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  1. Mendel

    Colored lights from airplane flight deck

    The FAA prescribes a "sterile cockpit" (no non-essential activities) during "all ground operations involving taxi, takeoff and landing, and all other flight operations conducted below 10,000 feet, except cruise flight". Beyond that, it depends on airline policy. If you're not attending to your...
  2. Mendel

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Looks nice! I was trying to see if the point where the light beam enters the ATFLIR window tells me anything (like, how far off center the fine tracking is relative to the coarse movement), but that's impossible.
  3. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    U of Michigan is now showing boosters as well. Note that older population segments have better booster coverage, but also higher risk of severe disease, so this graph does not indicate booster efficiency.
  4. Mendel

    Colored lights from airplane flight deck

    If it's a sun visor reflection, the visor has an edge. If they're on the edge of a vibrating visor, that could cause flickering. I don't know whether the radio/audio panels have flickering lights on an Airbus, but it doesn't feel far-fetched to think they might. Pilots should be acutely aware...
  5. Mendel

    Colored lights from airplane flight deck

    Could this be the sun visor? The camera operator could be the "3rd occupant" or "4th occupant". These panels are radio managemeng and audio control. I also notice a very small reflection of them on the side of the thrust lever housing that migjt be mote prominent from another angle? Diagram...
  6. Mendel

    Colored lights from airplane flight deck

    They do: i think this also rules out @Z.W. Wolf 's "both below" idea because the "ground lights" don't get obscured.
  7. Mendel

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Ah, I understand my confusion. Bank angle refers to both the aircraft and the pod, but pitch and roll refer to the ATFLIR head. The legend would be clearer if the labels were "ATFLIR pitch" and "ATFLIR roll". Thank you!
  8. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    she should, though she's safer in a community with fewer sick people masks aren't perfect
  9. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I'm not following. If I'm less likely to be infected, I'm also less likely to infect others, since the former is a prerequisite for the latter. I believe that the severity of the infection (and my behaviour) determines how many other people I endanger.
  10. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    pre-symptomatic, yes asymptomatic, I haven't seen evidence of that, and doubt they shed as much virus as (pre-]symptomatic people do not true in this case hygiene, physical distancing, reducing contacts, wearing masks in public enclosed spaces or when not able to distance, and getting...
  11. Mendel

    A Gimbal Glare Explainer

    See also Bokeh, a source of circles around out-of-focus bright points, also due in part to the internals of the lens. Diffraction spike, a type of lens flare seen in some telescopes Yeah, it's only Wikipedia... A diffraction spike is the light you see extend from a star in your...
  12. Mendel

    A Gimbal Glare Explainer

    Same as this: P.S. after you attach an image, in edit mode, click "insert" on the attachment icon, then select "full image" to display it in your post.
  13. Mendel

    A Gimbal Glare Explainer

    my personal definitions: Lens flares = caused by the lens system, sharply defined artifacts, placed away from actual light source Glare = caused by atmosphere, diffuse shape, around actual light source The spike fits neither because Spike = caused by the lens system, sharply defined, around...
  14. Mendel

    The role of Canopy reflections in Pilot Accounts of UFOs

    two jets flying in formation have the same heading and the same altitude, so they'd see the same reflections and the first observer is likely to psychologically prime the second observer to see the same thing when he talks about it cases where the second observer recognizes the reflection for...
  15. Mendel

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    always helpful to do regular checks for "before vs. after" comparison
  16. Mendel

    Long Distance Drones, Maybe Foreign, as Possible UFOs.

    Compare . However, that doesn't require long-distance drones, and probably wouldn't fool military sensors. The justification behind programs like the US UAPTF (unidentified aerial phenomena task...
  17. Mendel

    A Gimbal Glare Explainer

    It's symmetric to the flashlight about the center of the image, which is typical for an internal reflection.
  18. Mendel

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    @markus great work! I don't understand why your Euler angle diagrams show a change in pitch exceeding 50⁰. Could you please explain that for me? It feels undxpectedly large.
  19. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    After the first dose, however, the group differences for most systemic AEs were small. Headache, fatigue, malaise, and joint pain were common in both groups and seem to have been particularly associated with nocebo. [...] Common nonspecific symptoms such as headache and fatigue, which the...
  20. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    that's not how that works protections multiply someone who practices • distancing • N95 mask • boosted is less likely to be infected and to infect others than someone who only does • distancing • N95 mask and if "protection against symptomatic disease" is a proxy for transmissibility, then the...