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  1. Mendel

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    The way to go when putting up a solid argument is to find authoritative sources and evidence to support opinions and "feels", especially when contradicting others. In this case, Raytheon themselves serve: Raytheon's Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared pod delivers pinpoint accuracy and...
  2. Mendel

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Except there are 4 axes. This has been discussed on metabunk before, up to the point where Mick quoted a Raytheon patent in this thread Ideally, a high resolution imaging and laser designation system in a...
  3. Mendel

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    Here's something from back in March 2021, but I think we haven't mentioned it in this thread yet: The declassified report, issued Tuesday by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, is the U.S. intelligence community's final take on foreign meddling in the hotly contested race, in...
  4. Mendel

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Mechanical systems always have to contend with the fact that static friction is higher than dynamic friction, i.e. it takes more force to get a mechanism going than it needs to keep it moving; and that means every mechanical system will see a "jerk" if you move it from a rest position. On a...
  5. Mendel

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    Anyone who does not get this reference might want to look up .
  6. Mendel

    Wayne Coste's new hypothesis for WTC1+2 collapses: nano-thermite propellants!

    Well, sprinkler systems are designed for a specific load, i.e. a specific square footage of a certain hazard class to be protected, with the "design area" chosen to represent the space with the worst water pressure in the building. If you now start fires that are harder to extinguish (jet fuel...
  7. Mendel

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    The Navy fighter and the UAP are flying too far apart for the same turbulence to be causing both the camera bump and a genuine UAP rotation at the exact same time. So if you want to include the possibility of turbulence having an effect, you could replace "onboard" with "nearby" in my chain of...
  8. Mendel

    Wayne Coste's new hypothesis for WTC1+2 collapses: nano-thermite propellants!

    Just a reminder that this had been tried unsuccessfully: On Friday, February 26, 1993, Ramzi Yousef and a Jordanian friend, Eyad Ismoil, drove a yellow Ryder van into Lower Manhattan, and pulled into the public parking garage beneath the World Trade Center around noon. They parked on the...
  9. Mendel

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    To make this logic more explicit: 1) It is impossible that the faraway object is bumping the camera. 2) Therefore, the camera bumps are caused by a mechanism onboard the Navy jet. [ It has been theorized out elsewhere that fine tracking is done with movable mirrors, and the gimbal system...
  10. Mendel

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    This having been pointed out 2019 is amazing. I did a metabunk forum search and found it just 2 months ago: Reading 8 posts forward from there gives me a video clip of Mick recreating the rotating glare at home (equipment: a smartphone and a camera or a second phone) and another clip showing...
  11. Mendel

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    My understanding is slightly different. I understand that part of the glare is caused by the atmosphere, that part is symmetric and circular. Then there is a a shaped glare on top of that caused by a "smudge" or similar on the front window of the optics (or a similar place). On normal cameras...
  12. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Well, around that, apparently. Researchers from the US-based Center for Global Development used three different data sources to estimate India's excess all-cause mortality during the pandemic until 21 June. They extrapolated death registrations from seven states, accounting for half of India's...
  13. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Larry Brilliant: "But I do caution people that this is the delta variant and we have not run out of Greek letters so there may be more to come" It makes me wonder if the 77-year-old epidemiologist is going senile, or if he's trying to "dumb things down" for an uninformed audience. "Runs out of...
  14. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    "vaccine state red blue" is a useful google search if you are looking for data. I don't think I can help you find the post.
  15. Mendel

    The Scientific Weight of Eyewitness Testimony

    Thank you. It's 100% focused on recognizing aircraft, judging from the list of contents and the first 40 pages, recognizing aerial phenomena that are not aircraft or similar (cruise missiles or drones) is not covered at all.
  16. Mendel

    The Scientific Weight of Eyewitness Testimony

    Actually, this sort of error is not confined to humans. Oct. 5, 1960: The moon tricks a radar A false alarm came when an early warning radar in Greenland reported to North American Air Defense Command headquarters that it had detected dozens of inbound Soviet missiles. The report thrust Norad...
  17. Mendel

    The Scientific Weight of Eyewitness Testimony

    You reinforce my points. If the purpose of a fighter pilot is to fire on things, why would it be necessary for them to identify an object once they determine it isn't to be fired on? I wrote (and you quoted it) that the deck is symbolic for the full extent; but it symbolizes that the focus is...
  18. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Mumps, measles, and influenza are endemic, but the ramifications aren't that bleak! The thing that's deeply worrying is the emergence of a large main-stream political anti-vaccine movement. To me, there are signs that there's going to be a problem with the health system having to care for...
  19. Mendel

    The Scientific Weight of Eyewitness Testimony

    I've quoted you an amateur astronomer writing about it, just a few posts ago. They're not "trained" (else they'd be professional astronomers), they accumulate experience from looking at the sky for hours upon hours as a hobby. Looking at the sky and identifying objects in it is what they do, and...
  20. Mendel

    The Scientific Weight of Eyewitness Testimony

    I'm not sure what you are calling "recent". The very recent past has seen a UAP reporting system established, possibly motivated by the idea that adversaries could be using drones to spy on US operations, and so we expect a close to perfect coverage of UAP sightings by this profession made in...