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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Sandor, you're saying that the argument that the beam is very wide is an assumption, not fact. Is that right? But statements like this are also an assumption, not a proven fact. Is that not so? In other words, your collimator is very good, and your math is flawless, therefore the beam...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Greenwich Meridian Laser - Can it Demonstrate Curvature?

    You're right that this can teach us something right away about the Balaton experiment. At 2.2 miles, not only is there considerable beam divergence, it is also irregular, (and, I'm assuming, ever changing). Turn the photo on its side and we can imagine Sandor's target. We can...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Greenwich Meridian Laser - Can it Demonstrate Curvature?

    A Google search of laser bloom always redirects to thermal blooming, which is not at all what you're describing. Is there another name for it? What you are describing would seem to be a diffraction effect; different from and addition to the refraction caused by atmospheric turbulence I was...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Dr Young was quoting this: And This:
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Dr. Andrew Young has a website about atmospheric optics. I asked him to look at this thread. He was kind enough to send me this email in response: First of all, I see some discussion of the shape of the geoid. Deviations from sphericity are...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Yes, well said. I think that's exactly what's happening. The target is much too small. Any "direct hit" on the camera lens could, as well, just be a lower corner of a large irregular beam. Sandor, I warned you months ago, long before you started this thread, about distortion from...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    But I'm still bothered by this one. It can be interpreted as the laser and an inferior mirage of the laser, thus a double image of the laser. Okay. But why to our left is the band across the photo completely dark? Why is there a separation between the boat masts and the inverted images of the...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    Looking at it again, I've changed my mind. Yes, it's an inferior mirage. I think we're seeing people standing on a dock at a marina. These colored lines label the original and the inverted image. The blue lines label a man in a red shirt and his inverted image; the red lines label a man in...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    You haven't labeled these photos so I'm not sure what we're looking at. I'm assuming this a view back to the marina (dock) on which the laser is mounted? In any case these photos show something important. Notice that there is a strange effect above the water. And notice that the laser is...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    I don't think I fully explained. In this FE model refractive index and angle of incidence play no role in atmospheric refraction effects. It is simply the presence of water in the air that causes refraction at any point of the sky, even the zenith. And there is no consistent law or model...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Lake Balaton Laser experiment to determine the curvature of the Earth, if any.

    I think I can explain it. You have to look at a lot of videos and a lot of comments to understand what it is that flat earth believers are thinking. In this case the common belief seems to be that atmospheric refraction is caused by humidity in the air... or water droplets in the air... or...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Berenstain VHS says Berenstein

    Some more Mandela Effect things that are being ignored for some reason: -Rick used to say, "Play it again, Sam." Now, inexplicably he says, "You played it for her, you can play it for me," then later, "If she can stand it, I can! Play it!" -Whatever happened to the movie where Cary Grant...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    Yes, you're right of course. Sloppiness of language on my part. A reconstruction of his methods is presented in this documentary. (I've time stamped it.) I also should have said that "Clouds Givemethewillies" should be standing as high as possible. There are some pretty good cliffs in...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    You might want to test for the dip of the horizon instead. This would test the FE claim that "the horizon is always at eye level." By which they mean to say the earth must be a flat plain rather than a sphere. You already have a good spirit level. Set up a sheet of Masonite on saw horses...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Child with Man's Face. [Optical Illusion]

    This still looks very odd. Where's the kid's nose and lips? I think there's one more piece of the puzzle. The kid has his face mashed against dad's face and he is screaming with his mouth wide as it will go. His head is tilted down a bit. The glasses, pressed against dad's face, have...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Curvature Experiment showing relation between x-axis and z-axis

    You might be thinking of this video by dazzathecameraman
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Curvature Experiment showing relation between x-axis and z-axis

    I've been thinking about giant spherical storage tanks, but there aren't any near me. And you'd have to get permission and all that. There are also giant globes here and there. Heathrow has a 3 meter globe in each terminal.
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Atmospheric sunlight refraction arguments on the Eratosthenes triangulation method

    The hollow earthers explain what we see by appealing to curved light. The surface of the earth is concave but it looks convex because light curves. But they don't have any set law. They just appeal to a vague "curvature" which is convenient for the situation without having any consistent...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Atmospheric sunlight refraction arguments on the Eratosthenes triangulation method

    Sandor: The first thing you have to do is sort out your confusion about these things: - Astronomical refraction, terrestrial refraction and variability near the horizon. (You seem to have some awareness of this.) But you are confusing terrestrial refraction with "variability near the...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: The View of Toronto from Hamilton [600+ feet up]

    DJC: These three videos were taken by the same person. This is from Ryerson Park, Niagara-on-the-Lake, NY. Google Earth says that park is 251 feet above sea level, while the lake level is 246 feet above sea level (which varies of course). So the park is 5 feet above lake level. Approximate...