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  1. Mendel

    Sitrec - Metabunk's Situation Recreation Tool - Development Discussion

    F18: 12m wing span, 37m² wing area, 45k ft. Citation: 18m wing span, 49m² wing area, 51k ft. GlobalHawk: 35m wing span, 50m² wing area, 60k ft. I'm not confident that this would affect the IR profile much, especially from a horizontal aspect; if you see the aircraft from below or above...
  2. Mendel

    Claim that the Nimitz FLIR1 object could not be a plane because it would have been Identified

    the only interpretation that makes sense is that this description refers to the shape of the appendages, not their size if the size matched, she could have said straight out that she saw pitot tubes, but she used "look like". I know no other simple way to describe that shape.
  3. Mendel

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I thought the range of a kite was largely determined by the position of the operator (presumably inside the kite park) and the wind direction?
  4. Mendel

    Claim: Navy FLIR1 video seems to show Tic Tac antennas

    she didn't say she was seeing pitot tubes, these are obviously much smaller; but they have the L-shape that she thinks she recognized, so these would be big appendages shaped like pitot tubes that could serve some other function.
  5. Mendel

    Can Skyscrapers Fall Over on Their Side?

    Exactly. And that objective was comfortably achieved.
  6. Mendel

    Can Skyscrapers Fall Over on Their Side?

    I don't doubt they knew that you agreed to this
  7. Mendel

    Can Skyscrapers Fall Over on Their Side?

    If the building had fallen over 10 minutes after it had been evacuated, I think it'd be fair to say that some more urgency would've been advisable. 3 hours means the order was given well in time.
  8. Mendel

    Was Column 79 the Achilles' Heel of WTC7?

    @econ41 suggested 3 levels, 1) normal conditions, 2) normal fire, 3) gross trauma Yes. There's always something so rare and so costly to counteract that you won't want to include protection against that scenario in your design. Take "detonate a truck filled with a fertilizer bomb in front of...
  9. Mendel

    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    Hiring people, and bureaucracy. From Kirby's statement (see full transcript above): what we're going to try to do to make sure we have a better process for identifying these phenomena, analyzing that information in a more proactive, coordinated way than it's been done in the past. In aviation...
  10. Mendel

    Sitrec - Metabunk's Situation Recreation Tool - Development Discussion

    The B-52's service ceiling is officially listed as 50,000 feet, but operational experience shows this is difficult to reach when fully laden with bombs. According to one source: "The optimal altitude for a combat mission was around 43,000 feet, because to exceed that height would rapidly degrade...
  11. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Russian forces made significant tactical mistakes during the attempted large-scale crossing of the Siverskyi Donets River from Kreminna. The Russian command reportedly sent 550 servicemen of the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 41st Combined Arms Army to cross the Siverskyi Donets River in...
  12. Mendel

    Was Column 79 the Achilles' Heel of WTC7?

    Yes. Removal of a load-bearing column is "gross trauma", and it occurs exceedingly rarely outside of war zones and building demolitions. Do not remove a load-bearing column from any building and expect it to remain structurally sound.
  13. Mendel

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    a 4m object at 7 km distance has the same appearance as a 6cm object at 100m distance (1 inch at 100 ft.). I think this can't be seen against the sky unless it is blinking, and even then it'd be difficult.
  14. Mendel

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    Their DNA (if they don't have any, that's VERY alien) won't be placeable within terrestrial genetic lines.
  15. Mendel

    Need Debunking: Leaked Victoria Nuland phone call proves that the Maidan Revolution was a coup

    i use "resistance" to describe operations against an occupying force; I don't think it applies to Nicaragua. I'd describe using military means to effect political change as a coup attempt. But my point is that the US did not provide military aid to the Ukrainian opposition that was trying to...
  16. Mendel

    Can Skyscrapers Fall Over on Their Side?

    And the fire chief made his decision considering them and their effectiveness. Which means your call for "urgency" falls flat yet again. Your quote shows the fire chief had the area evacuated 3 hours before the building collapsed; I fail to see what additional "urgency" could have achieved here...
  17. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    The Battle of Mariupol will, apparently and surprisingly, continue.
  18. Mendel

    Can Skyscrapers Fall Over on Their Side?

    the building had suffered structural damage from falling debris, extensive fire damage, water damage from the upper floor sprinklers, and pervasive smoke damage. I would not be surprised if it was deemed a write-off at that point—unsaveable, to be torn down even if it hadn't collapsed.
  19. Mendel

    Can Skyscrapers Fall Over on Their Side?

    source this, please AFAIK the fires caused the collapse; I don't remember the investigation stating that putting them out was an option. "just asking questions" Econ just explained he'd have estimated in advance that this would happen. no lives lost, no injuries from the collapse please...
  20. Mendel

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    Occam's razor. Intelligent beings (they communicate!) that have been tracked from outside the solar system (extraterrestrial) are your tomato salad tomatoes. Your 4 suggestions all introduce additional elements that have no supporting evidence and don't add explanatory power.