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  1. Mendel

    Analyzing Georgia Runoff NYT (and other) Data

    There's a livestream on Youtube that uses numbers sourced from Associated Press; these are different from the above website. (obviously, I compared current numbers.) Source:
  2. Mendel

    Analyzing Georgia Runoff NYT (and other) Data just now: My "last updated" timestamp is CET (GMT+01), 6 hours ahead of Georgia (8:39:50pm EST).
  3. Mendel

    Trump's Call with Brad Raffensperger

    That MSN article (which is a republished Washington Post article) presents both sides. The law firm portrays it thus: Mitchell’s resignation came after the law firm on Monday issued a statement saying it was “concerned by” her role in the call. The firm noted that as a matter of policy, its...
  4. Mendel

    Analyzing Georgia Runoff NYT (and other) Data

    If you want the official source for the unoffical results, I believe it's at For the 2020 US General Election, Scytl provided 4 products and services to city, county, and state clients across the United States. Each of...
  5. Mendel

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    I'm pretty sure I didn't understand that second sentence. :p You can look at this picture and know where the horizon is, even if you don't know the distance. If we lived on Flat Earth, on a world surrounded by ocean, the horizon would look just the same (though we could debate the sun and the...
  6. Mendel

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    @FatPhil I mention the mountain hidden by haze because your argument seems to be that the horizon isn't there if it's hidden. The horizon is not a physical place. It's something an observer sees; it depends on the position of the observer and where they're looking. I am describing the horizon...
  7. Mendel

    Gabriel Sterling Debunking Trumps Accusations from the Raffernsperger Call

    This is the chart visible in the press conference video.
  8. Mendel

    Trump's Call with Brad Raffensperger

    Meanwhile, it seems he's paired his public campaign to overturn the election he lost with a private push to use mob-boss tactics, finely honed from his decades making very above-board Business Deals, to pressure local public officials to change vote tallies. (Former FBI Director James Comey...
  9. Mendel

    Trump's Call with Brad Raffensperger

    Hard to tell, especially since we've got to assume he was being recorded. We know from the Woodward tapes that he told the public something else about Covid than what he knew was true. And if he knew (remember, he had his lawyers on the call) that he'd be criminally liable if he asked...
  10. Mendel

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    Is a far mountain not there when it's hidden by haze? We know where it is, right? The horizon on "infinite flat world" is clearly, precisely, sharply defined. It is exactly at the eye height of the observer. And with the naked eye, it'll be indistinguishable from the horizon on the globe.
  11. Mendel

    Trump's Call with Brad Raffensperger

    Primary source: Source: Source: Bromwich describes himself on Twitter as "former DOJ IG; Asst US Attorney, SDNY; Assoc. Independent Counsel, Iran-Contra; independent monitor...
  12. Mendel

    Gabriel Sterling Debunking Trumps Accusations from the Raffernsperger Call

    Gabriel Sterling, the voting system implementation manager in Georgia, held a press conference today; he gave some information regarding the current elections, debunked some claims, and asked Georgia voters to not "self-suppress" their vote by deliberately not voting. Source...
  13. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  14. Mendel

    Debunked: Claim that the Electoral College Count On Jan 6 will Change the Election

    Yeah, that was 0.8% in 1951; 1929 it was ~1% difference in the popular vote. Still a far cry from over 4%, or the 2.1% that Clinton led by in 2016.
  15. Mendel

    Trump's Call with Brad Raffensperger

    Officials in Raffensperger's office recorded the call with Trump on Saturday, according to a source who was on the call and had direct knowledge of the conversation. Raffensperger told his advisers he did not want the recording or a transcript of the call released unless Trump attacked him or...
  16. Mendel

    Trump's Call with Brad Raffensperger

    Let's debunk something that I'm seeing in my feeds, and that's the idea that Trump will be prosecuted for this phone call. I'm not a lawyer, therefore I'll limit myself to quoting one. Michael R. Bromwich, a former Justice Department inspector general and lawyer who represented clients that...
  17. Mendel

    Claim: Thousands of fraudulent votes in Georgia cast by felons, dead, underage voters

    Your last two quotes (from 20:00 and 50:27) are Cleta Mitchell speaking, that is one of Trump's lawyers. Georgia's Ryan Germany points out in response: Germany: Well, that's not the case sir. There are things that you guys are entitled to get. And there's things that under the law, we are not...
  18. Mendel

    Trump's Call with Brad Raffensperger

    That is a tough read. I'm excerpting just the Georgia participants from the transcript, and I've added a link to WSB-TV, and a screenshot of the settlement agreement. Raffensperger: Well, I listened to what the President has just said. President Trump, we've had several lawsuits and we've had...
  19. Mendel

    Debunked: Claim that the Electoral College Count On Jan 6 will Change the Election

    53% are in favor of a peaceful transition, but that's +/- 5.9%, so it could be anywhere from 47.1% to 58.9%. Since it's possible that the true value is less than 50%, I write that "maybe there wasn't even a majority of Republicans in favor of a peaceful transition" and continued " it'd be fair...