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  1. Mendel

    Nick Pope

    I wondered if Neon Nettle maybe received that rating just for the UFO stuff, because then any site that publishes Pope would need to be rated like that, as a kind of inevitability, but it turns out there's more: Neon Nettle is a right-wing conspiracy and pseudoscience website. There are many...
  2. Mendel

    Comparing Petition Signature Rejection Rates to Mail-in Ballot Rejection Rates

    this will never not stand out to me that the US have this hurdle to making people's votes count
  3. Mendel

    Observations of Mallorca Island and the Earth's Curvature

    well, what happens with altitude is generally the adiabatic lapse rate, i.e. as air rises, pressure decreases, the air expands, and the temperature decreases as described by the gas law what's important is usually what happens closer to the water where there's a temperature gradient from the...
  4. Mendel

    Observations of Mallorca Island and the Earth's Curvature

    the main obstacle to seeing >1000m high mountaintops from 500m/200km is probably visibility, i.e. they're really far away and may be lost in the haze even if you have a telescope you can play around with the gradient at and see what it'd take, it definitely...
  5. Mendel

    Big Balloons that are not round

    "This was just a really thin black plastic bag you'd fill with air, seal, and then set out in the sun," said the man, who asked not to be identified but posted under the Reddit handle thatsboots3010. "The sun would heat the air in the black bag and the bag would become buoyant and float." They...
  6. Mendel

    Big Balloons that are not round

    and completely silent, too!
  7. Mendel

    The Global Cross-Hair Enigma that looks like Hair Dryer Burns

    any farmer branding their cattle • uses the same brand every time • does not apply partial brands • put the brand in the same place Though modern-day animals are chipped, and sometimes even equipped with GPS.
  8. Mendel

    Big Balloons that are not round

    Often, objects that hover in the sky are unidentified if they don't look like common balloons. Especially party balloons come in many shapes and sizes. But even bigger ballons can have oval or irregular shapes, and I feel it'd be good to collect some examples...
  9. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    So Lindsay forgot about gliders and balloons. Hmm. a tethered balloon tends to "hover" until you cut the cord, at which point it "shoots up".
  10. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    would be much less disturbed leewards of a mountain/hill wouldn't that also depend on the observer's location? the rock could look different from the usual observation spots
  11. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    when did reputable papers ever print UFO reports? ;)
  12. Mendel

    Chernobyl during Russia and Ukraine Conflict

    09 Aug 2022 Ukraine has informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that a shelling incident on Saturday near the dry spent fuel storage facility at the country’s Zaporizhzya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) caused some damage, but that available radiation measurements continued to show...
  13. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Ukrainian forces are continuing efforts to disrupt Russian ground lines of communication (GLOCs) that support Russian forces on the right bank of the Dnipro River. Ukrainian forces struck the bridge on the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) dam again on August 13, reportedly rendering the...
  14. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    if you move the camera down, the distant hills will also appear to "move down" because of perspective. They will appear lower than usual, not higher as close large objects do.
  15. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    This is Wales, not Scotland, but it's low flying training. Source:
  16. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    reflections do not work like shadows there is no optical path that allows this with a horizontal "mirror" anything reflected but out of shot has to be above
  17. Mendel

    Discovery Channel's "Contact: Declassified Breakthrough" was debunked 2.5 years ago

  18. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

  19. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    why should it be darker?
  20. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    as a rule, sheep do not roll down hills sheep are used to keep the grass on dikes short (and the ground tread down) because they easily cope with the incline. the fences are often right next to the dike.