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  1. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

  2. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I wish you'd share your sources; I'd really like to know where you get this misinformation. USA The United States will restrict travel for non-U.S. citizens from South Africa and seven other countries starting Monday as a new Covid variant emerges. Section 1. Suspension and Limitation on...
  3. Mendel

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    And part of that optical system is a derotation device. Downward -2⁰ with respect to the horizon. "Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS"
  4. Mendel

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

  5. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    But you can't because you need trade, and you need to allow your citizens to come home, so testing and quarantine seems like superior strategy. (Kinda like "abstinence education" in schools is correlated with higher teen pregnancy rates than teaching teens to use condoms.)
  6. Mendel

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    Thw horizon is -2.6⁰ refracted. And there's always some leeway over water. See I believe that's an artifact of rectilinear perspective when the camera is angled down, it would bend the other way if it was angled up? The intersection of the camera viewport with a...
  7. Mendel

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    It's good for speculation to be based on evidence. "it seems strange to me" with no reasoning attached is a recipe for the rabbit hole. Grasshoppers and sheep? I've never heard of a helicopter injuring a bystander in a field. The last helicopter crash that involved people on the ground was the...
  8. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    "We have seen a lot of Delta patients during the third wave. And this doesn't fit in the clinical picture," she said, adding she alerted NICD on the same day with the clinical results. "Most of them are seeing very, very mild symptoms and none of them so far have admitted patients to surgeries...
  9. Mendel

    Claim: adverse reactions in Covid vaccine trials are not being recorded

    yeah, I expect the bulk of the pages is going to be this Adverse reaction reports, product experience reports, consumer complaints, and other similar data and information, (7) All records showing the manufacturer's testing of a particular lot, after deletion of data or information that would...
  10. Mendel

    WTC Collapse Simulation using Unity/Besiege

    A typical office fire starts on a single floor (and stays on a single floor), then the sprinkler system comes on, and a short while later the fire department attends to it and saves the building. You don't design a building against someone spilling several tons of jet fuel over several floors...
  11. Mendel

    Claim: chinless ghost photographed at a Police incident in Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland

    Yes. With it being November and the picture having been taken at 3:40, I thought there'd be a lot of shadow about from the buildings.
  12. Mendel

    Claim: adverse reactions in Covid vaccine trials are not being recorded

    These CT FOIAs are often formulated in broad terms, i.e. something like "any and all documents pertaining to the FDA authorization process for the Pfizer vaccine". There's no way that a request generates over 300.000 pages unless there are patient-specific pages in there. Aka patient data.
  13. Mendel

    Claim: adverse reactions in Covid vaccine trials are not being recorded

    The Phase 3 clinical trial was designed to determine if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective in preventing COVID-19 disease. This trial began July 27, 2020, and completed enrollment of 46,331 participants in January 2021. They have about 7 pages per participant, most of...
  14. Mendel

    Claim: chinless ghost photographed at a Police incident in Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland

    Your map shows that the sun would've been coming from the left, but it's either overcast, or the buildings throw shadows. Lisa Todd took the spooky photo on Monday, November 15 at 3.40pm outside the Bridgegate council office on High Street in Irvine town centre. A startled Lisa said: "I was...
  15. Mendel

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    Understood. I was confused because this is the rocket thread; I'd have expected non-rocket-related geometry in .
  16. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Yes. Though the lock-and-key mechanism involves only a small part of the protein. The spike itself seems to have mutated quite a bit, but I still expect the vaccines to remain effective. We're going to have problems if the variant becomes faster at replicating than our immune system is at...
  17. Mendel

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    Shouldn't the Atlas trajectory still be steeply upwards at that altitude? (I mean, yes, that could be the situation, but it wouldn't be a rocket.)
  18. Mendel

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) is located 19 kilometres (12 miles) north of the city of Salisbury in Wiltshire. Site description The total area of the current SPTA estate is just over 38,000 hectares. SPTA measures 40 by 16 kilometres (25 by 10 miles) and occupies about one ninth of the...
  19. Mendel

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    In your sketch, when the plane is at the top of the circle, with the camera looking straight ahead, the parallax motion stops, and then starts the other way as the camera turns to the right side of the aircraft; and that continues to the bottom of the circle where it reverses back. If you...
  20. Mendel

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    that was my first thought as well the crop circle is a very nice target for that it's easy to impute some purpose you expect (taking it seriously, don't want us there) by projecting your own motives, and it seems to me the narrator is doing that On the night of 11–12 July 1992, a...