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  1. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    The heliocentric model has proven superior because Kepler's astronomical tables were able to more accurately predict the movements of the planets for longer in advance than any other set of assumptions, proving them more correct than the other assumptions. That was 400 years ago. The Rudolphine...
  2. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    Water follows any force. I can easily demonstrate that. Source: There is no reason to assume that a water level is flat if the force acting on the water is not uniform and parallel. (And in fact, tides are another proof that water follows any force.)...
  3. Mendel

    Needs debunking: flat earthers claim this reflection to show a harness in ISS video

    The tablet, visible above Pesquet's shoulder, shows a white stripe that is moving with the astronaut, so it's presumably something on his back. I've spent a minute trying to find a picture of his polo shirt and failed, in the hopes that it would simply be some wrinkled print on its back. Maybe...
  4. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    A properly designed pendulum (long and heavy) will keep swinging for a day if started in the morning. On an unmoving Earth, you would expect it to keep swinging in the direction you started it in, or maybe randomly deviate from that. What actually happens is that the direction of the swing...
  5. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    How have you measured this? Even in Thailand in December, the sun rises south of East and sets South of West. This will only work on any Flat Earth model I have seen if light is considerably bent sideways, a phenomenon that has never been shown to actually happen...
  6. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    I am saying that "water finds its level" meaning that this level is perfectly flat is wrong; and I am saying that this claim has never been proven in any way. By the way, what do you think is causing the tides on an immovable Earth? Dude, Gerhard Mercator lived in the 16th century; he had much...
  7. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    The "sticks experiment" shows a different outcome for both models as soon as you use sticks on more than 2 different latitudes. Try my pizza box experiment on/around September 21st! The pendulum I have seen was mounted over a solid stone floor, no electromagnets were needed. You may note that...
  8. Mendel

    Water Level Showing Mountain and Horizon Dip Due to Curvature

    I've "stolen" that for my photographs thread, Very rough. The lowest observer position is already many times higher up than the ISS is orbiting. The Flat Earth demonstration of the horizon...
  9. Mendel

    Beautiful Photographs that show the Earth's Curvature

    (photo by @Amber Robot, originally posted here: "I took this picture with a 300mm zoom lens last week of the Pacific Ocean just after sunset. I can see a sharp edge and even see the *tops* of clouds poking up over the horizon." )
  10. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    the observer seems to be at least 8m above sea level from personal observation, that difference in height already has a noticable effect on how much is obscured in the distance
  11. Mendel

    Claim:Natural Covid-19 broke out of Wuhan lab (not man-made)

    - the US is also doing this research, as do most other countries - the virus gets *identified* in the city where the relevant lab is -- cause and effect - the first SARS outbreak was not from bats, there was an intermediate host (most likely civet cats) - the lab does not have a poor safety...
  12. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    The Flat Earth model requires a great deal of belief with no possible 'grass roots' experiments to prove some of the theories. -- "water always find its level" contradicted on a daily basis if you live near the ocean -- "Earth is flat" well nobody has ever measure that either -- Flat Earth does...
  13. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    have you checked that there is no distortion? what conditions would need to apply for distortion to occur? also, the most glaring problem is that you are looking at a single cherry-picked image what is the view like on other days...
  14. Mendel

    View of Snowdonia From Dublin - Mirage?

    have you ever been gripped by the fact that we don't see far enough we should be able to see much further if the Earth was flat so you can compare what we usually see with what we should see under ideal circumstances if a) the Earth was globe that appeared at 4/3 of its normal size due to...
  15. Mendel

    Gimbal Video Interactive Software/Program

    so basically what you're doing is a roll-your-own flight simulator with the maths exposed with the aim of producing a parametrised animation that can show what potentially happened that allows setting up different flight paths for the UAP the output "for the masses" is going to be videos of...
  16. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    not sure why you are referring to these as "narratives" - the evidence for Ivermectin isn't solid yet, but at least it has some indications going for it (can kill SARS-CoV-2 in the lab, reduces inflammation in animals) - Ivermectin was pushed by Surgisphere, a US company that I recall as having...
  17. Mendel

    Identifying this triangular UFO

    we've had some not-so-serious challenges here but they don't usually come false-flagged I think if you had put the information in post #3 in your original post to begin with, your experience would have been different I hope you'll be back!
  18. Mendel

    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    that should obviously read "reported in group 1b)" yes, but I would not describe that as "acknowledgment" we'll find out more when the report comes out
  19. Mendel

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    that doesn't mean there's no source of disturbance there, see this post from a related thread:
  20. Mendel

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    that's not even hearsay, that assumption is just wishful thinking