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  1. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva

    Between Odessa and Sebastopol is all Ukrainian, at least if they keep the Krim. Source:
  2. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva

    Recently, Ukrainian forces claimed they “tricked” the Moskva’s crew by sending a large surveillance drone into its vicinity. The story goes that the cruiser’s primary radar – which only has a 180-degree field of vision – then allegedly followed the drone as it moved away from land. This could...
  3. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Russian forces likely captured the Port of Mariupol on April 16 despite Ukrainian General Staff denials on April 17, and Russian forces have reduced Ukrainian positions in the city to the Azovstal factory and a few isolated pockets. Russian and DNR forces released footage on April 16 confirming...
  4. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva

    Is there a nuclear weapon on the burning cruiser? The Ukrainian industry portal Defense Express, in turn, reports that the Moskva cruiser may have nuclear warheads. The Moskva cruiser carries 16 R-1000 Vulkan missiles, which can be armed with nuclear warheads with a yield of up to 350 kilotons...
  5. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva

    Initially reported killed, then reported captured. But actually: Tue 29 Mar 2022 14.49 EDT A Ukrainian soldier who told an officer on a Russian warship to “go fuck yourself” at the start of the invasion has been released as part of a prisoner exchange and awarded a medal for his services, the...
  6. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva says it was cloudy east of Sevastopol, and clear west of Sevastopol and overhead, all Friday long.
  7. Mendel

    Kramatorsk Railway Station Attack - Russian Denials of Responsibility

    The distinction is made easy because Belarus is not an active party to this conflict, and not in range of Kramatorsk either.
  8. Mendel

    Claim: National Endowment for Democracy has funded the Chief Editor of The Kyiv Independent

    Yes. For example, look at the members of Congress: all of the 435 members are not only directly funded by Congress, they are the Congress. Are they "mouthpieces of the US government"?
  9. Mendel

    Claim: National Endowment for Democracy has funded the Chief Editor of The Kyiv Independent

    That's the unsupported logical step. It'd be reasonable to suspect that the editor (and hence the paper) may have a pro-Western bias; and then I'd want to put in some legwork and show this via its actual published articles. But "compromised" is a scandal-mongering word, clickbait, and suggests...
  10. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    In other news, Ukrainian partisans are operating in the South: Ukrainian partisans have likely been active in the Melitopol region since at least mid-March. The Ukrainian Resistance Center reported that “unknown patriots” killed 70 Russian personnel in Melitopol on April 12, while the Military...
  11. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva

    This is the place to check: The image is created using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) which can see through clouds. A ship matching Moskva’s size and situation is seen at 45°10’43.39″N, 30°55’30.54″E. This position is east of Snake Island, 80 nautical miles from Odesa and 50 nautical miles...
  12. Mendel

    Romanian MiG-21, IAR 330 Puma helicopter crash near country’s Black Sea coast

    Would anyone dare to bet whether these MiG-21 that Romania is no longer using are going to find their way to Ukraine?
  13. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Russian officials alleged that Ukrainian forces fired mortars into and conducted airstrikes on the Russian region of Bryansk on April 13 and 14.[44] ISW could not independently confirm these reports. Russian President Vladimir Putin may be purging elements of his intelligence service and...
  14. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva

    CORRECTION: ISW mistakenly reported on April 14 that the Russian guided-missile cruiser Moskva was equipped with Kalibr surface-to-surface missiles. The Moskva was in fact equipped to fire Bazalt anti-ship missiles. The Moskva was unlikely to have participated in strikes on Ukrainian land...
  15. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva

    The problem with this statement, if you check for the 13th and 14th, there really weren't any storm winds between Odessa and Sebastopol. Here's the Lithuanian defense minister: Iš Rusijos kreiserio "Moskva" 1:05 buvo duotas SOS signalas; 1:14 kreiseris gulė ant šono ir po...
  16. Mendel

    Romanian MiG-21, IAR 330 Puma helicopter crash near country’s Black Sea coast

    From the Romanian Ministry of Defense, via Google translate: By order of the Chief of the Defense Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, the flight activities with the MiG-21 LanceR aircraft from the Romanian Air Force were suspended, starting with Friday, April 15. The measure was taken in view of...
  17. Mendel

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    That's assuming these screenshots were not processed. There are various "AI Image Sharpener/Sharpening" products available online; they basically involve the AI "guessing" at the missing information to achieve a pleasing looking result.
  18. Mendel

    Explained: UFOs over Melbourne April 2022 [Roulettes Aerobatic Planes]

    Here's a screenshot from the 10th second of that video. Note how it looks on the still as if there are only 2 objects, and the first is tilted up. To the UFO believer, these are 2 UFOs that are "shapeshifting"; while we, knowing the Roulettes were operating in this exact part of the sky at...
  19. Mendel

    The Sinking of the Moskva

    To scuttle the flagship is not done "easily"; to keep it afloat and lie about the damage was always the preferable option. Putin has means to hide evidence that is under his control—that includes the testimony of the ship's crew, who had reportedly been evacuated. The loss of the...