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  1. Mendel

    What's Inside ?.....5g protection devices, radionic wish machines, etc...

    that's what I was trying to show in my post #16 the twist here is that their version of scalar EMF , despite having been discovered by Maxwell and Tesla, is not physical: Although scalar fields cannot be detected by a standard meter, they are readily picked up by living organisms. The only...
  2. Mendel

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    I disagree. There are 3 vectors in play, lift, thrust, and weight. For level flight, there needs to be a horizontal component (mostly provided by thrust), and the vertical components need to cancel out. If the aircraft has excessive lift (obvious e.g. with STOL aircraft), the thrust vector may...
  3. Mendel

    The Global Cross-Hair Enigma that looks like Hair Dryer Burns

    If it was aliens, I'd like to know why they're using so many different patterns, but all of them look like hairdryer grilles, and some are applied inexpertly. I'd expect them to use the same pattern (or a small number of variations), but this looks like they're stealing a new hair dryer for...
  4. Mendel

    The Global Cross-Hair Enigma that looks like Hair Dryer Burns

    "That's why nobody in the USA knows about it, as Americans typically don't ever learn French. They live in their own little bubble, it seems to me." ;-)
  5. Mendel

    The Global Cross-Hair Enigma that looks like Hair Dryer Burns

    translation: 'these show up best on pale skin, but we have decided to be racist about it' a fair number of internet pictures of people using hair dryers lack the nozzle so I wouldn't go as far as to say it's non-typical
  6. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    No. 4 different outfits, at least, simulated this. I posted on Torero's "WTC7 revisited" paper before, where they're summed up.
  7. Mendel

    The core remnant: could it have survived?

    everyone who has ever tried to step out of a small unmoored boat may have experienced this. What you hope to become your own lateral motion can work out to leave your own center of gravity not as much propelled forward as you would want it to, as the feet planted firm on the frictionless boat...
  8. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    this isn't about conceding, this is about keeping your argument straight. I responded to "But with WTC 7, it does not seem evident at all that we're looking at a natural collapse from office fires" with "no". This means I think there is obvious evidence that this was a collapse from fire. (I...
  9. Mendel

    The core remnant: could it have survived?

    Could you elaborate on that?
  10. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    @FatPhil Remember, I'm making this distinction because of Henkka's claim that "what seems 'evident' is an incredibly poor way to figure out what's actually true", which sounds like the first step to brainwashing, and is often the first step down the rabbit hole. What is evident is most often an...
  11. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    For one, that's why I qualified it as 'technically' true. But also, it's something we can see and have evidence of (the sun rises and sets etc.), and this evidence aligns with physics if you model the situation from the observer's coordinate system. The observer can see that the sun revolves...
  12. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    best costume suit today some years ago:
  13. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    yet another weird take the purpose of a costume is to entertain you're thinking of a disguise P.S. 8 years might be a gap between brothers, not a "generational" gap
  14. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    another insight into your value system, where 26-year-old men are untrustworthy somehow? I'd say this factoid strongly suggests that Bob did not mutilate the suit, and wasn't about to extort Roger; and that instead they were friends who trusted each other.
  15. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    ... you have conveniently forgotten every response to this, made days ago in this very thread
  16. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    my impression is that the rationale for this testing is in situations where a bombing is known to have taken place, and it's now of forensic interest to find out what kind of bomb it was the other, much rarer rationale is when an aircraft disappeared over the open sea, and all we have is some...
  17. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    didn't you just exhort us to not go by first impressions? it did not seem plausible to NIST it did not seem plausible to the 9/11 commission who researched how the terrorists prepared you, on the other hand, acknowledge that there were many indicators of impending collapse as WTC7 burned, and...
  18. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    Here, for example, is this statement as written in Forbes by professor Richard Muller at the University of California, Berkeley. It opens as follows: “According to the general theory of relativity, the Sun does orbit the Earth. And the Earth orbits the Sun.” I invite you to read the rest of...
  19. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    The first is false, this is not evident at all. The second is technically true. “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” —George Orwell, 1984
  20. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    Obviously. Takeaway: don't give terrorists with a couple hundred igniters and 75 pounds of explosives a week in your building, they might not leave it standing