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  1. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    @Thomas B can no longer answer in this thread. That's a boon, not a problem. We were very clear that the 75 pounds would not "replicate the damage", and that it would have been impossible to place it undetected in the many locations it would be needed.
  2. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Case closed? P.S. if individuals have a 50% chance of spotting a liar, that means the "crowd" is going to be split on the issue. Knowledge questions do not involve lie detection.
  3. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    citation needed, esp. on the latter now they're more susceptible to wind loads makes them weaker ??? putting gravity loads on the columns increase tension and strain. Actual net effect depends on the design of the floors, thickness of steel, etc. and none of this is considering resonant...
  4. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    Are they? Shaped tubes typically are produced by making a round tube and then forming it into a square, rectangular, or other shape. The cage forming process doesn’t form round first, then the final shape; instead, the material goes from flat directly to the desired shape.
  5. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    How Can Jurors Tell When Someone Is Lying? They can't. Most people think they’re good at lie detecting, but as it turns out, laypeople are about as good at it as a coin toss (see here and here). According to former FBI agent and body language expert Joe Navarro, the truth is, there's no...
  6. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    Up until 1994 it was nothing more than a conjecture. Which is a hypothesis, to be proven.
  7. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    it's not hard, it's impossible
  8. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    yes. based on nothing but wishful thinking, the desire to prove yourself correct, and deft ignorance of any information that stands in the way of that you were interested in shear lag and framed tubes only as long as you thought it supported your monolith idea; once you found out it didn't, you...
  9. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    Yes, but you thought you could apply the equations for a single prismatic tube and get a meaningful result
  10. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    No, they don't "hold up just fine". The area around One Meridian Plaza was cleared of pedestrians and firefighting personnel because of falling glass and debris. Structural damage observed inside One Meridian Plaza by firefighters, and consultations with a structural engineer, led to fears...
  11. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    that's exactly what I thought, yes
  12. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    He doesn't. He thinks his comparison is valid, and that we don't understand it. He thinks a column that is "prismatic in sections" is still prismatic. He's not looking for knowledge, he's looking for confirmation of answers he already believes in.
  13. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    I meant what I wrote. Yes, it is. Triple the size, triple the pressure. x times the size, x times the pressure, in linear proportion. But while Bigfoot's footprints were twice the size of a human, his body in the film was not.
  14. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    Would you concede that the ones in the middle are more movable? and that pushing on them adds strain all the way to the corner, while pushing on a corner person adds very little strain towards the middle? Show me a picture (or drawing) of that beam for the WTC. I "don't need" to fill that...
  15. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    Thanks, your distinction between "science" and "natural sciences" supports my point. Just say "natural sciences" when you mean that. Fermat's Last Theorem may be the most famous hypothesis ever. there's the "no true scotsman" I expected
  16. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    that only works on opponents who don't realize the WTC7 was a differently constructed building that failed in a different manner from the towers and that WTC received substantial damage from WTC debris that started large fires on several levels that debris was WTC7's plane, so to speak
  17. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    yep, which ones are the easiest to push over in that structure? and how would that change if there was a square table filling the inner space? (they buckle just the same as the single row btw)
  18. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    at that time, 2 other tall buildings had collapsed from fire, hours before it's not but to disregard the body of evidence is unscientific
  19. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    The first post in that thread is the one to read and understand.