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  1. Mendel

    Can Skyscrapers Fall Over on Their Side?

    To me, it looks like it does. The bottom part of these buildings gets crushed as the top part gathers the rotational momentum to tip over.
  2. Mendel

    Can Skyscrapers Fall Over on Their Side?

    High-rises have. The topple below was facilitated by a hole in the ground, see slide 3. Source: On June 27, 2009, Block 7, one of eleven 13-story apartment buildings making up the Lotus Riverside compound in Shanghai, toppled over, completely intact. The...
  3. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    The Kremlin continues to falsely blame Ukrainian forces for planning or conducting “provocations” in areas where Russian forces intend to commit or have already committed atrocities. The Kremlin likely seeks to introduce doubt into future attributions of war crimes and to diminish global support...
  4. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    So far, there haven't been any large-scale gains. The Kremlin declared victory in the battle of Mariupol. Russian forces will attempt to starve out remaining Ukrainian defenders in the Azovstal Steel Plant rather than clear it through likely costly assaults. Russian President Vladimir Putin...
  5. Mendel

    Chernobyl during Russia and Ukraine Conflict

    Ukraine informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today that staff rotation at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) was now “taking place regularly and according to plan”, three weeks after Russian forces withdrew from the site, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said.
  6. Mendel

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    In that case, the clouds ought to distort, but I don't think they do. Source:
  7. Mendel

    Kai Kostack's WTC7 Collapse Simulation using BCB and Blender

    Thank you for your reply! "Not that many" is subjective. There are well in excess of 5000 skyscrapers >150m in the world, and they weren't all built yesterday. Danger is a product of the likelihood of an event occurring, and the consequences (loss of life etc.) of that event. If the likelihood...
  8. Mendel

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    In principle this the same argument as the "camera bump when it rotates" observation on GIMBAL: if a presumed feature of the object correlates with camera operation, then it's really a feature of the observer. If you stabilized on the position of the object and a single feature of the cloud...
  9. Mendel

    Kai Kostack's WTC7 Collapse Simulation using BCB and Blender

    You avoid answering my questions, or responding to the points I made in my big post, so I conclude that this is not a conversation, and I'll drop out. (Metabunk policy asks you to state your points plainly, and to not talk in riddles or hints.)
  10. Mendel

    Kai Kostack's WTC7 Collapse Simulation using BCB and Blender

    With regard to WTC7, the main complaint by truthers seems to have been that the FDNY stopped fighting the fires at some point; that's where their conspiracy theory attaches. The idea that WTC7 was "weak" justifies the FDNY decision to not fight the fires, and removes the need for a conspiracy...
  11. Mendel

    Kai Kostack's WTC7 Collapse Simulation using BCB and Blender

    How often does it happen that 3 columns in a skyscraper collapse? And what exactly was the danger? How "easy" is this to fix, actually? And how did the towers not have this issue, they collapsed even sooner after the fires broke out than WTC7 did? And why stop at 3 columns? Why not demand for...
  12. Mendel

    Kai Kostack's WTC7 Collapse Simulation using BCB and Blender

    WHY is this a "problem"? (and what is the "eastern lobe"?)
  13. Mendel

    Kai Kostack's WTC7 Collapse Simulation using BCB and Blender

    How reasonable is it to require every building in NYC to survive a fire burning for half a day with the sprinkler system (partially) disabled? Who pays the cost for this requirement? And how many more hours would it have taken for other columns to collapse under these circumstances? Most...
  14. Mendel

    Need Debunking: Leaked Victoria Nuland phone call proves that the Maidan Revolution was a coup

    Prime Minister Azarov offered his letter of resignation on 28 January 2014. The new government was voted into position February 21-27, I think? So the phone call falls into that in-between period when the opposition has to come up with a new government, and it's already clear that they're not...
  15. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Russian cruise missiles struck a Ukrainian vehicle repair shop in Lviv, western Ukraine, killing civilians in Lviv for the first time in the war. Social media users depicted several missiles striking a warehouse and railway junction in Lviv and killing several civilians on April 18.[4] The...
  16. Mendel

    Need Debunking: Leaked Victoria Nuland phone call proves that the Maidan Revolution was a coup

    If I "orchestrate" something, that means I plan and control it. If I make plans when things have already been happening, I'm not controlling it, I'm reacting to something that other people control. (I can't "orchestrate" something in the middle of the concert.) That's why I linked to the...
  17. Mendel

    Need Debunking: Leaked Victoria Nuland phone call proves that the Maidan Revolution was a coup

    For this claim to be true, I'd like the phone call to have occurred before the Maidan demonstrations began; but it was two months late for that. I'd also like it to anticipate the violence that broke out the following week, which it does not. So I'm actually left with the impression that this...
  18. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    In the Google Maps service, all military and strategic objects of the Russian Federation became available in maximum resolution. Now a variety of intercontinental ballistic missile launchers, command posts, secret ranges, and more can be seen with a resolution of about 0.5 meters per pixel...
  19. Mendel

    Claim: National Endowment for Democracy has funded the Chief Editor of The Kyiv Independent

    And that copy-paste is wikipedia, and these claims are sourced. Does anyone doubt that Posobiec supported Pizzagate, white supremacy, and anti-semitism? ... and the article proposes judging a news outlet by its chief editor's past.
  20. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva

    I mean that a major ship leading a battle group in hostilities would usually have an escort on either side screening the ship against threats. This would have compensated for the reported blind spot in Moskva's main radar, and possibly prevented the missiles from striking where they did, if...