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  1. Mendel

    Debunked: Claim that the Electoral College Count On Jan 6 will Change the Election

    They've been elected to some German parliament seats, but don't hold executive power anywhere on a national or state level; they're known to be affiliating with neo-nazis, and kind of dismantling themselves as a party over these issues. You could say that they're encountering effective opposition.
  2. Mendel

    El ROsario UFO spawning smaller UFOs- Filmed from two angles simultaneously [CGI]

    Some people do fly many kites on a string. I think that's what this UFO is: a string of kites, possibly with its tether broken, and the rest of the explanation is turbulent air movement and perspective.
  3. Mendel

    Debunked: Claim that the Electoral College Count On Jan 6 will Change the Election

    I don't know what your standards for effectiveness are, but you probably noticed Trump has been voted out of office effective January 20th? That's pretty effective in my book. Of course, one always wishes for more sooner, but saying there is *no* effective opposition is an understatement that...
  4. Mendel

    Explained: Red Mirages, Blue Shifts, and Data Dumps in the 2020 Election

    Running past my feed today, I'm posting it here because I was advising going to the Lincoln Project to find out why conservatives were voting Biden:
  5. Mendel

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    That depends on how you define "horizon". Flat Earth would have a line where the ground meets the sky. But the sun couldn't set on it while lighting other parts of Earth.
  6. Mendel

    2020 Nashville Christmas RV Bombing

    Deirdre, people poison themselves with sleeping pills precisely because it is painless. Being ripped apart by a bomb is not painless, if survivors of bombings are to be believed; so if something went wrong with the bomb, that might be quite painful. BUT we have NO evidence of whether Warner...
  7. Mendel

    2020 Nashville Christmas RV Bombing

    Whether Warner was alive or not at the time of the explosion does not give any information to support or dismiss this theory; therefore this does not matter. But this matters: In the weeks leading up to the bombing, Warner quit his job, gave away his car, and executed a quitclaim deed...
  8. Mendel

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    The problem is that the horizon is not where the edge of the Earth is -- you can't see all the way to Antarctica or beyond, you can't even see Europe from America. So that curved horizon can't be the edge of the Earth, it must be caused by something else, but there's no good explanation for it...
  9. Mendel

    2020 Nashville Christmas RV Bombing

    Why "must" you throw this out? Why does it matter? Sure, he could have taken poison, made the 5:30 am call in an automated fashion, and detonated the bomb at 6:30 on a timer while he was already dead or dying from poison. What does that change?
  10. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    Congratulations, you just unlocked the second level of this joke! ;)
  11. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  12. Mendel

    Exclusive New York City "UFO" Footage

    What was the date? What were the wind conditions on that date? My unsupported guess would be tethered balloons in turbulent air, too.
  13. Mendel

    2020 Nashville Christmas RV Bombing

    "it ALL makes perfect sense" is a use of the phrase "perfect sense" I wasn't previously aware of. Especially as Lin Wood notes that the voting machines were not connected to the internet. He's not explaining anything. What he is actually doing is asking the conspiracy theorists to invent an...
  14. Mendel

    Starman and the Falcon Heavy

    In atmosphere, yes. How much of an atmosphere was left at that height?
  15. Mendel

    Tucker Carlson's Missing Package

    What is the "it"? And where did the story go now that the elections are over? As far as I know, Tucker Carlson never aired a story about this?
  16. Mendel

    Is Falun Gong Behind Seth Holehouse's "The Plot to Steal America"? It looks like it.

    Seth Holehouse is a man in America. What he is not is white anglo-saxon protestant (WASP). I expect that obscuring his Falun Gong affiliation improves his reach in demographics that define themselves as Christian. Hiding that there may be money and political interests backing his video/website...
  17. Mendel

    Debunked: Claim that the Electoral College Count On Jan 6 will Change the Election

    The other astonishing thing for an outside observer is that Deirdre is right when she thinks of these elections as local elections. Anywhere else, elections to federal offices are governed by federal rules. But in the US, a state can decide that people who haven't paid their court fines must...
  18. Mendel

    Needs Debunking: Proposed COVID Vaccine will become part of our DNA, make us programmable

    If I could be reading what he's saying, it'd take me 5 minutes. That's 10 of my minutes wasted even if everything he said was new to me. But many of the points you're citing have been discussed here on this forum. Your original summary had the properties of clickbait, in fact saying "this is...
  19. Mendel

    Debunked: Claim that the Electoral College Count On Jan 6 will Change the Election

    What are the pluses? Every presidential election, just a few states are the ones that seem to decide the election, and that's where the campaigns concentrate their effort. If you could pick up your winning million votes anywhere, you'd have to campaign to everywhere and consider everyone...
  20. Mendel

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    Has anyone spotted the omission in the article I quoted in my previous post? It doesn't mention any polls, neither pre-election polls nor exit polls. The latest polling by Morning Consult shows McConnell ahead of McGrath, a former Marine fighter pilot, by just over 11 percentage points. The GOP...