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  1. Mendel

    Study: The Effect of watching CNN instead of Fox News

    10% is huge when you need to swing an election.
  2. Mendel

    A Tear In The Sky - Nimitz/Tic-Tac/Catalina UFO Documentary

    - do they have flightradar24 to identify known aircraft? - can they even track accurately where these cameras are pointed? If the cameras were mounted on accurate electric gimbals with tracking, you could use some master optics to acquire a target and slave everything else to it, including the...
  3. Mendel

    Study: The Effect of watching CNN instead of Fox News

    How? When the survey is held, the study is over. No respondent gains anything by answering one way or the other. Do you feel the participants took CNN more seriously than they take Fox? Or would it be the same at best? The conclusion is that watching CNN while getting paid changed people. Your...
  4. Mendel

    Study: The Effect of watching CNN instead of Fox News

    1) The study isn't about people watching CNN "exclusively", they can still watch as much Fox as they want. It's just probably an hour less than before. 2) The participants actually watched CNN. We enforced compliance with viewership quizzes (e.g., about which guest had just appeared), described...
  5. Mendel

    Study: The Effect of watching CNN instead of Fox News

    It's clear from the article that the treatment period lasted 30 days. I read the article to mean that the survey was administered 3 days after the treatment period ended. You can find similar articles (and from the looks of it, reprints) if you do a websearch on the title of the study. The...
  6. Mendel

    Study: The Effect of watching CNN instead of Fox News

    That's the NYP who published the "scandal" originally. There's still no proof that Joe Biden ever met the guy, and there's no "scheme". Metabunk discussion of the laptop is at and...
  7. Mendel

    Study: The Effect of watching CNN instead of Fox News

    That's just the language for this sort of study where you divide the subjects into a treatment group and a control group. It just means you're doing something to them you're not doing to the other group. This is also why this study is notable. There've been numerous surveys linking media...
  8. Mendel

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    Source: After Jurassic Park came out, there were other "dinosaur documentaries" that looked very convincing. The problem with believing in living dinosaurs vs. believing in the Buran is that there is no connection to other knowledge that make...
  9. Mendel

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    Think about what it takes for us to be convinced something unknown exists. 1) many people saw it at different times 2) it stayed the same between sightings I'm convinced the Hessdalen Lights exist. What did it take for Europeans to believe in cangaroos? Here's a video that convinced me a 1:1...
  10. Mendel

    What evidence of aliens would convince skeptics?

    For "evidence of aliens", I'd require far less. An alien lifeform would be great. It could be sentient dolphins, or sentient wolves; if the aliens were humanoids but had tentacled birds as pets, that'd do me. Any lifeform that's obviously extraterrestrial, and can be examined to be, would...
  11. Mendel

    Claim: Sweating can release a useful amount of toxins/toxicants from the body

    Blankets provide contact heat to the user, not radiant heat. (I guess they radiate into the room?) 600 Calories = 600 kcal = 2500 kJ in 30 minutes comes out to 1800W. That's probably about the electric power that the blanket "burns". (It's also 2.4 horsepower.) If your body burned that amount...
  12. Mendel

    Experts being "gagged"

    Who are the people claiming there's gagging? What evidence do they have? What evidence should there be? Are these people trustworthy? Why? Re: the people losing their jobs, are they losing them for "speaking out", or for not following vaccine mandates?
  13. Mendel

    Study: The Effect of watching CNN instead of Fox News

    I'm posting this here because which facts people have access to changes what bunk they'll believe. It may help to steer conspiracy theorists towards more factual and less biased news sources, see . Fox News viewers who were paid to watch CNN...
  14. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Russian forces continue to make little to no progress in frontal assaults to capture Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, their current main effort of the war. Russian units in Donbas face growing morale and supply issues. Additionally, the Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol have outperformed ISW’s...
  15. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    10% of Ukraine's population has fled the country, half of them towards Poland. In the first five weeks, more than four million refugees from Ukraine crossed borders into neighbouring countries, and many more have been forced to move inside the country. Total Refugee influx from Ukraine in...
  16. Mendel

    Chernobyl during Russia and Ukraine Conflict

    I haven't seen any evidence that they did. I heard there were some trenches near the Chernobyl checkpoint, but this claim is about the Red Forest.
  17. Mendel

    Claim: A Mariupol hospital was hiding members of the Azov Battalion, and other claims by Russia

    She also has a different face. Vishegirskaya confirms in the new interview that she was injured in the attack and that the woman on the stretcher was someone else.That's the Russian interview that you asked about earlier. Dr. Timur Marin said Saturday that the woman’s pelvis had been crushed and...
  18. Mendel

    Claim: A Mariupol hospital was hiding members of the Azov Battalion, and other claims by Russia

    I haven't seen a better image than the one you shared in your first post. I expect the best quality published images should be on the AP website, or on the photographer's social media.
  19. Mendel

    Debunked: Graphene Oxide "reacts" to EM radiation [Hoax with magnet]

    No. We've discussed this claim at . Don't eat graphene oxide for lunch. This is good advice for most medications. Toxicity is always a question of dosage. (Watch the numbers!) The mRNA vaccine...
  20. Mendel

    Chernobyl during Russia and Ukraine Conflict

    Neither am I, hence I am leading with "Ukraine claims". Nobody knows what happened in the hospital (checkups? treating wounded?), and there's really no reason to "dig trenches" in a forest that's never been near a frontline.