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  1. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    That is not a "reminder". I don't think Feynman advocated being impolite. I don't think he was. Your stance is familiar, but Feynman is not its most prominent source; I consider it uncivilized. (I'm also drawing a line here, because going further would derail the thread.) You can be critical...
  2. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    You validate a model by comparing its output to observed reality. If you have several models that are compatible with "collapses in a big dust cloud", how do you propose they can narrow it down? Please understand that unless you can tie it down to the real world with observed data, a model is no...
  3. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    No, they "should" not. Any theory about a physical process is validated through observation; that's what I am referring to when I talk about "data". We don't have enough data on the collapse that happened to distinguish between the hypotheses on how the collapse took place. Therefore, there...
  4. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    Has anyone seen "World Trade Center Anatomy of the Collapse" by The Learning Channel (TLC)? It's available as DVD and on Youtube, and came up first when I did a search. What is its value as a popular account of the collapse? Jeffrey Orling's verdict was mixed:
  5. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    I notice the topic is threatening to be derailed. Hollywood movies are dramatizations, not documentaries -- they're inaccurate. They are not "popular science". They are not "true" in the way documentaries have to be. There are movies about 9/11. They're not focusing on the investigation...
  6. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    I'm perceiving your argument to be that, because an aspect of the Challenger explosion could be demonstrated at a conference table, we can expect to see all aspects of the WTC collapse demonstrated in such a manner. (Some aspects have been demonstrated, e.g. the sideways ejection of boards in a...
  7. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    Have you read the report? Or at least Feynman's account of his work on that commission? Do you know how much data they had on this?! A shuttle launch is a repeated event, NASA had data on the blowby effect on O-rings on past launches, paired with exact temperatures at the launch site (measured...
  8. Mendel

    Blickling Hall Lake UFO

    I wonder what the shutter speed for that image was.
  9. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    This part of my statement wasn't aimed specifically at you, I was just listing possibilities (seeking knowledge on civil engineering, knowledge on the CT, or just asking for asking's sake). I didn't mean to presume your motivation. You'd need to spend money on research to produce the knowledge...
  10. Mendel

    Blickling Hall Lake UFO

    When was this comparison picture taken?
  11. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    A lot of this comes down to a question of motivation. What do you (or your hypothetical audience) want to achieve? If it's a "complete" understanding of the collapse because you are interested in civil engineering, go study civil engineering. It's an interesting subject. If it's to decide...
  12. Mendel

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    If you stick to the broad overview, the nice thing is that 20 years of all sorts of people with all sorts of background looking at this left two "solutions" that were eventually found: 1) Two planes crashed in the building, and the consequences of that brought it down, like the NIST report said...
  13. Mendel

    Debunked: WTC: Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally.

    It takes 3 seconds of free fall (disregarding air resistance) for an object to accelerate to 60 mph. The vertical distance covered is ~45m or 130 ft, which is approximately 10% of the height of the WTC. This is high school physics applied. There is no reason to be incredulous at the magnitude...
  14. Mendel

    Debunked: WTC: Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally.

    Newton's law is about forces, not effects. Imagine two cars of equal weight in a head-on collision. Will they be "destroyed at the same rate"? No, because that depends on the design of the crumple zones, on how that energy is transferred to the car structure, which is not "simple", but requires...
  15. Mendel

    President Trump's Facial Changes After His Coronavirus Diagnosis. [AI upscaled image]

    The partly shut eye and the swollen cheek are evident on the full clip that I posted earlier, the shadow play on that side of the face as Trump speaks makes the real contours obvious. That's not the result of editing that single still image, if it was edited, that's really there. Note also that...
  16. Mendel

    President Trump's Facial Changes After His Coronavirus Diagnosis. [AI upscaled image]

    Yes, under certain conditions. Medications and steroid injections can provide temporary improvement, and some older surgical procedures offer mixed results. But prolongued use of corticosteroids causes other medical problems. My question is, do we have a reliable source for the "swollen face"...
  17. Mendel

    Needs Debunking: Proposed COVID Vaccine will become part of our DNA, make us programmable

    Particles are particles, and robots are machines. Nano-particles are not nano-machines. Somebody got very confused. The "connect each vaccinated person to cryptocurrency" feels like uninformed nonsense, I can't imagine how that would work in any sense. "Connect the data to a barcode" is equally...
  18. Mendel

    Debunked: WTC: Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally.

    Yes. (And no -- the columns do not apply "more force".) What do you think is the effect of these forces? How big exactly are they? Do we need to consider that the force is applied suddenly andnot gradually? (Have you ever played a bridge building game?)
  19. Mendel

    Facebook Removes all QAnon Pages, Group, and Instagram Accounts

    Facebook has banned all accounts linked to the QAnon conspiracy theory movement from its platforms. "Starting today, we will remove Facebook Pages, Groups and Instagram accounts," the company said on Tuesday. The move is a significant escalation to Facebook's earlier decision to remove or...