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  1. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    The objective of the Cuban missiles was to deter a US invasion of Cuba (cf. Bay of Pigs, Operation Northwoods), in that it was successful. I don't know the exact geopolitical benefit of a communist Cuba, but I expect it's been worth it to the USSR. Thoughts similar to yours make me think that...
  2. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    We had a change in the White House recently, with the previous occupant more aligned with Russia than the current one. This would mean a pre-2021 campaign would likely not have had US backing, while Ukraine clearly has US backing now. It's also possible that the Russian force buildup is a...
  3. Mendel

    Canary Islands 1976

    The event was on June 22nd (22/06), the report is dated July 22nd (22/07). Same day, different month.
  4. Mendel

    Gimbal Blender Simulation with Clouds

    Remember that this does not occur by random chance, it's the end result of the pilot deliberately turning his aircraft towards the UAP because he has observed it. This deliberate turn towards the UAP causes the ATFLIR to swing from looking sideways to looking straight ahead. When the motion of...
  5. Mendel

    Good discussion about "Disinformation vs Misinformation. Berkeley

    according to Leifer! Farid never says that! You have the transcript, could you show us some quotes and explain how they indicate poor quality of the discussion? (assuming "the quality" in your post means poor quality)
  6. Mendel

    Good discussion about "Disinformation vs Misinformation. Berkeley

    ugh, the title they gave that talk on youtube doesn't appear on the transcript, or I'd have found it :-/
  7. Mendel

    The Pentyrch UFO Encounter

    What is the evidence for that? If it was due to some extraterrestrial craft, I don't understand how the hospital knew about it two weeks in advance. In your reply you suggest an email exists that gave prior warning to the hospital regarding this MILITARY exercise in the early hours of the 26th...
  8. Mendel

    Claim: the greenhouse effect being logarithmic means global warming ain't a problem

    In the end, Schmidt produces his own graphs: These graphs show that there is uncertainty in the satellite data, but there's still a discrepancy between model projections and observations. A commenter notes that a climate model makes assumptions about future events such as volcano eruptions...
  9. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Mutual allegations that the other side is planning to attack. I'm waiting for "pre-emptive strike" rhetoric. President Biden said Friday that he is "convinced" that Russian President Vladimir Putin has made the decision to invade Ukraine, and that U.S. intelligence indicates he will target...
  10. Mendel

    Gimbal Blender Simulation with Clouds

    @TheCholla regarding clouds and distance, a side-by-side video of a simulation with ~30 nm distance vs. GIMBAL is in post #52. I find it quite convincing.
  11. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    News item of a sabotage attempt. "112 Ukraine" is an opposition-aligned news channel. Today in Horlivka (occupied by militants) explosions of tanks with chlorine (at sewage treatment plants) and ammonia (on the territory of the Styrol enterprise) were prevented. This is stated by so-called...
  12. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    a) it's still bunk if it's obvious b) did the media treat it as self-defeating prophecies?
  13. Mendel

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Kinda like looking at the person behind me in line at the supermarket and thinking, "the question remains: human or lizard person?" while dramatic copyright-free music plays in my head. What we want for a good paranormal mystery is something unexplainable.
  14. Mendel

    Good discussion about "Disinformation vs Misinformation. Berkeley

    It's the first part of the subtitles. I downloaded them via and edited the line breaks for readability.
  15. Mendel

    Good discussion about "Disinformation vs Misinformation. Berkeley

    - Hi, I'm Henry Brady, former Dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy, and a political scientist who studies American institutions, especially such things as trust in American institutions. I'll be moderating today's session. We have an all-star cast here today, and I'll introduce them in a...
  16. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Very specific predictions have so far been very wrong. The mess began last Friday, February 11th, when National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan gave an address warning American citizens to evacuate Ukraine. “If a Russian attack on Ukraine proceeds, it is likely to begin with aerial bombing and...
  17. Mendel

    Claim: There is no 97% climate consensus

    Is this covered by the actual ratings? because I'd read this differently, with anthropogenic causes being more important than natural causes. And then there's the self-rating part of Cook 2013: To complement the abstract analysis, email addresses for 8547 authors were collected, typically from...
  18. Mendel

    Astronomer Marian Rudnyk UFO convert

    What I'd like to see is - photos of the canisters - photos of the negatives - corroboration by Johnson Space Center I tried to find scans of the Gemini photos, but all I came up with was a mixed gallery, maybe someone else has more success?
  19. Mendel

    Claim: the greenhouse effect being logarithmic means global warming ain't a problem

    It's hard to see how that would work when we've been burning fossil forests.