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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Does Sundial Disprove Flat Earth?

    Yes, thank you for that. I haven't properly defined terms, nor did Tapley. In his segment shot on the tennis court he is measuring both shadow length and the distance between the shadows cast at each hour, which is a confound. Each of those should be measured separately. Two separate terms...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Does Sundial Disprove Flat Earth?

    I'm hand drawing some figures, but I can't find my protractor and I'm out of time for this evening anyway. But so far I think that in the north (inside the perimeter of the sun's orbit) the sundial would look very much like that sundial in Antarctica. The shadow cast by a gnomon would progress...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Does Sundial Disprove Flat Earth?

    Yes, I hadn't thought of that. Arctic/antarctic summer is the closest model we have of a flat earth system. But... only for the part of the earth inside the perimeter of the sun's "orbit." In other words what we call the north. The shadows cast by a gnomon in the area outside the perimeter...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Does Sundial Disprove Flat Earth?

    Let's please ignore William Tapley's religious views and his opinion that the flat earth theory is a "psyop" and just concentrate on his mathematical argument. Is it correct? In this video, Tapley is making the argument that on a spherical earth, the shadow cast by a gnomon will increase in...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Twin-boom.. thing.. over Oxfordshire UK

    There is one more cue that you can use in some situations. How things move. I've found that useful when identifying birds. A big bird moves differently than a small one. For instance a raven flapping its wings just looks different than a crow, because it's a bigger bird and the wings move...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Twin-boom.. thing.. over Oxfordshire UK

    This was a familiar topic in Ufology. How big and how far and how fast? - Stereopsis Roughly, you can think of stereopsis as depth perception. When a visually normal human being looks at an object, each eye sees it from a slightly different angle, and sends those pictures back to the brain...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Gyroscopes as Evidence for a Spherical and Rotating Earth

    It's not about scale. It's just wrong. Flat earthers have built a completely unrealistic model of what gyroscopes and gyrocompasses do, but they present it as fact.
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    "The Real Venus" Shimmering circle of light

    Looking at this particular video again, I realized something. I think that most of the scintillation is caused by the photographer's breath. Look particularly at 4:20 when he makes an exclamation. The image dances at exactly the same time. Human breath is warm and turbulent, causing random...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    "The Real Venus" Shimmering circle of light

    This is what is happening. A number of flat earthers are buying digital cameras with a powerful zoom lens (60x and up) and digital zoom (4x for example). They take videos of various stars and planets. The videos are very strange for these reasons: -They are severely out of focus because they...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Flat Earth theory simple debunking by the moon's appearance

    A theory has to fit all the facts, not just the confirming ones. This is why a flat moon circling above a flat earth cannot work. - At any one moment no more than 50% of the moon's surface is visible. But long before the space age, more than 50% of the moon's surface was mapped. This article...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Flat Earth theory simple debunking by the moon's appearance

    A theory has to account for all facts not just the confirming facts. This video shows why a spherical moon circling above a flat earth cannot work. We would see the moon cycle through all its phases in one day. Also, different parts of the moon would be visible at the same time from different...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Flat Earth theory simple debunking by the moon's appearance

    The typical reply is: "Paste a flat picture of the moon on the ceiling of your living room. Look at it from one side of the room, now move to the other side and look at it again. It's upside down!" This is why they insist that the moon is also flat. But of course, in that case it would...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Why bother debunking when... [believers won't change their minds]

    The syndrome you describe has a name. Classic UFOdom is a thing of the past; it's a mere shell of its former self. In the 50's to late 70's was the golden age and you Sprouts might not appreciate how big the UFO thing was. Debunkers solved case after case; but even when believers acknowledged...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Flat earth Debunk-change in apparent altitude of clouds as seen from airliner

    How accurate is this theodolite app? If you were on a modest sized bluff (maybe 60 feet) at the seashore could you measure the dip of the horizon looking out to sea?
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunked: Gyro Experiment - Proves Motionless Earth?

    This experiment supports the null-hypothesis (earth is not moving). The experiment is faulty, of course, but I suspect anything I might say about that would be hopelessly naïve. The most cogent comments to this video I could find: Eric Charters2 months ago The gyro appears to precess only...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America "Qantas today celebrates the third anniversary of its first service from Sydney to Santiago, with more than 430,000* Qantas passengers travelling on the route since launch. Initially operating three times...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Two "Suns" Sanibel Causeway, Florida [Offset Lens Reflection]

    This is from India I think this is also what you are calling an offset lens reflection. I studied photography in the '70's and learned to call this a filter flare. When you have a single glass filter, and it is properly screwed onto the lens, you can get a flare directly opposite the...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Aerodynamic Contrails that look like Exhaust Contrails

    I think this is an aerodynamic contrail. The "orbs" just seem to be camera artifacts. The disappearance of the plane I think can be explained: The distant plane moves into an area of increased cloudiness. It isn't hidden by the clouds. It's a problem of contrast. The already washed out...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    The liquid oxygen jettison was always venting because the LOX was constantly boiling off. Little to no insulation on the LOX tank because every bit of weight was precious. The LOX had to be topped off from a tank on the B-52 just before release. At 4:02 the author points out a strange line in...