Search results

  1. Mendel

    George Floyd Protests and Related Riots, Looting, and other Unrest

    To clarify: at present, this segment of safety ("order") is allegedly provided by a "critical mass of well-intentioned citizens" in public spaces. Camden chose "overpolicing" as the means to bring this state about, but since the present state of things no longer relies on police presence, but...
  2. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Dexamethasone reduced deaths by one-third in ventilated patients (rate ratio 0.65 [95% confidence interval 0.48 to 0.88]; p=0.0003) and by one fifth in other patients receiving oxygen only (0.80 [0.67 to 0.96]; p=0.0021). There was no benefit among those patients who did not require respiratory...
  3. Mendel

    Claims of Drug Overdose in the Death of George Floyd

    No, but the EMTs can. There is a 2018 report on this: Police officers in Minneapolis pushed emergency medical personnel to inject people in custody — including some who posed no physical threat — with the powerful sedative ketamine. That's according to an alarming report published Thursday by...
  4. Mendel

    George Floyd Protests and Related Riots, Looting, and other Unrest

    That's only half the story, from my wikipedia quote: The initial strategy was to have as many officers walking and biking the streets as possible to discourage drug traffickers; as citizens felt safer and began occupying public spaces again, a critical mass of well-intentioned citizens was...
  5. Mendel

    Claims of Drug Overdose in the Death of George Floyd

    The problem is, I don't understand how the symptoms would fit. The medical information I quoted in post #16 rules out Wooden Chest syndrome because of the presence of a large amount of norfentanyl in the system, and I am reading that opinion to say that WCS acts too fast for that amount of...
  6. Mendel

    Claims of Drug Overdose in the Death of George Floyd

    It's kinda hard to talk about video evidence without links and screenshots. There is something white appearing on the ground as the officer takes Floyd from the car, shown in the video taken by the dashcam in the vehicle parked behind, after 1:50 in this video: Source...
  7. Mendel

    Aircraft impact Design for Twin Towers

    The WTC withstood the impact for hours an hour as is. Mechanically, the engineering was sound. What brought it down were the fires. If an analysis was done, it might not have considered the consequences that this kind of fire might have. A "seeking to land" airliner would not be "full of fuel"...
  8. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I had a look at the ECDC data, they show a negative 1918 deaths correction on May 25th, single digit deaths from May 27th, and no deaths from June 8th. Wikipedia has some clues, but the sources are spanish or paywalled: From 2020-05-31 deaths only include people whose death was registered...
  9. Mendel

    Claim: U.S. Covid-19 Deaths are being Artificially Inflated

    The determination of cause of death is made by the physician who signs the death certificate. Dingo posted at length in post #1 above on how that determination may be made.
  10. Mendel

    Claim: U.S. Covid-19 Deaths are being Artificially Inflated

    George Floyd tested positive for Coronavirus, and his death was unrelated. I really don't follow your line of argument. Nobody claims that a virus infection confers eternal life, and we know that the infection fatality rate (IFR, or how many infected die from the infection) for SARS-CoV-2...
  11. Mendel

    Claim: U.S. Covid-19 Deaths are being Artificially Inflated

    You forget the context: the CT is that the Covid-19 death count is overinflated because there are deaths counted for Covid-19 that weren't caused by Covid-19. If someone dies from a non-Covid cause, and they haven't been tested, then they won't be counted for the Covid-19 statistic, either. When...
  12. Mendel

    Claims of Drug Overdose in the Death of George Floyd

    Youtube just threw a video my way that has a physician explain the toxicology of Fentanyl and Fentanyl/Meth cocktails ("Goofballs"). Dr Bernard ("chubbyemu") regularly publishes videos giving medical backgrounds to unusual cases, and often deaths with toxic causes. He uses toxicology knowledge...
  13. Mendel

    Claim: Martin Gugino Was Using a "Police Tracker."

    I'm talking about the threat of violence, like a black-clad protester running up to a police line with a brick in their hand would be. This situation does not look as if the police had to fear more from Martin Gugino than being talked to, judging by his body language and demeanor, and the fact...
  14. Mendel

    Claims of Drug Overdose in the Death of George Floyd

    I agree, and I hope my phrasing made that clear. My idea of how speedy this would act is based on the third quote in Akton's post #8. Pharmacokinetics Absorption The absorption pharmacokinetics of fentanyl from the oral transmucosal dosage form is a combination of an initial rapid...
  15. Mendel

    Claim: Martin Gugino Was Using a "Police Tracker."

    While that's funny, it was actually the police union, by leaving officers fiscally responsible for the consequences of their own conduct. Have their been any reports by police of their communications getting blacked out at all? It would the "outside agitator" narrative, and many staff would...
  16. Mendel

    Claim: Martin Gugino Was Using a "Police Tracker."

    The thing is, there aren't that many details in that quote. This links to another OAN video, at this time they seem to be referencing each other? with a strange time code, but at 3:03 they actually show a picture of a device they allege Gugino to be using: It's obvious that this device has an...
  17. Mendel

    Looking for debunkings of the “Plandemic” video

    This video has been thoroughly debunked at . Do you see any issues with the debunks listed there?
  18. Mendel

    Claims of Drug Overdose in the Death of George Floyd

    There is no evidence of a Fentanyl patch. There is evidence of only two needle punctures, listed under the "medical intervention" heading, that reflect Floyd's treatment by the EMT crew. I wonder how the Fentanyl is supposed to have entered George Floyd's body. If I thought the Minneapolis...
  19. Mendel

    Claim: Martin Gugino Was Using a "Police Tracker."

    Gugino's friend, Mark Colville of New Haven, Conn., said he talked Tuesday morning to Gugino, who remains hospitalized at Erie County Medical Center. "He's been removed from the ICU [intensive care unit]," said Colville, an activist himself. "He thinks he's going to be in the hospital at least...
  20. Mendel

    Claim: Martin Gugino Was Using a "Police Tracker."

    Security researcher Josh Mitchell had a talk at the 2018 DefCon security conference concerning the hackability of body cams: In addition to connecting to Wi-Fi networks, higher-end body cameras like the Vievu LE-5 Lite and the Patrol Eyes SC-DV10 also have the ability to generate a Wi-Fi...