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  1. Mendel

    Capitol Police activity on Jan 6th

    Acting US Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman briefed the House Appropriations committee on Jan 6th security issues. The briefing came as US Capitol Police officers debate whether to hold a no-confidence vote targeting department leaders who were working on the day of insurrection, including...
  2. Mendel

    Debunked: Biden signing "Blank" Executive Orders

    It's projection. The same has been said about Trump. Trump the day before the government shutdown. Donald Trump Twitter Page Trump signs an executive order in 2017. Getty Mr Trump appears to write on a blank sheet of paper (Picture: AP) -- that was when he visited Walter Reed Hospital because...
  3. Mendel

    Claim: UFOs appeared at the Stadio Artemio Franchi in Florence

    @Mauro: The problem is that the cross-section of spider silk, if it is un-spun, is very small, so the tensile strength doesn't really translate to "resistance to traction". Also, tensile strength is measured by when stuff breaks, so bubble-gum like material that can be pulled without breaking...
  4. Mendel

    Claim: UFOs appeared at the Stadio Artemio Franchi in Florence

    "high mechanical resistance to traction and torsion" rules out spider silk, I think? The spiderwebs I know don't have high mechanical resistance. If it's glass, it may be glass wool, but I wouldn't be able to guess how it got into the autumn air; maybe from a construction site, or directly from...
  5. Mendel

    Claim: UFOs appeared at the Stadio Artemio Franchi in Florence

    I would want to see the lab report. The idea that the 4 mentioned elements would be the most prominent elements in the sample, rather than the most surprising, is an assumption that merits investigation: personally, I think if the lab assumed this was organic, they probably wouldn't test for...
  6. Mendel

    Debunked: Biden in "Fake" Oval Office

    Note that this picture shows a replica of the Wilson desk that President Ford used; since Bill Clinton, the Oval Office has featured the Resolute Desk, and a number of replicas exist of it. Replicas The first replica of the Resolute desk was commissioned in 1978 for a permanent display at the...
  7. Mendel

    My girlfriend,Jungian Personality Theory and the Rabbit Hole (Dealing with Relationships)

    People have "16 personality types" because that's what the test classifies them as. If Meyers-Briggs had 3 categories or 5, we'd see 8 types or 32; and obviously there is a spectrum on all of these dimensions, they're NOT binary. And the test is not stable, some people's results change over...
  8. Mendel

    Debunked: Biden in "Fake" Oval Office

    Googling for "Trump 2018 oval office", lots of pictures showing Trump with the new wallpaper exist. Again, this is a hoax produced by selective editing.
  9. Mendel

    Alex Jones is liable for defamation in Texas

    Without comment, the Lone Star State’s highest civil court found that America’s foremost conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, and his flagship media outlet, InfoWars, are subject to liability in four separate defamation lawsuits filed over the past two-plus years. Those lawsuits were filed by...
  10. Mendel

    Deployment of National Guard during The Capitol Riot

    They're not there as spectators, they're there for security. They need to be facing the potential threats. (I found that out by googling "military turn backs to motorcade fact check"). A video showing the inauguration motorcade for President Donald J. Trump in January 2017 here appears...
  11. Mendel

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    Congratulations on your new President, Unites States!
  12. Mendel

    Help: Panorama Maker and the Curvature of the Earth

    What do they send if you request the panorama by email?
  13. Mendel

    Help: Panorama Maker and the Curvature of the Earth works for that. I just don't know how to best export an image from PanoramaMaker, it seems to generate lots of vertical slices?
  14. Mendel

    Help: Panorama Maker and the Curvature of the Earth

    And then the straight line will be curved!
  15. Mendel

    Explained: 82nd Airborne: "A Storm Is Coming" - Operation Devil Storm exists. And so does the Holgate Windmill in York. Image: Wikipedia The "Shorter Dictionary of Catch Phrases" by Rosalind Fergusson explains how the phrase became popular:
  16. Mendel

    Death of Ashli Babbit in the US Capitol

    From your first picture, C6 is in the neck; how much of an upward trajectory would the bullet need to enter at the shoulder and then reach that high, given the trajectory was straight (which it may not have been)? I still maintain it'd be better to get the facts from the autopsy when we have a...
  17. Mendel

    Help: Panorama Maker and the Curvature of the Earth

    I believe what you wrote is correct. I would avoid bringing up the human eye, or you might have to deal with the claim that the Earth appears curved because the eye is spherical. Here is another way to explain it: If you stand inside a circle (for example, a round room; or in the center of a...
  18. Mendel

    Help: Panorama Maker and the Curvature of the Earth

    The people you are talking to may be familiar with the way a smartphone creates a panorama when you rotate your view, by stitching separate pictures together. I thought it would help for the people you are talking to to think of the Panorama Maker output as that kind of picture, except made up...
  19. Mendel

    Post Election Social Media Crackdowns

    Confirmation: The internet protocol (IP) address it used is owned by DDos-Guard, which is controlled by two Russian men and provides services including protection from distributed denial of service attacks, infrastructure expert Ronald Guilmette told Reuters. DDoS-Guard’s other clients include...
  20. Mendel

    Beautiful Photographs that show the Earth's Curvature

    Here's a picture showing the apparent absence of curvature on a curved object: