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  1. Mendel

    Bayesian argument to believe in aliens?

    Replying to the OP #1: Since you're applying simple Bayes, the denominator should be P( { CE_i } ). This means you are setting P( { CE_i }) =? P( { CE_i } | A ) P( A ) + P( { CE_i } | Not[A] ) P( Not[A] ) Is that identity true, though? We know that P( { CE_i } ) = P( { CE_i } | A ) + P( {...
  2. Mendel

    Explained: Roger Stone's "Portal" over the White House - Len Flare and Spotlights

    Does this "portal" appear every night? Why is the White House offering a video feed that shows a top secret portal?
  3. Mendel

    Explained: Roger Stone's "Portal" over the White House - Len Flare and Spotlights

    Since hardly anyone is wearing tinfoil hats around the White House, these people are obviously susceptible to mind control.
  4. Mendel

    Bayesian argument to believe in aliens?

    Headline from your source: Astronomer Uses Bayesian Statistics to Weigh Likelihood of Complex Life and Intelligence beyond EarthThis doesn't actually deal with extraterrestrial visits to Earth, it's just computing the likelihood of intelligent life emerging on a planet, which is part of the...
  5. Mendel

    Bayesian argument to believe in aliens?

    How do you define a "close encounter event"? Below, you expand this set notation as the product of all individual P(CE_i | A), and that's certainly not 1 unless you want to argue that the presence of aliens results in no more hoaxes or false reports. The maths doesn't add up here.
  6. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    Is anecdotal evidence reliable? One man says yes.
  7. Mendel

    Plot to assassinate Vladimir Solovyov

    published February 16, 2022 EA said last week that the expansion would not be available in Russia because of the country's LGBTQ laws, but has now changed its mind. The turnaround presumably means My Wedding Stories will have to be rated Adults Only in Russia, which will keep it out of the...
  8. Mendel

    Plot to assassinate Vladimir Solovyov

    AFAIK it's not being offered, so that it can't get banned? It's not incriminating evidence, so it shouldn't be laid out there.
  9. Mendel

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    The best way to show refraction is typically via background distortion, which is why Heath Carmody's observations at a mountain lake in the daytime are so useful: you can see the perceived water level go up and down while the mountainsides and-tops stay unmoved, so you see compression going on...
  10. Mendel

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    No, but it would demonstrate that this hypothesis corresponds to reality. That's more than the "it's real" hypothesis has going for it at this point.
  11. Mendel

    Claim: Navy FLIR1 video seems to show Tic Tac antennas

    Google thinks it's similar to this: which is actually
  12. Mendel

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    It's still not a scientific process because falsification is ruled out either way. They've just found a way to defend their belief whilst acknowledging the evidence; if they hadn't, they wouldn't. That's why we can agree with them and say, we're probably never going to know what it is, so...
  13. Mendel

    Chernobyl during Russia and Ukraine Conflict

    Nuclear safety, security and safeguards experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are continuing to work at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) this week to deliver equipment, conduct radiological assessments and restore safeguards monitoring systems. The experts arrived at...
  14. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Yes, exactly. The Transnistria things started happening after the Russian rhetoric of keeping South Ukraine to have a future land bridge to Transnistria. To some people in Moldavia, this may look like Moldavia is going to become Ukraine 2.0 (since Russia was never content with the 2014 borders...
  15. Mendel

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    "Evangelist" is not an insult; in my understanding, it stands for someone aggressively pushing an idea, see e.g. "technology evangelist". It does not imply lying, pseudo-science, or actual religion, though it strongly suggests bias.
  16. Mendel

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    Thank you for clarifying! Given that the reflective rings may be on the outside of the lens assembly, they may mostly be in shadow in the bottom left corner, and the fall-off difference you observe seems slight, with the main difference being a reflected arc in the lower left corner that may...
  17. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Ukrainian forces likely conducted drone or possibly missile strikes on Russian logistics centers in Belgorod and Voronezh on April 27. Russian sources and social media reported multiple explosions early on April 27, which Ukrainian Presidential Advisor Mikhail Podolyak later euphemistically...
  18. Mendel

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    I'm not sure I follow the physics here. Irregular refraction/diffraction is typically the stronger the smaller its angle is (sundogs being one exception), and for that, the angle to the camera matters as much as the angle to light source—more, in fact, because the camera is closer to the pane.
  19. Mendel

    Debunked: "Celestial navigation is based on elevation angles from a Flat Earth"

    Most people find this challenging, and Nathan Oakley is among them. That's why his argument isn't anything as complex as that. He has reiterated many times, in livestreams and shorts edited from them, that sextants measure elevation from a "flat baseline", which purportedly proves Earth is flat...
  20. Mendel

    Debunked: "Celestial navigation is based on elevation angles from a Flat Earth"

    Wolfie has put up a $500 prize for the first Flat Earther who can determine their Flag Earth position with a sextant. I believe the prize is as yet unclaimed. Source: