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  1. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    That week is Feb 7 - 13, covering the days you are going on about.
  2. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    Where? I haven't seen you cite a single source that lack of electricity caused problems with the gas supply on February 10th or 11th. The grid was operating on these days. Why? There weren't any power outages on these days. That's simply off topic for this discussion.
  3. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    These are the outages that actually caused the blackout. Note that a NG (natural gas) plant is supposed to be able to produce 100% power, while a wind farm is not (more like 30% of rated power). Not so much wind there, is it? For reference (red dots is ERCOT turning power off somewhere):
  4. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    Yeah, Amadeus has over 90 turbines. That farm had 30+160 MW online from the 13th to the 15th, btw.
  5. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    15th is when ERCOT switched the power off for a third of Texas; not before. That's when the cascade began. There wasn't any cascading before that because the power wasn't off.
  6. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    You misunderstand. "Load shedding" means that consumers are switched off, not generators. They had to switch consumers off because too many gas power stations had dropped offline. Wind power was delivering 5 GW at the time, which was close to average and well over what it was expected to deliver...
  7. Mendel

    Climate change forum section?

    You've quoted a simplified summary paragraph; "past warming events" doesn't necessarily mean all of them. The page that this paragraph links to goes into more details and says: Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has...
  8. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    The blackouts were ordered between 1 and 2 am on February 15th. Wind power was delivering 5 GW at the time: And as a reminder, the capacities listed in the outages table are for 100% wind, which you never get: Wind power was predictable and performed better than forecast.
  9. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    From a paper, authored mainly by UTexas people: Shortly after midnight on the 15th, 8000 MW of gas power plants shut down because of fuel shortages or freezing equipment and 2000 MW of wind went offline due to low winds, frozen equipment such as substations, or precipitation that caused ice...
  10. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    Unfortunately, this won't load for me; could someone post the PDF, please? From the press release about the report: Notably, a combination of freezing issues (44.2 percent) and fuel issues (31.4 percent) caused 75.6 percent of the unplanned generating unit outages, derates and failures to...
  11. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    From your T06.pdf: Freezing can occur not only when water in the gas stream mixes with temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, Notice once ambient temperature drops near 32⁰F, and equipment cools down correspondingly, you'll begin to see this problem. Constricted places (such as valves)...
  12. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    No, the issue is your claim that there is a causal link: that because wind turbines are freezing, gas power fails. Now the grid as a whole was working before the 15th. So any gas supply/power failures before that blackout can't have been related to electricity. But electricity is the only thing...
  13. Mendel

    Climate change forum section?

    Your point would be more persuasive if you had actually quoted a claim that refers to unknown events. Such a sensational finding, if known anywhere, would certainly soon be widely known among climatologists; the search wouldn't need to be exhaustive if you're looking for a known precedent (that...
  14. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    jarlmai argues that ERCOT needs to plan for low levels of wind power as a part of normal operations (even when there is no winter storm), and that it's therefore unlikely (because it would be spectacularly bad planning) that wind power outages can bring gas power down (even if they are caused by...
  15. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    The winter storm. More specifically, the fact that plant operators had failed to weatherize their equipment as mandated, and therefore experienced outages from the weather.
  16. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    Because the blackout began on the 15th and most of the wind power outages that began on the 10th-12th didn't even last that long.
  17. Mendel

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    Andrews has always attacked the MOD and MI5, tells a pretty intriguing story of CIA involvement, but at the same time is a world-class con artist himself. Crop circles are total madness.
  18. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    Yes. Because there weren't any blackouts then. (See my post above.)
  19. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    you wrote "most travel bans dont refer to people coming home" which I understood as meaning that they don't make exceptions for them. (The bans refer to residents when they specify the exceptions.) It would've been clearer to write, "most travel bans dont apply to people coming home."
  20. Mendel

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    I believe it's still there, looks like ERCOT does geoblocking. Data from the 10th to 12th without the data on how long the outage lasted is worthless when the blackout began on the 15th. Note also that power figures are given as "seasonal max MW (HSL)", wind power averages at 30-40% of that...