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  1. Mendel

    Trump banned from twitter, account closed.

    There is no such tweet on , nor would I expect there to be one.
  2. Mendel

    "Deleted Votes" Claim, 2020 Election, Erie County, New York We can discuss that there. The Capitol riots are off-topic here.
  3. Mendel

    John Lott's Paper on Election Fraud

    I'm mentioning that because you brought up the NAS as an authority, and the wikipedia article shows the NAS finds flaws with John R. Lott's work. You said the NAS gave him an award, I said the NAS doesn't like his work very much. I'm not debunking gun control myths for you in this topic, but I...
  4. Mendel

    "Deleted Votes" Claim, 2020 Election, Erie County, New York

    Mob mentality rarely makes sense afterwards; the idea of "we'll go there and affect this process" provides motivation. But yeah, I wouldn't put the motive down as "embolden", but rather as "intimidate", with "embolden" being the euphemism used to describe bending someone else's actions to one's...
  5. Mendel

    "Deleted Votes" Claim, 2020 Election, Erie County, New York

    Types of Post-Election Audits There are several variations of post-election audits used in states. Traditional Post-Election Audits: Most audits look at a fixed percentage of voting districts or voting machines (see table below for details) and compare the paper record to the results produced...
  6. Mendel

    "Deleted Votes" Claim, 2020 Election, Erie County, New York

    I'm not really sure why deirdre is bringing up Pennsylvania in topic about New York.
  7. Mendel

    "Deleted Votes" Claim, 2020 Election, Erie County, New York

    In an email to county election officials provided to Votebeat and Spotlight PA, a Department of State employee said the timeline to complete the audit was extended to Jan. 22 after the agency heard from “multiple counties” that the original deadline of Jan. 3 wouldn’t be feasible “due to...
  8. Mendel

    "Deleted Votes" Claim, 2020 Election, Erie County, New York

    Yes. In a crime investigation, you're asking for means, motive, and opportunity. If the like-minded motivation is "let Biden win the State of New York", the means to do that is to do nothing: New York State is traditionally safely blue, you can achieve that goal without doing anything illegal...
  9. Mendel

    Deployment of National Guard during The Capitol Riot

    This is a partial map of arrests:
  10. Mendel

    Death of Ashli Babbit in the US Capitol

    My source is the WaPo article that I quoted; and I don't know where they got it from. We do know she wasn't shot in the head. I imagine the bullet could well have punctured an airway or the throat. I expect there'll be an inquest; and I also expect the medical examiner has already performed an...
  11. Mendel

    "Deleted Votes" Claim, 2020 Election, Erie County, New York

    Yeah, they do. The numbers in your source are slightly more than the 11/04/2020 numbers in that image, so that'd account for some late-arriving absentee/military/overseas ballots, maybe? But the image on the left looks fake: if Trump had as big a lead as that with that many votes reported, I...
  12. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    a) This thread started in March b) as your post shows, none of the studies agree c) the CDC presents 5 scenarios on that page, with 3 different sets of fatality rates, this is just one of these There is not one infection fatality rate. Each age group has its own, and then it depends on how...
  13. Mendel

    Deployment of National Guard during The Capitol Riot

    What special security features were built into the Capitol Visitor Center? Improving the security of the Congress, the Capitol, and visitors was one of the fundamental goals driving the construction of the Capitol Visitor Center. The fatal shootings of two U.S. Capitol Police officers in July...
  14. Mendel

    Deployment of National Guard during The Capitol Riot

    Inside the House chamber, lawmakers, staff aides and journalists were told that tear gas had been deployed and to grab an emergency hood from under his or her chair. Credit: Andrew Harnik/Associated Press [..] I dashed to grab my laptop and plunged with a handful of reporters down three...
  15. Mendel

    Claims that "Antifa" was responsible for the Capitol Riot

    Anarchists? I don't think they'd want to be associated with Trumpers in any way.
  16. Mendel

    John Lott's Paper on Election Fraud

    The thing I would have wanted to do with Lott's data is run the same process on those 4 Republican counties; they're adjacent to each other as well, right? So if Lott is right, then he shouldn't see any effects if he does this comparison.
  17. Mendel

    John Lott's Paper on Election Fraud

    The paper is by John R. Lott, the economist, and Trump administration official. He did not win a NAS award. The NAS award winner is John W. Lott, a Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley. You've been deceived. The NAS does not like the economist John Lott all that...
  18. Mendel

    Trump's Call with Brad Raffensperger

    [... OT stuff remove] Yes. The courts ruled it was. And you're exaggerating. The point you need to remember is that a) every citizen has the right to vote; b) there is ZERO evidence that votes counted were not cast by citizens c) all voters had the same chance to cast their vote (actually, c)...
  19. Mendel

    Deployment of National Guard during The Capitol Riot

    Source: I heard at least 3 different rioters at the Capitol say that they hoped to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him from a Capitol Hill tree as a traitor. It was a common line being repeated. Many more were...
  20. Mendel

    Zip-Tie Guy and Other Paramilitary-Style Occupiers of the Capitol

    I believe that the first zip-tie guy, with the pocketed vest and the smartphone holder, would have stowed the flexi-cuffs away on his person to keep his hands free if he had brought them with him originally. He seems like an organized guy. I'm convinced he acquired the handcuffs later. Of it...