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  1. Mendel

    Balloon-like UFO Photo from The Debrief

    I think right there is the problem: how was that distance determined? If it was a visual estimate, it would depend on how big the person doing the estimating thought it was; and they're used to watching for fighter-sized objects.
  2. Mendel

    Claim: Biden campaign short code '30330' is veiled message

    Trump is number 1, he has 232 electors, add 1+2+3+2=8; Trump is 74 years of age, 74-8 is 66, so that's obviously a very bad sign. In 2016, Trump received 62,984,828 votes; add up the digits, and you get 47, which is the same digits as his current age, foretelling an important event associated...
  3. Mendel

    Inexperienced Pilot Recreating 9/11 Flight 77's Descending Turn into the Pentagon

    Dude. I gave you the dimensions. The Pentagon was the smaller target. You can't go by what you see on Google Earth as you're not firing an orbital weapon, you're piloting an aircraft and have to consider what the pilot would see and recognize. And I told you that distance matters, your WTC...
  4. Mendel

    Inexperienced Pilot Recreating 9/11 Flight 77's Descending Turn into the Pentagon

    Just a reminder that we're all agreed that the descent circle isn't evidence of anything: it doesn't help decide the question whether there was a government conspiracy or not.
  5. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Giuliani gets treated like everyone else, then; no antibody therapy may mean he's doing better than Trump was.
  6. Mendel

    Inexperienced Pilot Recreating 9/11 Flight 77's Descending Turn into the Pentagon

    That was your analogy, I just looked up the actual measurements and corrected your comparison. If you're flying more slowly, you're also worsening the rate at which energy is shed; there's an optimum glide speed for an air liner that's quite a bit below cruise speed. Traveling more slowly...
  7. Mendel

    Inexperienced Pilot Recreating 9/11 Flight 77's Descending Turn into the Pentagon

    Borrowing Mick's image from his original post: From the "too high here" point, circling was necessary to maintain controlled flight and hit the Pentagon. That can be proven, ask any airline pilot as expert. And I'd bet that hitting the Pentagon with an "emergency descent" maneuvre in a...
  8. Mendel

    Debunked: Einstein wrote "blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth"

    "Esel" is an ass. "Eselei" is what you commit when you behave like an ass. Basically, it's the act or product of the state indicated before the "-ei". -ei can also be used to nounify verbs to indicate an excess: for example "das Klettern" would be "climbing", but "Kletterei" would denote an...
  9. Mendel

    Inexperienced Pilot Recreating 9/11 Flight 77's Descending Turn into the Pentagon

    Clearly they did it, it worked? Why wouldn't it be the way? How exactly is this airspace protected? I supported this claim by giving you the typical descent rate of a 757 at 290 knots, which is a third of what would have been needed to get down from that approach without the circle. If you need...
  10. Mendel

    Inexperienced Pilot Recreating 9/11 Flight 77's Descending Turn into the Pentagon

    The point of this discussion is the question, does the flight path indicate that the pilot knew he was acting as part of a government conspiracy or not? If the pilot knew he wouldn't get intercepted or otherwise shot down, he wouldn't worry about it. So the question is, a) would a person...
  11. Mendel

    Inexperienced Pilot Recreating 9/11 Flight 77's Descending Turn into the Pentagon

    Here are the descent rates you would get in the 757 Descending at 7000 fpm is just not common and might be impossible in a 757-200 at low altitude in controlled flight. And if you speed up while descending, you're going to overshoot the target.
  12. Mendel

    Inexperienced Pilot Recreating 9/11 Flight 77's Descending Turn into the Pentagon

    I don't think that the turn increases the risk substantially. Assuming there's an anti-aircraft battery protecting the Pentagon, they would probably be alert to a plane "targetting" the Pentagon from afar; the actual flight path looks like a) an airliner overflying the Pentagon, b) an airliner...
  13. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Continuing the crossover with the election thread: [Jenna] Ellis adds to the growing list of individuals in President Donald Trump's orbit testing positive for coronavirus in recent months. Most recently, Rudy Giuliani, another Trump lawyer working on baseless efforts to challenge the election...
  14. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    Humans are aliens to fish.
  15. Mendel

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    Source: Wisconsin's response to Sidney Powell's lawsuit points out that the Dominion voting machine she says were part of a big election-rigging plot weren't used in most of the counties she's complaining about, and in the two that...
  16. Mendel

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    The website that Powell mentions at the closing of that interview ( is a collection of links to other sources, including some twitter posts. Her court filings are available for download as PDFs at ; she has filed in Arizona District...
  17. Mendel

    Conspiracy Theories about Senator Kelly Loeffler's Campaign Staffer, 20, Killed in Car Crash.

    To a conspiracy theorist, this just means that that's exactly the kind of road you'd choose if you wanted to make an assassination look like an accident. My question is, how many assassinations are actually carried out like that? Outside of fiction? It just seems like such an unreliable method...
  18. Mendel

    Balloon-like UFO Photo from The Debrief

    Summing up the acceleration vector, sqrt(1.013545817^2+0.05369000906^2+0.2268022181^2)=1.04, so that's about what we'd expect.
  19. Mendel

    Balloon-like UFO Photo from The Debrief

    Could you please elaborate on that assertion? An aircraft flying a coordinated turn will experience acceleration straight down ("through the floor"), as the bank angle matches the centrifugal force that would be registered by the accelerometer. If the aircraft accelerates, the sensation will...
  20. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Source: @RudyGiuliani , by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get...