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  1. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Hmmm. The graph won't look much different if you use another definition of "swing state". I just looked up a Fox pre-election article; they had 12 states, but that basically adds some pink dots near where the other pink dots are on the graph.
  2. Mendel

    Did Skepticalscience Lie about one of the studies they reviewed in their consensus survey?

    Well, I think there's some misreading going on. When Shaviv writes, "I couldn't write these things more explicitly in the paper because of the refereeing", it's easy to read this as "I made the abstract look like I endorse AGW". But that's not what he did, so it's wrong to read it like that...
  3. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  4. Mendel

    Did Skepticalscience Lie about one of the studies they reviewed in their consensus survey?

    Did Cook actually classify Shaviv as pro-consus? The supplementary data for Cook's paper is at , the erl460291datafile.txt states: Category 2,Impacts 3,Mitigation 4,Methods 5,Paleoclimate 8,Not climate related 9,Not...
  5. Mendel

    Did Skepticalscience Lie about one of the studies they reviewed in their consensus survey?

    The problem now is that this hits a blind spot in Cook's classification: (5) Implicit rejection Implies humans have had a minimal impact on global warming without saying so explicitly E.g., proposing a natural mechanism is the main cause of global warming '...anywhere from a major portion to...
  6. Mendel

    Did Skepticalscience Lie about one of the studies they reviewed in their consensus survey?

    Here is an excerpt of the abstract in question (note that the abstract on arXiv is shorter): On climate response to changes in the cosmic ray flux and radiative budget Nir J. Shaviv [...] Subject to the above caveats and those described in the text, the CRF/climate link therefore implies...
  7. Mendel

    Did Skepticalscience Lie about one of the studies they reviewed in their consensus survey?

    Nir Shaviv is a climate change sceptic. I know this because a group of German and Swiss climatologists debated him on this in 2003. According to a group of leading climate scientists, a recently published paper by Nir Shaviv and Jan Veizer which claims to show a correlation between the...
  8. Mendel

    Did Skepticalscience Lie about one of the studies they reviewed in their consensus survey?

    I'm sorry, but I don't get what you are trying to say; it reads like word salad. I understand this (if we accept the blog post as authentic): * Cook classified papers and authors by abstract * Shaviv does not endorse the climate consensus * Shaviv wrote the abstract to make it seem like he did...
  9. Mendel

    A Gimbal Glare Explainer

    there was some argument in connection with the rocket launch hypothesis over whether the encounter occurred by night or by day; I don't remember if we reached a definite conclusion.
  10. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Where do you see that? sorted by the statewide death rates on Worldometers, dated February 09, 2022, 13:59 GMT, from the "Yesterday" tab, using the assumption that that data is now finalised. that's the meaning of 'swing state' a state where the number...
  11. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Here's another one: A problem is that Covid correlates geographically, and the first wave hit the North-East unprepared, so you have some states higher up in table than they'd be if you started counting deaths somewhat later.
  12. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    the point of having 3 groups in the original graph is to have categories that correspond to T>>B, T≈B, T<<B voters, coloring the swing state group red or blue removes information. Maine had a 9% margin in the popular vote (despite the electors it sent), so it needs to be in the T<<B category...
  13. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Michigan hospitalisations are going down. My guess is that the last vaccinated Delta cases have left the hospital, while some of the unvaccinated patients are there for the long term. Case numbers seem to be improving in most places, but only Australia sees a strong reduction in deaths so far.
  14. Mendel

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    I don't think you cease to be a "real" expert just because you're wrong once, or become one by being right once. That said, Mick has been right about UFOs many times.
  15. Mendel

    A Gimbal Glare Explainer

    if they had a different set of targets on the radar at a different range, that'd explain the confusion if it is flying at you, you don't see its engines = no glare if it is not flying at you, you can't catch up to it easily, as 350 knots is not the closing speed
  16. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Vaccinations vs. deaths vs politics by US State This is data from when vaccines became widely available to anyone in the US (May 2021) up until 10 february 2022. X-axis: Current vaccination rate, Y-axis: Deaths per 100k Red: Voted Trump in 2020, Blue: Voted Biden in 2020, Pink: Swing states Note...
  17. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    yes, that's the point right now, early Covid feels like a cold (and sometimes not even that) the coughing and the fever are way down the list it's the motivation for people to wear masks even if they don't feel really sick
  18. Mendel

    Help to debunk: 737 flies backward

    Most of the effect here is parallax against the nearby leaves as the camers is moved around, with the movement of the picture being "stabilized". There's still some parallax against the roof edge, but not as much. I'd love to see a version of this clip stabilized on the balloon.
  19. Mendel

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    well, technically it's still unidentified I bet the set {military pictures of flying objects too small to be identifiable} is huge, though.
  20. Mendel

    Claim: sticker "glitched" in real life. Fake video or could have other explanation?

    you seriously underestimate the riches here you could have 30 nickels from every human and Neanderthal who ever lived, and still be poorer than Bezos