (no resupplies or supply drops) solo crossing of Antarctica (not including the ice shelves). He started inland at the end of the Ronne Ice Shelf on 3 November 2018, passed through the South Pole and arrived inland at the start of the Ross Ice...
  17. Mendel

    2022 Antarctic Flight (74 gear)

    £42,757 pledged of £1,257,117 goal 202 backers Funding Unsuccessful The project's funding goal was not reached on Fri, June 10 2022 2:18 PM BST
  18. Mendel

    Claim: Denser development increases congestion

    this'll go away completely with the transition to electric vehicles that don't need to idle.
  19. Mendel

    Claim: Denser development increases congestion

    You really need to break this down per person to have some comparison. One of the biggest differences in carbon footprint is between rural and urban dwellers. Travel and size of homes are the main reasons why rural populations can emit twice as much carbon as their urban counterparts New York...
  20. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    yet they generally do, unless they have a reason not to. the anonymous photographer of this picture is much less obligated to tell the truth than a MoD employee interacting with a newspaper—the stakes are different.