Search results

  1. Mendel

    Claim: A Mariupol hospital was hiding members of the Azov Battalion, and other claims by Russia

    no, but the fact that it's her home town suggests to me that she has moved in with her parents (or his?). It's what I'd do in her situation, because it would make my life easier and less stressful than any alternative. Not all of occupied Donbass is a war zone right now, and the Russians aren't...
  2. Mendel

    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    try a stream that is live now
  3. Mendel

    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    Ronald Moultrie talking on AOIMSG may be interesting because AOIMSG is new, though it may not be that different from what UAPTF was. If we get a clear idea of the scope of AOIMSG's work, and the means it has to perform it, then the hearing will have been a success.
  4. Mendel

    Was Column 79 the Achilles' Heel of WTC7?

    If there was a gas tank outside a burning building, the fire fighters would divert some of their effort away from fighting the fire and towards cooling that gas tank, because their priority is to keep that tank from exploding. Similarly, nearby (intact) buildings may have water applied to them...
  5. Mendel

    Was Column 79 the Achilles' Heel of WTC7?

    You've developed the "urgency" idea in another thread ĺ ) and then brought it here; it is off topic in both. The idea that something could/should have been done to "save the building" that was not done on 9/11...
  6. Mendel

    Video of Strange Beam of Light and Noise after Blackout

    the scientific approach would be to cut power to the building again on another night and see if it happens again (why would it be aliens and not burglars?)
  7. Mendel

    1971 Lake Cote / Lago de Cote UFO Aerial Photo

    Earlier in the thread, we talked about the "viewfinder" protrusion that is part of the camera setup, and looks like it'd be located just out of frame. If the sun position was just right and the aircraft tilted just so, could a lens flare occur?
  8. Mendel

    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    Hopefully the livestream stays online on Youtube, as it usually does. Taking notes of time and topics may be useful in navigating the video later. I've been looking for committee hearing transcripts: When are Hearings Available? Most congressional hearings are published two months to two years...
  9. Mendel

    Claim: A Mariupol hospital was hiding members of the Azov Battalion, and other claims by Russia

    From the BBC page: This is her first interview with a major western media outlet after being evacuated to her hometown in a part of Donbas controlled by Russian-backed separatists. [...] Marianna's relatives and friends have assured me she is now safe. I think it's a natural choice to want to...
  10. Mendel

    Was Column 79 the Achilles' Heel of WTC7?

    they should have developed ad-hoc "creative solutions" that would have allowed them to extinguish a burning 40-storey building with no water mains within a few hours; the fact that they didn't is attributed to them being stupid and lazy, I think? if he can answer this question, he should apply...
  11. Mendel

    Was Column 79 the Achilles' Heel of WTC7?

    Yes. So previously, if the East side of the building was burning, the fire fighters might have reconned that the West side staircase would still be a safe path to attack the fire. This is now not a safe assumption for steel frame buildings. Even if the building collapsed only partially, burning...
  12. Mendel

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always...
  13. Mendel

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    Sure. As soon as you show me one with an interest in space flight. I have chosen these examples because it is easily imaginable that a life form similar to these evolved further on another planet than it did on ours. Not all sentient life forms are aliens.
  14. Mendel

    Sitrec - Metabunk's Situation Recreation Tool - Development Discussion

    "Simulated" means "derived from the simulation data", aka the "path in sitrec". It's not a contradiction. What I meant by "100% simulated" is that there is no ambiguity as to how this display came to be; there's no actual sensor data involved because sitrec is 100% synthetic. But the SA display...
  15. Mendel

    Gimbal UFO - A New Analysis

  16. Mendel

    Sitrec - Metabunk's Situation Recreation Tool - Development Discussion

    If all you have is a few pixels, the glider wings are going to be harder to see (blending into the background more) than the Cherokee's wings (provided the wing area is comparable).
  17. Mendel

    Was Column 79 the Achilles' Heel of WTC7?

    That's 3 things aligning, with 2 of your conditions already exceeding my "office copier fire" scenario. After 5 hours of effort and the fire still not close to being contained, and the "risk that the whole building will come down" being present? I expect the decision would be similar. They'd...
  18. Mendel

    Sitrec - Metabunk's Situation Recreation Tool - Development Discussion

    It immediately motivates the description of the aircraft changing heading; and since this is 100% simulated, we know that the aircraft causing this vector to flip keeps flying straight, if I understand @Mick West correctly. It shows that the description need not be reliable, that it could be an...