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  1. Mendel

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    even cruise ship captains sometimes forget we live on a globe, and that "drops below the horizon" does not equate to "drops into the water"
  2. Mendel

    Elizondo Claims DoD Have A 50-Feet-Away Photo & 23 Minute Video

    @JetPac again 23:30 Q: one of the things I wanted to mention, a few weeks ago there was this long marathon room that Eric Weinstein had created, concerning the New York Times article and the run-up to the DNI report and, you know, there was maybe upwards of a thousand people in this room...
  3. Mendel

    Elizondo Claims DoD Have A 50-Feet-Away Photo & 23 Minute Video

    @JetPac please edit your posts so that they can actually be quoted (do not put your own contributions in quote tags) and please do not post bare links that require people to click these links 12:19 Curt: you mentioned fidelity and a question that's been brought up by quite a few people (i...
  4. Mendel

    Elizondo Claims DoD Have A 50-Feet-Away Photo & 23 Minute Video

    you can get a good starting point for a transcript for a video by using a service like to download the subtitles 49:42 Lou: you know the problem is that this battle isn't over we won a major battle with the report coming out the UAP report, it was historic like you said, in the...
  5. Mendel

    Champlain Towers Collapse

    Building Integrity is an educational project of Consult Engineering, a structural engineering firm operating in Southwest Florida. One of their engineers, Josh, has published several videos on this collapse on youtube, he's been analysing the published construction drawings and reports. In this...
  6. Mendel

    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    If it's human, you can communicate or reason with it. Quite an important distinction.
  7. Mendel

    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    It's kind of a bad question in that it leaves open what constitutes "understanding". If you define that as "could get it going again if it broke down", you'd probably find out that >90% of humanity today doesn't understand tanks, which are a centuries-old technology (and the same goes for cars...
  8. Mendel

    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    well it depends on how many experiments he'd be allowed to run on it if you allowed him close he'd see it was a kind of metal jug
  9. Mendel

    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    He will understand that a battle tank is a big heavy beast that can go deceptively fast in open terrain, and that it can hurl projectiles at range at anything it sees. The bushman will soon figure out that he needs to stay under cover, and to try and trap it in a really big pit, or a swamp.
  10. Mendel

    The UAP Policy and Discursive Shift - Changing narratives on UAPs and its effect on policy.

    I think if they ruled these out as sensor errors, the report's conclusions would have to be similar to those of the 1969 Condon report, maybe with "drones" added in. You've explained very well in your draft paper why that goes against the interests of those behind UAPTF.
  11. Mendel

    The UAP Policy and Discursive Shift - Changing narratives on UAPs and its effect on policy.

    UAPPolicyAnalyst, thank you for your discussion of my reply! I'd like to pick one issue for further consideration: My quotes: [4] P.3: "In a limited number of incidents, UAP reportedly appeared to exhibit unusual flight characteristics." [5] p.3: "These observations could be the result of...
  12. Mendel

    The UAP Policy and Discursive Shift - Changing narratives on UAPs and its effect on policy.

    Regarding "objects/phenomena", the risk to aviation via drones, or the intelligence risks posed by spy craft, are probably best addressed through surveillance, and not by collecting UAP reports, because it's much more useful to actually find these drones than to guess at them.
  13. Mendel

    The UAP Policy and Discursive Shift - Changing narratives on UAPs and its effect on policy.

    I've been trying to be short here, because explaining the ways we now have sensor data showing UFOs are both complex to explain and familiar to readers of Metabunk; for example, a fighter jet's camera tracking gimbal was not designed and tested to provide reliable information on the rotation of...
  14. Mendel

    The UAP Policy and Discursive Shift - Changing narratives on UAPs and its effect on policy.

    That's an interesting read for sure. (From my perspective, the paper would profit from one more language editing pass, some constructs feel off grammatically.) From the abstract: The paper falls short of elucidating these issues beyond what the abstract states, and that highlights its...
  15. Mendel

    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    Your take: My take: Most UAP reports reviewed by the UAPTF are the result of a formalized reporting process [1] and carry data from multiple sensors [2] as associated evidence. Most are deemed to describe physical objects. [3] A small number of incidents can't be classified as potential known...
  16. Mendel

    Champlain Towers Collapse

    that's the key information I had surmised that salt water could randomly make telephone wires short out or not, and of course the static is easily explained once a connection was made, but I wasn't sure how random shorts could dial a number reliably. [Btw, an easy way to quote just part of a...
  17. Mendel

    Champlain Towers Collapse

    The sea level has risen ~10cm (4 inches) since the early 1980s; this may have contributed to the salt water ingress.
  18. Mendel

    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    Such deductive reasoning is not evident in your original post. You're giving a quote from the report, then your interpretation of it, but no deductive reasoning that connects one to the other. That reasoning that you've effectively been asking us to challenge ("show me") was all in your mind...
  19. Mendel

    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    That's just a laundry list of potential "advanced technologies" that's supposed to convince people that these technologies might be responsible for the "unexplainable" sightings (and it may not even have been in the report). It might be interesting to dedicate a different thread to the question...
  20. Mendel

    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    Leaked to me today "The classified portion of the UAP report given to a select number of congressmen and senators relates to the following: 1 Energy Pulse Propulsion System (EPPS) projects 2 Ion Propulsion Systems (IPS) 3 Anti-gravity propulsion systems. 4 Anti-Matter propulsion systems 5...