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  1. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    SciManDan "earns his money" by catering to a group that thinks of themselves as science-literate. That's why his channel shows science and also science denial. I think it is somewhat valuable to show what science denial is and how it operates, so that his audience knows not to trust it when it...
  2. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    I can't describe my take as "wishing away the bad guys".
  3. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    that's where evidence comes into play (like me referring to evidence that the official explanation does not depict the 9/11 terrorists as a "ragtag band")
  4. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    my take is different: if you accept that the school shooters or aircraft hijackers are intelligent people with reasons for their grudges, you can't uphold the belief that "innocent Americans" don't cause harm to others; but when "my attitudes don't cause harm" is a core belief, you have to...
  5. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    the 9/11 commission report makes it clear they weren't (depending on the definition if "ragtag") I feel that what CTists call "the mainstream" may not really be an accurate representation of it (same goes for "mainstream reporting"). It's a distorted image of what these are like, in accordance...
  6. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    "cohesive story" is a better description of what I termed "sense of security", it minimizes cognitive dissonance—and the pathologizing of the others is in service of that. ("this could happen to me" is not a comfortable thought to have) if we can't construct a cohesive story rationally, we do...
  7. Mendel

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    they would if they could Georgia monument blown up Austrian physician driven to suicide by threats from anti-vaxxers etc. not a good thing to joke about, and the wrong direction to take it
  8. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Depth of footprints is a function of pressure, so if bigfoot's foot is twice as big as a human's, his weight can double to achieve the same pressure.
  9. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    No. Physicists are proud to have found evidence that allows them to pose these kinds of questions. Having questions nobody can answer (yet) is not a cause for shame, but a cause for pride. Your attitude betrays your lack of insight into what science is about.
  10. Mendel

    Claim: Declining rail mode share in Japan proves high-speed rail is impractical

    This is impossible. HSR has no security because it is impossible to crash a train into a skyscraper, and it's usually possible to stop a passenger train from outside. This level of security (none) can't be extended to aircraft any more.
  11. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    WTC1 was 1360 ft tall, 208×208 ft = 43264 ft² Your pipe is short and only has 31426 ft². Fire Technology, doi:10.1007/s10694-012-0285-6. Overview of the Structural Design of World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 Buildings Each column on floor 10 to 107 was fabricated by welding four steel plates...
  12. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    Scaling down does not work, because some properties scale linear, some quadratic, and some cubic. A tube is stronger than a pane, that's why reservoir dams are constructed curved. Bolted connections are weaker than forged steel. And if you apply outward pressure from inside a rectangular tube...
  13. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    I thought it did? why do you think it didn't? do you think this thread is going better?
  14. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    85%. And the difference is that, given the evidence for it, "dark matter" is the simplest explanation (but may yet prove to be incorrect), while for the bigfoot sightings "hoax" is the simplest explanation.
  15. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    well the facade falling on the WTC damaged many buildings and we know about WTC7 so you could collapse a WTC tower with 100 pounds only if you didn't mind the collateral damage note also that this was explicitly only for collapsing the floors
  16. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    You'd have to do it to the core-side connections, too. So it's doable if you - can access hundreds of locations in the walls of the building (more than 1000 if you do several floors) - without anyone noticing (not even in retrospect) - wire them to explode but you would leave hundreds of...
  17. Mendel

    Would the WTC Twin Towers have collapsed from fire alone, without plane impact?

    So investigate the engineering and convince yourself. How big are these shafts, and how were their openings? The "small cause" was an airliner crashing into it, and then extensive fires burning. This has only happened to 0.005% of highrises in the world. it looks like Thomas imagines the...
  18. Mendel

    The Ariel School, Zimbabwe UFO sighting - has it ever been debunked?

    no staircases there, though
  19. Mendel

    [Debunked] NASA bans masturbation in space due to pregnancy concerns

    "Tabloid distorts news", I'd be surprised only if a non-tabloid picked this story up If you still have a browser where you can turn scripting off, try that. All archived dailystar pages redirect back to the site, loading that error page, presumably through a script embedded on the page...
  20. Mendel

    Earth Curvature Simulation by Walter Bislins

    My mistake, I thought we're discussing the "left-right drop angle", from . Not sure how a racetrack fits with Bislin's 3D calculator, either.