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  1. Mendel

    My Chat With Luis Elizondo

    I've all but convinced myself that the "hidden evidence" isn't data so much as eyewitness accounts. It seems to me that Elizondo is trying to build up his pilots as experts (that's what his aircraft identification cards schtick is for), and I suspect that, intuitively, he credits their accounts...
  2. Mendel

    Balloon-like UFO Photo from The Debrief

    Brian launched his Pico balloon flight, designated N6CVO-11 on Saturday 20-Jul-2019 at 06:02 PDT (local sunrise). The transmitter is a LightAPRS tracker from QRP Labs. Details: One 50ma solar panel Pair of 3.3F Super Capacitors in series (1.65F @ 6v) Single 19.25" 30awg wire for the 2m...
  3. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  4. Mendel

    Claim: "Most U.S. terror deaths have come from 'extreme right wing groups' in recent years"

    Terror usually implies some kind of plan or strategy to effect political goals. Even your very first example doesn't rise to that standard. If you want to gain an unbiased view of the violence surfounding the BLM protests, consult...
  5. Mendel

    Claim: "Most U.S. terror deaths have come from 'extreme right wing groups' in recent years"

    @seeker3598 I'm surprised you're classifying the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot as leftist; Wikipedia attributes it to the boogaloo movement, and puts that on the far right. The suspects were tied to a paramilitary militia group that called themselves the Wolverine Watchmen. The group was...
  6. Mendel

    My Chat With Luis Elizondo

    Because "R. Essex" used the blue marker, and whoever wrote "Chris Mellon" wasn't the same person and didn't write it at the same time. Why do you think it should be the same marker, under these circumstances?
  7. Mendel

    My Chat With Luis Elizondo

    Even if Elizondo gave those disks to Mellon who then passed them on to Keane, Elizondo's account in your interview would be accurate. In fact, he'd especially not want to ask where she got it from if he already knew. So a possible sequence of events is Elizondo passing it on to Mellon passing it...
  8. Mendel

    My Chat With Luis Elizondo

    It's an illustration that the military has people whose job it is to identify aircraft; he mentions that they have people who can look at footage and say, that's a MiG doing a 3G turn seen from a quarter below. It's like showing a multiplication table to illustrate that you have people who can...
  9. Mendel

    My Chat With Luis Elizondo

    The problem is that the analysis itself, the methods to arrive at that analysis, and the data sources that go into that are all classified. So anything Lou says about the analysis has to be taken with a grain of salt: he says what he has to say in order to not reveal what their internal...
  10. Mendel

    My Chat With Luis Elizondo

    Great interview! My takeaway: advanced military technology and UFOs are very similar, that's why you have to have secrecy -- the government doesn't cover up UFOs, they cover up what advanced technology they have and know about the professionals don't single-source their data about an event...
  11. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  12. Mendel

    Debunked: Biden in "Fake" Oval Office

    Just to round this off: Source:
  13. Mendel

    Debunked: Hovering Ship "Fata Morgana" or "Mirage" [False Horizon]

    I wonder if refraction is to blame. Close to the water surface, refraction is different, and low-angle rays traveling through this layer may be refracted and act as collimator, increasing the amount of light that reaches the viewer by compressing the image. I saw a series of videos a few months...
  14. Mendel

    Debunked: Hovering Ship "Fata Morgana" or "Mirage" [False Horizon]

    Does the effect ever occur in the other direction, with the brighter water close and the darker water further away?
  15. Mendel

    Need Debunking: "Experimental Vaccine Death Rate for Israel's Elderly 40 Times Higher Than COVID-19 Deaths"

    Yes. The vaccine is supposed to prepare the human immune system, but the body is quite complex, and things can go wrong. But even if the immune response isn't perfect, it'll usually be less severe. Also, the vaccinations don't work instantly, so if people get infected before the vaccinations...
  16. Mendel

    Thylacines in Tasmania (New photos from 1st March 2021)

    Yes. This is why the debunking part of Metabunk is set up the way it is. We're not going to determine if Thylacines or UFOs or Yetis exist -- there is no way to prove that they don't, so if you want to believe that they do, that's fine. But what Metabunk does is look at claims of evidence: we...
  17. Mendel

    Thylacines in Tasmania (New photos from 1st March 2021)

    He measures the scene with a yardstick in his video.
  18. Mendel

    Need Debunking: "Experimental Vaccine Death Rate for Israel's Elderly 40 Times Higher Than COVID-19 Deaths"

    I may have some idea of what is going on with the last part. More analyses by Dr Hervé Seligmann and myself of the data from Dagan et al 2021 we found an additional phenomenon challenging the reliability of Dagan et al 2021. Among the 596618 unvaccinated, there are 32 deaths within the 44 days...
  19. Mendel

    Need Debunking: "Experimental Vaccine Death Rate for Israel's Elderly 40 Times Higher Than COVID-19 Deaths"

    One more misleading claim from nakim: Today a professor in epidemiology from an US university contacted me in relation to a previous article with interesting comments. He added a table that shows well mortality after the mRNA vaccines according to time, from reports to VAERS, see table below...
  20. Mendel

    Need Debunking: "Experimental Vaccine Death Rate for Israel's Elderly 40 Times Higher Than COVID-19 Deaths"

    I looked at this, and also at . This guy is juggling numbers on tables ripped out of context that I can't make heads or tails of. My guess is that if there was something there, he could explain it in a way that made sense, and that didn't present...