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  1. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Yes, that's what I'm saying. It also looks like they only publish this weekly. Btw, in my post about the UK report, I clipped a blood test graph that shows you can tell who's been vaccinated (or infected back in 2020).
  2. Mendel

    Are 99% of COVID-19 Deaths Among the Unvaccinated?

    Not sure what that has to do with the topic at hand, or why you lol at the pope, but I've posted several times on this forum that catholics are more likely than the average person to be vaccinated. Appeals from the pope to get vaccinated may have played a part.
  3. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Lying to your doctor is always a very bad idea. That's why the patient-doctor relationship is confidential, and legally protected. Notice the Michigan graphic won't allow you to find out who is vaccinated, and who isn't,
  4. Mendel

    Mobile Metabunk

    if you see "unwatch" you are not on a forum list How about ? That should look like this or this
  5. Mendel

    Mobile Metabunk

    that's not the place your screenshot shows, though I'm thinking you're maybe looking at the bottom when it's at the top, so I'd like to confirm that's not the case. What is your screen size in pixels?
  6. Mendel

    Mobile Metabunk

    Look under the subforum list, I have it there on the forum you linked.
  7. Mendel

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    you seem to have overlooked the reasoned analysis in the post that had the "rubbish" conclusion.
  8. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    The U of Michigan trend with the ICU numbers declining continues. It kinda looks like unvaccinated patients stay in the ICU longer, but it's hard to tell if that's really true. Worldwide trends: Some countries (AUS, US, UK) have turned their daily case numbers around, or levelled off, while...
  9. Mendel

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    You can have all your friends come and upvote your paper, too! (Provided they're willing to give Cureus their email address.)
  10. Mendel

    Help to debunk: 737 flies backward

    nah, this is basically an extension of what we established in posts #9 and following. The observer is moving, and camera technique obscures it.
  11. Mendel

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    The biggest methodical problem, from the first few paragraphs, is that the treatment group is entirely self-selected. Everyone in the city could go and get Ivermectin for free, and those people who never did are probably not concerned about their health or about Covid, and probably won't wear...
  12. Mendel

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    my thoughts on this - at this point, one study by itself means nothing - can the deworming action of Ivermectin explain the effect? Brazil is not exactly a first-world country; they may profit from Ivermectin, but if you don't have worms, you won't - how peer-reviewed is Cureus really? On this...
  13. Mendel

    Help to debunk: 737 flies backward

    Sometimes it pays to read the whole thread. ;-)
  14. Mendel

    Help to debunk: 737 flies backward

    Planes coming in to land are pointed towards the airport, not away from it like this one is; it helps the pilots find the runway. though, come to think of it... Source:
  15. Mendel

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    A smartphone has magnitudes more computing power than a Space Shuttle onboard computer. Technology trickles down. Also, the smartphone setup is cheapified by - not having a zoom to 0.35⁰ FOV - not having to stabilize that zoom - not doing automated tracking - not having IR mode - not having a...
  16. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    Alien Mission Fine, we can go search the Himalayas for the Yeti ONE more time, but keep a safe altitude over the Pacific and PLEASE watch where you're going. We can't afford another Amelia Earhart incident.
  17. Mendel

    Claim: Sweating can release a useful amount of toxins/toxicants from the body

    or if you hydrate with lead-containing water (e.g. in Flint)
  18. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  19. Mendel

    Apollo 12 photo: Is this censorship?

    They faked the moon landing but had to tape out some revealing artifacts from their fake pictures.
  20. Mendel

    Claim: Sweating can release a useful amount of toxins/toxicants from the body

    you overlooked the word "if" and "it'd" (short for "it would"), which makes my statement hypothetical. Figures that compare intake to excretion would back this up, but a study that merely compares sweat to urine is not helpful in that regard.