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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Attempt at Recreating Rowbotham's Bedford Level Experiment by Flat Earth Believers

    I was just thinking about that today. Give me an example.
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    I'm going to take the opportunity to push a favorite book once again. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. It explains in detail the difference between analytical thought and intuitive thought...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    I was a attempting a purely intuitive explanation. I don't know how successfully. I wasn't satisfied myself. But trying to use intuitive terms like up and down and side to side. Yes, these verbal explanations are inherently inadequate. Which is one reason why YT comments sections are so...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Attempt at Recreating Rowbotham's Bedford Level Experiment by Flat Earth Believers

    About this: Some background on the Rowbotham experiment: Here's the comment I made on this video - (which was apparently deleted.) They did not...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Does the Earth's Curvature Vary with Latitude? [No, not significantly]

    I've seen this confusion popping up lately and I can see why - lines of latitude get smaller toward the poles, so the curvature must be less. But you are not looking along a line of latitude. To keep this as non-technical as possible: From your vantage point on the surface of the earth, a...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Photoshopped UFO above the airport!

    A good old fashioned flying saucer. Very retro.
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Flat Earth with the Southern Hemisphere

    No, Max Igan is not a FE'er. He is a Conspiracy Theorist who has expressed dismay that the FE is taking attention away from the real threat - Israel. israel He is an agonistic on the shape of the earth but...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Flat Earth with the Southern Hemisphere

    Jeranism's idea is that the plane actually was flying on a heading south of west, which would indicate that it was flying across the flat earth disk. He specifically cites the Gleason map (Gleason's new standard map of the world) - a projection which was specifically meant to be just what is...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Flat Earth with the Southern Hemisphere

    Coincidentally a FE'er has recently put up a YT video about that very flight. Background: "Jeranism" is a fervent FE believer. Max Igan is a CT; his major beef is with Israel. Igan is a FE agnostic - he doesn't see any definitive proof for any earth shape theory. He also doesn't see much...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    A Rippled Distrail Near Las Vegas June 17 2016

    Following a link from the Wikipedia lenticular cloud article, I've found this about "wave clouds."
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    A Rippled Distrail Near Las Vegas June 17 2016

    Summerlin is on the west side of the Las Vegas Valley near the base of the Spring Mountains. I often see lenticular clouds forming in that part of the sky. Don't know if that is related to this contrail.
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    I think it's because it's not a true horizon. There's a line of hills in the distance.
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Flat Earth Theory: Why don’t our clocks have to change by 12 hours in 6 months?

    It's not clear to me what your reasoning is. First, you're making a mistake by looking at sunrise and sunset as there is a confounding variable - the axial tilt. You should be looking at solar noon versus the stars at the meridian. In other words the time at which the sun hits the meridian...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Upcoming Laser Experiment

    I've found that only one of these men will actually be doing this experiment (with the help of this company: "Dr. Zack" is in Spain. It's "SzS" in Hungary who will be on the spot. Here's a test he has done - shining a laser directly into the lens of a camera...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Upcoming Laser Experiment

    In approximately two weeks these researchers are going to place a laser 1 meter above the water surface on the shore of Lake Balaton in Hungary. They plan to shine the laser 23 kilometers across the surface of the lake into the lens of a camera sitting on another part of the shore. The object...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Space Station Photos Disprove the "Flat Earth" Theory

    Julian Wessel captured this transit of Jupiter near the village of Kirchellen, Germany. The transit line of this ISS pass was only 50m wide.
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunked - Photo of Hitler and Henry Ford Together [actually Wilhelm Frick]

    This photo has been labeled "Ford" and has been used on various Internet sites and message boards. It is meant to imply that Ford and Hitler met; and often to imply that they had a close personal relationship. It seems to circulate mostly in Europe. The oldest dated site I can find it on is...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Does Sundial Disprove Flat Earth?

    It would be interesting to see members in the southern hemisphere test this. Sadly, we're only weeks away from the solstice.
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Does Sundial Disprove Flat Earth?

    I understand. A proper 24 hour southern hemisphere sundial would be a circle with the gnomon to the north outside the circle. But what would happen if you did try to use an arc with the open end facing north and the gnomon in the center of the arc - just as real life southern hemisphere...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Does Sundial Disprove Flat Earth?

    You have the gnomon outside of the arc, but it looks like you could invert the arc so that the gnomon would be on the inside and it would be equivalent. So is this FE earth sundial running clockwise or counterclockwise? It looks to me as if it would run clockwise. Sundials in the southern...