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  1. Mendel

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    Yes. It's archive footage, edited in by the producers of the segment. The reasoning in the segment is "process of elimination": different hypotheses are introduced, and then all but the "alien visit" hypothesis promoted by Eskridge are discarded, leaving the "genuine UFO" aka alien...
  2. Mendel

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    "visited by another civilisation" means aliens, unless you believe in Hollow Earth. Non-human pilots means alien pilots. That's not just a hint.
  3. Mendel

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    The claim video at the top of the OP. 4:25 By process of elimination, we'll go with genuine UFO.
  4. Mendel

    Claim: A Mariupol hospital was hiding members of the Azov Battalion, and other claims by Russia

    Evgeniy Maloletka is a Ukrainian freelance photojournalist based in Kiev, Ukraine, originally from the city of Berdyansk, the Zaporizhya region in the eastern Ukraine. [...] Maloletka was deeply involved in the coverage of the Ukrainian revolution since the beginning before moving to cover the...
  5. Mendel

    Claim: Some generals opposed the participation of Belarus in the war

    The unconfirmed Ukrainian claims keep coming. Russian commanders are being appointed in the [Belarussian] army to quell the resistance of [Belarussian] soldiers against going to war against [Ukraine]. In some Brest units, riots are taking place and some MIA officers have temporarily emigrated...
  6. Mendel

    Claim: A Mariupol hospital was hiding members of the Azov Battalion, and other claims by Russia

    Other patches in evidence in the AP footage, I couldn't find any matching units. It's possible some international volunteers are involved? Panther head with spear or rocket: Punisher? Yellow dragon/serpent on green field, Ukraine flag:
  7. Mendel

    Claim: A Mariupol hospital was hiding members of the Azov Battalion, and other claims by Russia

    You are asking me to speculate; I don't have information. People can be relieved for various reasons in/after a crisis, especially when seeing survivors. My first thought about the pots is that they're brewing tea to warm up the helpers and evacuees, you can see snow and people's breaths in...
  8. Mendel

    TASS Claim: There are no threats whatsoever to the (Ukrainian) civilian population

    Source: This is what leads to "collateral damage" to residential buildings from air strikes and artillery. I expect both sides have been doing it. That said, when the civilian casualties increased after the first few days, this was no longer the only...
  9. Mendel

    Claim: A Mariupol hospital was hiding members of the Azov Battalion, and other claims by Russia

    I've been wondering about the arm patches of the men carrying the stretcher (one carries a gun), but they may be police or military police?
  10. Mendel

    Chernobyl during Russia and Ukraine Conflict

    Russia is attempting to blame Ukraine for the nuclear plant incident. Russia’s ambassador to the U.N., Vassily Nebenzia, according to the AP, rejected claims that its military forces attacked the plant as “simply untrue” and part of “an unprecedented campaign of lies and disinformation against...
  11. Mendel

    Chernobyl during Russia and Ukraine Conflict

    Regarding the partial loss of remote data transmission from safeguards systems installed to monitor nuclear material and activities at nuclear power plants, reported in Update 16, the IAEA said it was now back online from the Zaporizhzhya NPP but still down from the Chornobyl NPP, while there...
  12. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  13. Mendel

    Ukraine Biological Labs - Weapons?

    But nothing agricultural would be classified as a weapon. I think even Agent Orange wasn't. Nuland was asked about weapons. Nuland was concerned about "Russian forces [..] seeking to gain control of" these labs, she did not mention disruptions.
  14. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    The Russian occupiers are planning to hold a pseudo-referendum on the territories of Kherson region temporarily occupied by them to proclaim the so-called KhNR [Kherson National Republic], deputy of Kherson Regional Council Serhiy Khlan said. According to him, the occupiers call deputies of the...
  15. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Two large explosions were seen on Sunday at the base in Yavoriv, a garrison city just 12km from the Polish border. The rocket attack took place at 5.45am. Kozytskyi said Russian forces fired more than 30 cruise missiles at the Yavoriv base. This looks like Russians were testing Ukrainian air...
  16. Mendel

    Claim: Some generals opposed the participation of Belarus in the war

    I am having trouble to find this reported on reliable mainstream Western news outlets, so I'm not certain how true it is: On behalf of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, First Deputy Defence Minister Major General Viktor Gulevich, it is reported that five battalion tactical...
  17. Mendel

    TASS Claim: There are no threats whatsoever to the (Ukrainian) civilian population

    This version has a double meaning, one of which is "harmless": "In Pravda there is no news, and in Izvestya there is no truth."
  18. Mendel

    Media, Information Control and Misinformation

    That's a lie, not whataboutism. "We're invading special operationing Ukraine because Ukraine is killing a minority" is a logical argument, see Operation Deliberate Force. It's logical, but the premise is false. That's why I mentioned "Putin apologists" in my posts.
  19. Mendel

    Media, Information Control and Misinformation

    Yes. Example 1 argues a double standard, i.e. "if it's justified for you, it ought to be justified for me". It requires Chuck to argue how Lucy's act differs from his morally, or for Chuck to admit that his own behaviour was wrong; otherwise Chuck's position will be logically inconsistent and...
  20. Mendel

    TASS Claim: There are no threats whatsoever to the (Ukrainian) civilian population

    A captured Russian pilot, deputy commander of Russia's 47th aviation regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Maxim Krishtop, has said he knew that he was bombing residential areas. He said this at a press conference in Kyiv on Friday, Ukrinform reports. Krishtop said that since the beginning of the...